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Learning project SCALA
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package lectures.Part1Basics
object Expressions extends App {
val x = 1 + 2 //Expression
println(2 + 3 * 4)
// + - * / & | ^ << >> >>> (Right shift with zero extension)
println(1 == 4)
// == != < >= < <=
println(!(1 == 4))
// ! && ||
var aVariable = 2
aVariable +=3 //Also works -= *= /=
//Instructions vs Expressions
//Instruction: Tell the comp. to do
//Expression: Compute a value
//IF expression: it gives a value.
val aCondition = false
val aConditionValue = if(aCondition) 5 else 3
println(if(aCondition) 5 else 3)
var i = 0
while (i < 10) {
i += 1
//EVERYTHING in Scala is an Expression!!
val aWeirdValue = (aVariable = 3) //Unit === void
//Side effects are expressions that return Unit!!!
//println(), whiles, reassigning
// Code blocks
//Value of block is value of the last expression
//Take care of visibility of vals
val aCodeBlock = {
val y = 2
val z = y + 1
if(z > 2) "hello" else "goodbye"
//1. Difference between "Hello world!" vs println("Hello world!")
//"Hello world!" is a String type
//println("Hello world!") is an expression that return a Unit value.
val someValue = {
2 < 3
//This return true
val someOtherValue = {
if(someValue) 239 else 986
//This return 42
package lectures.Part1Basics
object Functions extends App {
def aFuction(a: String, b: Int): String =
a + " " + b
/* def aFunction(a: String, b: Int): String = {
a + " " + b
def aParameterlessFunction(): Int = 42
def aRepeatedFunction(aString: String, n: Int): String = {
if (n == 1) aString
else aString + aRepeatedFunction(aString, n-1)
//In recursion we need to define return type of function.
def aFunctionWithSideEffects(aString: String): Unit = println(aString)
def aBigFunction(n: Int): Int = {
def aSmallerFunction(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
aSmallerFunction(n, n-1)
1. A greeting function (name, age) => "Hi, my name is $name and I am $age years old"
def greetingFunction(name: String, age:Int): String =
"Hi, my name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old."
2. Factorial function
def factorialFunction(number: Int): Int =
if(number <= 0) 1
else number * factorialFunction(number-1)
3. Fibonacci function
def fibonacciFunction(number: Int): Int =
if (number == 1 || number == 2) 1
else fibonacciFunction(number-1) + fibonacciFunction(number-2)
4. Test if a number is prime
def isPrime(number: Int): Boolean = {
def isPrimeUntil(t: Int): Boolean =
if (t <= 1) true
else number % t != 0 && isPrimeUntil(t-1)
isPrimeUntil(number / 2)
package lectures.Part1Basics
import scala.collection.convert.StreamExtensions.AccumulatorFactoryInfo
object Recursion extends App {
def factorialFunction(number: Int): Int =
if(number <= 0) 1
else {
println("Computing factorial of " + number + " - I first need factorial of " + (number-1))
val result = number * factorialFunction(number-1)
println("Computed factorial of " + number)
def anotherFactorial(number: Int): BigInt = {
def factorialHelper(x:Int, accumulator: BigInt):BigInt =
if (x <= 1) accumulator
else factorialHelper(x-1, x * accumulator) //TAIL RECURSION = use recursive call as the LAST expression.
1. Concatenate a string n times
2. IsPrime function tail recursive
3. Fibonacci function tail recursive
1. Concatenate a string n times.
def stringConcatenator(str: String, times: Int): String = {
def stringConcatenatorHelper(str: String, t: Int, result: String): String =
if (t <= 0) result
else stringConcatenatorHelper(str, t - 1, result + str)
def isPrime(number: Int): Boolean = {
def isPrimeUntil(t: Int, isStillPrime: Boolean): Boolean =
if (!isStillPrime) false
else if (t <= 1) true
else isPrimeUntil(t - 1,number % t != 0 && isStillPrime)
isPrimeUntil(number/2, true)
def fibonacci(number: Int): Int = {
def fibonacciHelper(n: Int, last: Int, nextToLast: Int): Int =
if (n >= number) last
else fibonacciHelper(n + 1, last + nextToLast, last)
if (number <= 2) 1
else fibonacciHelper(2, 1 ,1)
package lectures.Part1Basics
object ValuesVariablesTypes extends App {
val x: Int = 42
//vals are immutable!!!
//Type of vals are optional. Compiler can infer types
val aString: String = "Hello!"
val anotherString: String = "World!"
val aBoolean: Boolean = false
val aChar: Char = 'a'
val anInt: Int = x
val aShort: Short = 444
val aLong: Long = 565465465654L //L at the end to mark that is a Long
val aFloat: Float = 2.654f // f at the end to mark that is a Float
val aDouble: Double = 3.14
var aVariable: Int = 4
aVariable = 5 //Side effects
package playground;
public class JavaPlayground {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Hello, Java world!");
package playground
object ScalaPlayground extends App {
println("Hello Scala world!")
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