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Created September 18, 2014 13:37
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Vertex Effect Example
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
[AddComponentMenu ("UI/Effects/Shadow", 14)]
public class Shadow : BaseVertexEffect
private Color m_EffectColor = new Color (0f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f);
private Vector2 m_EffectDistance = new Vector2 (1f, -1f);
private bool m_UseGraphicAlpha = true;
protected Shadow()
protected override void OnValidate()
effectDistance = m_EffectDistance;
base.OnValidate ();
public Color effectColor
get { return m_EffectColor; }
m_EffectColor = value;
if (graphic != null)
graphic.SetVerticesDirty ();
public Vector2 effectDistance
get { return m_EffectDistance; }
if (value.x > 600)
value.x = 600;
if (value.x < -600)
value.x = -600;
if (value.y > 600)
value.y = 600;
if (value.y < -600)
value.y = -600;
if (m_EffectDistance == value)
m_EffectDistance = value;
if (graphic != null)
graphic.SetVerticesDirty ();
public bool useGraphicAlpha
get { return m_UseGraphicAlpha; }
m_UseGraphicAlpha = value;
if (graphic != null)
graphic.SetVerticesDirty ();
protected void ApplyShadow(List<UIVertex> verts, Color32 color, int start, int end, float x, float y)
UIVertex vt;
var neededCpacity = verts.Count * 2;
if (verts.Capacity < neededCpacity)
verts.Capacity = neededCpacity;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)
vt = verts[i];
verts.Add (vt);
Vector3 v = vt.position;
v.x += x;
v.y += y;
vt.position = v;
var newColor = color;
if (m_UseGraphicAlpha)
newColor.a = (byte)((newColor.a * verts[i].color.a) / 255);
vt.color = newColor;
verts[i] = vt;
public override void ModifyVertices(List<UIVertex> verts)
if (!IsActive ())
ApplyShadow (verts, effectColor, 0, verts.Count, effectDistance.x, effectDistance.y);
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