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Created January 1, 2020 23:22
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Local custom plugins
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Common aliases
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Command enhancements aliases ###
alias ls='ls -GFh' # Preferred 'ls' implementation
alias l.='ls -d .*' # Preferred 'l.' implementation
alias cp='cp -v' # Preferred 'cp' implementation
alias mv='mv -v' # Preferred 'mv' implementation
alias rm='rm -v' # Preferred 'rm' implementation
alias mkdir='mkdir -pv' # Preferred 'mkdir' implementation
alias less='less -FSRXc' # Preferred 'less' implementation
alias ssh='ssh -A' # Preferred 'ssh' implementation
alias ping='ping -c 5' # Preferred 'ping' implementation
alias wget='wget -c' # Preferred 'wget' implementation
alias edit='atom' # Preferred 'edit' implementation
alias lc='colorls'
alias lca='colorls -al'
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Docker functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Docker enhancement functions ###
do-upg() {
docker-machine upgrade default
do-c() {
docker-compose $@
do-ip() {
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' "$@"
do-cl-img() {
for item in $(docker images | grep "<none>" | sed -e 's/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f3); do
docker rmi $item
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Common functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Command enhancement functions ###
.1() { cd ../ ; } # Go back 1 directory level
.2() { cd ../../ ; } # Go back 2 directory levels
.3() { cd ../../../ ; } # Go back 3 directory levels
.4() { cd ../../../../ ; } # Go back 4 directory levels
.5() { cd ../../../../../ ; } # Go back 5 directory levels
.6() { cd ../../../../../../ ; } # Go back 6 directory levels
root() { sudo su - ; } # root: Switch to root user using sudo
f() { open -a Finder ./ ; } # f: Opens current directory in MacOS Finder
c() { clear ; } # c: Clear terminal display
path() { echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n} ; } # path: Echo all executable Paths
show_options() { shopt ; } # Show_options: display bash options settings
fix_stty() { stty sane ; } # fix_stty: Restore terminal settings when screwed up
mount() { sudo mount | column -t ; } # mount: Human readable mount
fastping() { \ping -c 100 -s 1 "$@" ; } # fastping: Send 100 one byte packages plus header
j() { jobs -l ; } # j: List jobs
hibernate() { sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25 ; } # hibernate: Set hibernate mode
sleep() { sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0 ; } # sleep: Set sleep mode
safesleep() { sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3 ; } # safesleep: Set safe sleep mode
smartsleep() { sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 2 ; } # smartsleep: Set smart sleep mode
cowdate() { LANG=C date | cowsay ; } # cowdate: Show date announced by cow
### Tools ###
rbrew_upgrade() {
brew update && brew upgrade
rbrew_doctor() {
brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup; brew doctor
### Functions (network) ###
myip() { curl ; } # myip: Public facing IP Address
netCons() { lsof -i ; } # netCons: Show all open TCP/IP sockets
flushDNS() { dscacheutil -flushcache ; } # flushDNS: Flush out the DNS Cache
lsock() { sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -i -P ; } # lsock: Display open sockets
lsockU() { sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep UDP ; } # lsockU: Display only open UDP sockets
lsockT() { sudo /usr/sbin/lsof -nP | grep TCP ; } # lsockT: Display only open TCP sockets
ipInfo0() { ipconfig getpacket en0 ; } # ipInfo0: Get info on connections for en0
ipInfo1() { ipconfig getpacket en1 ; } # ipInfo1: Get info on connections for en1
openPorts() { sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN ; } # openPorts: All listening connections
showBlocked() { sudo ipfw list ; } # showBlocked: All ipfw rules inc/ blocked IPs
httpHeaders() { /usr/bin/curl -I -L $@ ; } # httpHeaders: Grabs headers from web page
httpDebug() { /usr/bin/curl $@ -o /dev/null -w "dns: %{time_namelookup} connect: %{time_connect} pretransfer: %{time_pretransfer} starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer} total: %{time_total}\n" ; }
ipLocal() {
for i in $(ifconfig -l); do
case $i in
(lo0) ;;
(*) set -- $(ifconfig $i | grep "inet [1-9]")
if test $# -gt 1; then echo $i: $2; fi ;;
### Functions (system) ###
mountReadWrite() { /sbin/mount -uw / ; }
findPid() { lsof -t -c "$@" ; }
memHogsTop() { top -l 1 -o rsize | head -20 ; }
