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Created May 13, 2024 16:54
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import adsk.core, adsk.fusion, traceback
CIRCLE_DIAMETER = 0.06 # Diameter of the circle in cm (1 mm)
SPACING = 0.4 # Spacing between centers of the circles in cm (5 mm)
OFFSET_DISTANCE = 0.1 # Adjust the offset distance as needed in cm (start with smaller value for testing)
def log_curve_info(curves, ui):
for i, curve in enumerate(curves):
geometry = curve.geometry
curve_type = type(geometry)
length = 'N/A'
if hasattr(geometry, 'evaluator'):
evaluator = geometry.evaluator
success, start_param, end_param = evaluator.getParameterExtents()
if success:
success, length = evaluator.getLengthAtParameter(start_param, end_param)
# ui.messageBox(f"Curve {i}: Type: {curve_type}, Length: {length}")
except Exception as e:
ui.messageBox(f"Failed to log curve info:\n{traceback.format_exc()}")
def distance_between_points(point1, point2):
return ((point1.x - point2.x)**2 + (point1.y - point2.y)**2 + (point1.z - point2.z)**2)**0.5
def run(context):
ui = None
app = adsk.core.Application.get()
ui = app.userInterface
design = app.activeProduct
selections = ui.activeSelections
if selections.count == 0:
ui.messageBox('Please select a profile before running this script.')
selectedEntity = selections.item(0).entity
if not isinstance(selectedEntity, adsk.fusion.Profile):
ui.messageBox('Selected entity is not a profile. Please select a profile.')
profile = selectedEntity
sketch = profile.parentSketch
curves = adsk.core.ObjectCollection.create()
for loop in profile.profileLoops:
for curve in loop.profileCurves:
# Log curve details for debugging
log_curve_info(curves, ui)
# Define a manual direction point (e.g., slightly offset from the centroid)
areaProperties = profile.areaProperties()
centerPoint = areaProperties.centroid
dirPoint = adsk.core.Point3D.create(centerPoint.x + 0.1, centerPoint.y, centerPoint.z)
offsetDistance = OFFSET_DISTANCE
offsetCurves = sketch.offset(curves, dirPoint, offsetDistance)
if not offsetCurves:
raise RuntimeError("Offset operation did not create any curves.")
except RuntimeError as e:
ui.messageBox(f"Error during offsetting: {str(e)}\nCurves Count: {curves.count}")
# Set offset curves as construction lines and draw circles
circleDiameter = CIRCLE_DIAMETER
spacing = SPACING
existingPoints = []
for curve in offsetCurves:
curve.isConstruction = True
if hasattr(curve.geometry, 'evaluator'):
curveEvaluator = curve.geometry.evaluator
success, startParam, endParam = curveEvaluator.getParameterExtents()
if success:
success, curveLength = curveEvaluator.getLengthAtParameter(startParam, endParam)
if success:
numCircles = int(curveLength / spacing) + 1
for i in range(numCircles):
length = i * spacing
if length > curveLength:
length = curveLength
success, param = curveEvaluator.getParameterAtLength(startParam, length)
if success:
success, point = curveEvaluator.getPointAtParameter(param)
if success:
too_close = False
for existingPoint in existingPoints:
if distance_between_points(point, existingPoint) < (spacing+0.01):
too_close = True
if not too_close:
sketch.sketchCurves.sketchCircles.addByCenterRadius(point, circleDiameter / 2)
except Exception as e:
if ui:
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