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Created July 2, 2019 05:06
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Getting Started with PostgreSQL on Mac OS X

PostgreSQL on Mac OS X

Install, and verify the installation.

$ brew install postgresql
$ postgres —help
postgres is the PostgreSQL server.
$ psql --help
psql is the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Start server instance

$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

In a separate terminal, create a DB with the same name as the current UNIX user. This makes it easier to access the server with the psql command.

createdb `whoami`

Connect via the CLI

$ psql

Appendix: Adding additional users

Create a database user named fsuser with a password fspass.

$ createuser fsuser --createdb --password
Password: fspass

Then create a database named fsbook with the newly created user.

$ createdb --username=fsuser --password fsbook
Password: fspass


$ psql --username=fsuser --password fsbook

Appendix: Versions used when creating this document

$ postgres --version
postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.4.0
$ sw_vers -productVersion # Mac OS X


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