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Last active January 12, 2023 14:52
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  • Save taosif7-dreamorbit/cb4ca5a570ba4a68523f4494140fb10b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save taosif7-dreamorbit/cb4ca5a570ba4a68523f4494140fb10b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git_hooks.dart file to use with git_hooks, and pubspec.yaml file changes for setting up git_hooks
include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml
# Additional information about this file can be found at
# For information on linting rules refer this
exclude: [ build/**, tools/*]
unused_element: false
avoid_print: true
always_declare_return_types: true
avoid_empty_else: true
use_enums: true
always_use_package_imports: true
avoid_relative_lib_imports: true
avoid_type_to_string: true
avoid_types_as_parameter_names: true
cancel_subscriptions: true
close_sinks: true
discarded_futures: true
hash_and_equals: true
no_duplicate_case_values: true
no_logic_in_create_state: true
throw_in_finally: true
unnecessary_statements: true
unused_element: false
import 'package:dart_pre_commit/dart_pre_commit.dart';
import 'package:git_hooks/git_hooks.dart';
void main(List<String> arguments) {
Map<Git, UserBackFun> params = {
Git.commitMsg: _conventionalCommitMsg,
Git.preCommit: _preCommit,
};, params);
Future<bool> _preCommit() async {
// Run dart_pre_commit package function to auto run various flutter commands
final result = await;
return result.isSuccess;
Future<bool> _conventionalCommitMsg() async {
var commitMsg = Utils.getCommitEditMsg();
RegExp conventionCommitPattern = RegExp(
r'''^(feat|fix|refactor|build|chore|perf|ci|docs|revert|style|test|merge){1}(\([\w\-\.]+\))?(!)?:( )?([\w ])+([\s\S]*)''');
// Check if it matches conventional commit
if (conventionCommitPattern.hasMatch(commitMsg)) {
return true; // you can return true let commit go
// If failed, check if issue is due to invalid tag
} else if (!RegExp(r'(feat|fix|refactor|build|chore|perf|ci|docs|revert|style|test|merge)').hasMatch(commitMsg)) {
'🛑 Invalid type used in commit message. It should be one of (feat|fix|refactor|build|chore|perf|ci|docs|revert|style|test|merge)');
// else refer the dev to conventional commit site
} else {
print('🛑 Commit message should follow conventional commit pattern:');
return false;
# Code protocol enforcements
flutter_lints: ^2.0.1
dart_pre_commit: ^4.0.0
git_hooks: ^1.0.0
# Due to some issue in dart_test_tools we're overriding it to an older version. Might replace in future
dart_test_tools: 4.5.3+1
outdated: false # Remove this line if you want to keep all your dependencies upto date
pull-up-dependencies: false
lib-exports: false
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