memHogsPs() { ps wwaxm -o pid,stat,vsize,rss,time,command | head -10 ; }
topForever() { top -l 9999999 -s 10 -o cpu ; }
ttop() { top -R -F -s 10 -o rsize ; }
cpu_hogs() { ps wwaxr -o pid,stat,%cpu,time,command | head -10 ; }
my_ps() { ps $@ -u $USER -o pid,%cpu,%mem,start,time,bsdtime,command ; }
ii() {
echo -e "\nYou are logged on ${HOSTNAME}"
echo -e "\nAdditionnal information: " ; uname -a
echo -e "\nUsers logged on: " ; w -h
echo -e "\nCurrent date: " ; date
echo -e "\nMachine stats: " ; uptime
echo -e "\nPublic facing IP Address: " ; myip
### Functions (filemanagement) ###
finderShowHidden() { defaults write ShowAllFiles TRUE ; }
finderHideHidden() { defaults write ShowAllFiles FALSE ; }
dush() { du -sm * | sort -n | tail ; }
numFiles() { echo $(ls -1 | wc -l) ; } # numFiles: Count of non-hidden files in current dir
cleanupDS() { find . -type f -name '*.DS_Store' -ls -delete ; }
mcd() { mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1" ; } # mcd: Makes new Dir and jumps inside
ql() { qlmanage -p "$*" >& /dev/null ; } # ql: Opens any file in MacOS Quicklook Preview
zipf() { zip -r "$1".zip "$1" ; } # zipf: To create a ZIP archive of a folder
trash() { command mv "$@" ~/.Trash ; } # trash: Moves a file to the MacOS trash
spotlight() { mdfind "kMDItemDisplayName == '$@'wc" ; }
extract() {
if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
*.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.bz2) bunzip2 -v $1 ;;
*.rar) unrar x $1 ;;
*.gz) gunzip -v $1 ;;
*.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
*.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
*.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
*.zip) unzip -v $1 ;;
*.Z) uncompress -v $1 ;;
*.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
*) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via extract()" ;;
echo "'$1' is not a valid file"
makefile_1mb() { mkfile 1m ./1MB.dat ; } # makefile_1mb: Creates a file of 1mb size (all zeros)
makefile_5mb() { mkfile 5m ./5MB.dat ; } # makefile_5mb: Creates a file of 5mb size (all zeros)
makefile_10mb() { mkfile 10m ./10MB.dat ; } # makefile_10mb: Creates a file of 10mb size (all zeros)
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Git functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### GIT development functions ###
rev_git_config() {
for item in $(find . -type d | grep -E "\/\.git$" | sed -e "s/\/\.git$//"); do
cd $item
echo "Repository: $item"
git config --local -l
rev_git_status() {
clustergit --recursive
rev_git_cloc() {
for item in $(find . -type d | grep -E "\/\.git$" | sed -e "s/\/\.git$//"); do
cd $item
echo "Repository: $item"
cloc --vcs=git .
rev_git_pull() {
clustergit --recursive --pull
rev_git_push() {
clustergit --recursive --push
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Jekyll functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Tweetsert API token ###
### Jekyll Functions ###
jdate() { date "+date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" ; }
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Nerd functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Nerd section ###
excuse() { echo $(telnet 666 2>/dev/null) | grep --color -o "Your excuse is:.*$" ; }
starwars() { telnet ; }
weather() { curl$1 ; }
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Puppet functions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Puppet development functions ###
rev_puppet_module_upgrade() {
for item in $(ls -1d ./* | grep -E "/$"); do
cd $item
test -e metadata.json && echo Upgrade Puppet module in $item
test -e metadata.json && puppet module upgrade --modulepath $CUR_DIR $(grep name metadata.json | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f4)
cd ..
rev_puppet_build() {
for item in $(ls -1d ./* | grep -E "/$"); do
cd $item
echo Build Puppet module in $item
test -e metadata.json && puppet module build
cd ..
puppet_test() {
bundle exec rake validate
bundle exec rake lint
bundle exec rake spec
puppet_validate() {
bundle exec rake validate
bundle exec rake lint
COVERALLS_RUN_LOCALLY=true; bundle exec rake spec
rev_bundle_update() {
for item in $(ls -1d ./* | grep -E "/$"); do
cd $item
echo Updating repository $item
test -e Gemfile && bundle update
cd ..
validate_erb() {
erb -P -x -T '-' ${1} | ruby -c
# Custom plugin for zsh
# Ruby funcktions
# Author: Thomas Bendler <>
# Date: Wed Jan 1 23:54:03 CET 2020
### Path for rbenv installed ruby version ###
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/rbenv ]; then
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
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