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Last active October 24, 2021 00:08
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Install MRTG into Arch

Let's say you want to install MRTG to Archlinux...

  1. First things first, you need Apache, PHP, PHP-GD, GD library on itself. sudo pacman -S gd autoconf apache php-gd perl
  2. Install development version of GD: pikaur -S gd-git (instead of pikaur you can use yay or any other AUR helper)
  3. Then enable mod_fcgi in Apache:

I will not include this in the manual as this is covered by ArchWiki and a lot of articles

  1. After that, you can either follow steps here: or here:
  2. Add mrtg user: sudo useradd -d /srv/http/mrtg mrtg
  3. Create directories with proper permissions: sudo mkdir /srv/http/mrtg/ && sudo chown mrtg:mrtg /srv/http/mrtg
  4. Edit httpd apache conf: sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  5. Paste the following in the end:
Alias /mrtg /srv/http/mrtg/html/
<Directory "/srv/http/mrtg/html/">
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   DirectoryIndex index.html
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all
  1. Restart Apache: apachectl restart
  2. Create HTTP dir: sudo mkdir /srv/http/mrtg/html
  3. Write SNMP config: sudo cfgmaker --output=/srv/http/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --ifref=name --ifref=descr --global "WorkDir: /srv/http/mrtg" public@localhost
  4. Edit MRTG config file: sudo nano /srv/http/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
  5. Insert the following:
# Created by 
# /usr/bin/cfgmaker --output=/srv/http/mrtg/mrtg.cfg --ifref=name --ifref=descr --global "WorkDir: /srv/http/mrtg" public@localhost

### Global Config Options

### Global configuration  ###

LoadMIBs: /usr/share/snmp/mibs/UCD-SNMP-MIB.txt
EnableIPv6: no
HtmlDir: /srv/http/mrtg/html
ImageDir: /srv/http/mrtg/html
LogDir: /srv/http/mrtg
ThreshDir: /srv/http/mrtg
RunAsDaemon: Yes
Interval: 5
Refresh: 600

#  for UNIX
# WorkDir: /home/http/mrtg

#  or for NT
# WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata

### Global Defaults

#  to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits

EnableIPv6: no
WorkDir: /srv/http/mrtg

# System: 
# Description: 
# Contact: 
# Location: 

Target[localhost.cpu]:ssCpuRawUser.0&ssCpuRawUser.0:public@ + ssCpuRawSystem.0&ssCpuRawSystem.0:public@ + ssCpuRawNice.0&ssCpuRawNice.0:public@
RouterUptime[localhost.cpu]: public@
MaxBytes[localhost.cpu]: 100
Title[localhost.cpu]: <H1>CPU Load</H1>
PageTop[localhost.cpu]: <h1>Active CPU Load %</h1>
Unscaled[localhost.cpu]: ymwd
ShortLegend[localhost.cpu]: %
YLegend[localhost.cpu]: CPU Utilization
Legend1[localhost.cpu]: Active CPU in % (Load)
LegendI[localhost.cpu]:  Active
Options[localhost.cpu]: growright,nopercent
# get memory Usage
Target[localhost.memtotal]: ( . ) - ( . )
PageTop[localhost.memtotal]: <h1> Memory Usage </h1>
Options[localhost.memtotal]: nopercent,growright,gauge
Title[localhost.memtotal]: Memory Usage
MaxBytes[localhost.memtotal]: 100000000
kMG[localhost.memtotal]: k,M,G,T,P,X
YLegend[localhost.memtotal]: bytes
ShortLegend[localhost.memtotal]: bytes
LegendI[localhost.memtotal]: Memory Usage: 
Legend1[localhost.memtotal]: Memory Usage, not including swap, in bytes
Colours[localhost.memtotal]: Blue#1000ff, Black#000000, Gray#CCCCCC, Yellow#FFFF00
# get swap memory
Target[localhost.swap]:( . ) - ( .
PageTop[localhost.swap]: <h1> Swap Usage </h1>
Options[localhost.swap]: nopercent,growright,gauge,noinfo
Title[localhost.swap]: Swap Usage
MaxBytes[localhost.swap]: 100000000 
kMG[localhost.swap]: k,M,G,T,P,X
YLegend[localhost.swap]: bytes
ShortLegend[localhost.swap]: bytes
LegendI[localhost.swap]: Swap Usage:
Legend1[localhost.swap]: Swap memory avail, in bytes
Colours[localhost.swap]: Blue#1000ff,Violet#ff00ff,Black#000000, Gray#CCCCCC
# get number of processes running
Target[localhost.procs]: `/usr/local/mrtg/`
Title[localhost.procs]: Process Statistics
PageTop[localhost.procs]: <h1> Process Statistics </h1>
MaxBytes[localhost.procs]: 10000
YLegend[localhost.procs]: Processes  
LegendI[localhost.procs]:   Blocked Processes:
LegendO[localhost.procs]:   Run Queue:
Legend1[localhost.procs]: Number of Blocked Processes 
Legend2[localhost.procs]: Number of Processes in Run Queue
Legend3[localhost.procs]: Maximal Blocked Processes
Legend4[localhost.procs]: Maximal Processes in Run Queue
Options[localhost.procs]: growright, integer, nopercent, gauge
# get number of established connections
Target[localhost.estconn]: `/usr/local/mrtg/`
Title[localhost.estconn]: Established connections
PageTop[localhost.estconn]: <h1> Established connections </h1>
MaxBytes[localhost.estconn]: 100000
YLegend[localhost.estconn]: Established connections
LegendI[localhost.estconn]:   Established connections: 
LegendO[localhost.estconn]: Number of Established connections: 
Options[localhost.estconn]: growright, integer, nopercent, gauge
Colours[localhost.estconn]: Red#FF0000,Blue#0066CC,Black#000000, White#FFFFFF
# get number of current users
Target[localhost.users]: `/usr/local/mrtg/`
Title[localhost.users]: logged in users
PageTop[localhost.users]: <h1> number of users </h1>
MaxBytes[localhost.users]: 100000
YLegend[localhost.users]: users count 
#Legend0[localhost.users]: logged in users count
Options[localhost.users]: growright, integer, nopercent, gauge
Colours[localhost.users]: Red#FF0000,White#FFFFFF,Blue#0066CC,Black#000000
  1. Become root: sudo su -
  2. Become MRTG user: su mrtg
  3. Run indexmaker: indexmaker ./mrtg.cfg > index.html
  4. Exit MRTG user by pressing Ctrl+D.
  5. Move the index file to html folder: mv index.html html
  6. Create dir for scripts: mkdir /usr/local/mrtg
  7. Save script 1: nano /usr/local/mrtg/
  8. Paste the script:
open(COMD,"ps -ef | wc -l|");
$num = <COMD>;
print int($num);
  1. Save script 2: nano /usr/local/mrtg/
  2. Paste inside:
open(COMD,"ss -an | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l|");
$num = <COMD>;
print int($num);
  1. Save script 3: nano /usr/local/mrtg/
  2. Paste following:
open(COMD,"w | grep -v load | grep -v USER | wc -l|");
$num = <COMD>;
print int($num);
  1. Open your web-browser with this address: http://localhost/mrtg/html/

Security XIII

Version 0.1 beta -> probably this will not work for you perfectly -> please use only as reference

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