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Created May 12, 2017 05:09
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Solutions to BLITZ problem statements
*Simpler solution using for loop; without using any array.indexOf()
Array.prototype.getIndicesOf = function(item){
var indices = [];
for(var i=0; i < this.length; i++){
if(this[i] === item){
return indices;
function userMap(callback){
var THIS, Arr, index;
throw new TypeError('This is null or not defined');
var oThis = Object(this);
var len = oThis.length >>> 0;
if(typeof callback !== 'function'){
throw new TypeError(callback +' is not a function');
if(arguments.length > 1){
THIS = arguments[1];
Arr = new Array(len);
while (index < len) {
var currValue, mappedValue;
if (index in oThis) {
currValue = oThis[index];
mappedValue =, currValue, index, oThis);
Arr[index] = mappedValue;
return Arr;
Array.prototype.userMap = userMap;
function getSum(num1){
if(arguments.length > 1){
var sumOfNums = 0;
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
return sumOfNums;
return function(num2){
return num1+num2;
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