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Last active April 28, 2021 09:05
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Get Denso Mapcode from Denso server using a bash command
wget --method=POST --body-data="lat=35.872722875676274&lng=139.73869658316153" -O - -q | grep -Po '(?<=id="mapcode">)([^<]*)'
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thany commented Aug 28, 2019


Denso Co Ltd keep for themselves how to generate these codes, so using their server seems okay to me. Denso Mapcodes are widely used in Japan, especially in car satnavs, so obtaining mapcodes ought to be as free as free speech. Well, it bloody sure isn't. I understand that Japanese businesses do not yet fully understand the appeal of being open, so I suppose scripting it is the next best thing. They don't even provide the simplest of API's, so the second-best thing would be to scrape a webpage they return when requesting a code. And this command does exactly that.

For more information on Denso Mapcode

Visually get mapcodes
Does use its own proper JSON API, but since it's a personal project, I rather not "punish" him for Denso's fault of keeping everything a secret.

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