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Created July 7, 2019 23:56
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Script for Mac OSX to Restart Bluetooth service & Reconnect all recently paired devices
echo "Restarting bluetooth service..."
blueutil -p 0 && sleep 1 && blueutil -p 1
echo "Waiting bluetooth service to be restored..."
until blueutil -p | grep "1" >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
echo "Searching for devices not connected..."
devices=($(blueutil --paired | grep "not connected" | awk -F '[ ,]' '{print $2}'))
echo "Found ${#devices[@]} recently paired devices not connected"
for device in ${devices[@]}; do
for retry in {1..5}; do
echo "Trying to connect to ${device} ..."
if blueutil --connect ${device}; then break; fi
echo "Failed to connect to ${device}"
sleep 1
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thiagoghisi commented Jul 8, 2019

Requirements: homebrew ( and blueutil ( installed:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew install blueutil

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erhhung commented Jan 30, 2020

Here's another version adapted from above that selects only recently paired devices (within the last day), and also prints out the device name. Note that the script requires a recent version of blueutil that can output JSON.


# Restart the Bluetooth stack on macOS
# Adapted from
# See discussion at

# ensure blueutil and jq are installed
for bin in blueutil jq; do
  if ! hash $bin 2> /dev/null; then
    echo >&2 "Please install \"$_\" first!"
    exit 1

echo 'Restarting the Bluetooth service...'
blueutil -p 0 && sleep 1 && blueutil -p 1

echo 'Waiting for service to be restored...'
until [[ `blueutil -p` == 1 ]]; do sleep 1; done

echo 'Searching for recently paired devices...'
_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$'\n'
# jq expression returns lines: <address> <name>
devices=($(blueutil --recent --format json | jq -r 'def daysAgo(days): (now | floor) - (days * 86400); daysAgo(1) as $recent | .[] | select((.recentAccessDate | sub("[-+]\\d{2}:\\d{2}$"; "Z") | fromdate) > $recent and .paired and (.connected | not)) | .address + " " + .name'))
echo "Found ${#devices[@]} paired device(s) not connected."

for dev in ${devices[@]}; do
  addr=$(echo "$dev" | colrm 18)
  name=$(echo "$dev" | colrm 1 18)
  for retry in {1..3}; do
    echo "Trying to connect to ${addr}: ${name}..."
    if blueutil --connect ${addr} 2> /dev/null; then break; fi
    [[ $retry == 3 ]] && echo "FAILED to connect to ${addr}: ${name}."
    sleep 1


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