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Last active July 8, 2022 01:05
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Ban whole countries with iptables and Perl. I wrote this script cause modern software like ipset doesn't work and/or exist on older machines running CentOS/RHEL 5
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use File::Basename;
use IO::File;
my $debug = 0;
my $restore = defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '--restore' ? 1 : 0; # optional --restore command line argument
my $config_file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/iptables_configuration.txt';
my $base_url = '';
my @countries = qw/af br in kp mx my pk ro ru tr ua ve vn/; # list the countries you want to ban here
if ($restore && -e $config_file) {
system("/sbin/iptables-restore < $config_file");
for my $country (@countries) {
my $banned_cmd = q#-L -n | /bin/awk '$1=="DROP" && $4!="" { print $4 }' | /bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq#;
my @banned_ips = split "\n", `/sbin/iptables $banned_cmd`;
my %banned;
my $check_banned_ips = 0;
if (scalar @banned_ips > 0) {
$check_banned_ips = 1;
$banned{$_} = 1 for @banned_ips;
printf "BANNING %s\n", uc $country;
my $banned_counter = 0;
$country = lc $country;
my @ips = split "\n", get("${base_url}/${country}.zone");
if (scalar @ips != 0) {
for my $ip (@ips) {
next if length $ip <= 0 || ($check_banned_ips && $banned{$ip});
print "/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $ip -j DROP\n" if $debug;
my $result = system("/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $ip -j DROP > /dev/null");
if ($result != 0) {
print "X: ($result) iptables -A INPUT -s $ip -j DROP\n";
} else {
printf "\tbanned:\t%s\n", $ip if $debug;
if ($banned_counter) {
printf "APPLYING %d RULES FOR %s\n", $banned_counter, uc $country;
system("/sbin/service iptables save");
if (my $config = IO::File->new($config_file, 'w')) {
print $config `/sbin/iptables-save`;
print "DONE!\n";
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