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Last active December 19, 2021 05:50
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Nvidia Arch Linux DXVK Debug (run World War Z Aftermatch on Arch Linux with hardware directx/proton acceleration)


I've got some games stopped working on ArchLinux (Garuda) via Steam -> Vulkan/Proton -> DXVK It was hard to debug but finally I did it

Originally I tried to reinstall steam, game, proton, try different versions etc but nothing helped At some point I found out that game launches with PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% argument in steam game properties However, the performance of the game was really bad and textures was kinda wrong and too dark

So I found out the problem: Nvidia does not like amd vulkan files to be installed. I don't know how they got into my laptop, here's how I found it: Run vulkaninfo (vulkan-tools package) in CLI If it errors out with something like ERROR vulkaninfo.h:689:vkCreateInstance failed with ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY it probaly means that you got amd vulkan installed Remove AMD files: pacman -Rs amdvlk lib32-amdvlk Reference Now run the game again and it should work OK If it does not, try update system packages and reinstall nvidia driver, or game files, fetch recent proton (6.21-ge) etc.

Maybe useful parameters to test

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