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Created September 7, 2016 13:26
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Sample to report timing metrics
open Hopac
open Hopac.Infixes
open NodaTime
open Logary
open Logary.Metrics.Reservoirs
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Targets
open Metric
module PointName =
let append suffix (PointName name) = Array.append name [| suffix |] |> PointName.ofArray
type Timing =
source: (Value*Units) Stream.Src
module Timing =
let create() = { source = Stream.Src.create() }
let update timing v = Stream.Src.value timing.source v
let report timing (x,v) = update timing v >>-. x
let reportAsync timing result = async.Bind(result, Job.toAsync << report timing)
let metric timing name =
let minName = name |> PointName.append "min"
let maxName = name |> PointName.append "max"
let medianName = name |> PointName.append "median"
let countName = name |> PointName.append "count"
let upper95 = name |> PointName.append "upper_95"
let reduce state = function
| Float v, Seconds ->
int64 (v * 1000.) :: state
| _ -> state
let tick state =
let snap = Metrics.Reservoirs.Snapshot.create (Array.ofList state)
[], [ snap |> Snapshot.size |> int64 |> Int64 |> Message.gauge countName
snap |> Snapshot.median |> int64 |> Int64 |> Message.gauge medianName
snap |> Snapshot.min |> Int64 |> Message.gauge minName
snap |> Snapshot.max |> Int64 |> Message.gauge maxName
snap |> Snapshot.percentile95th |> int64 |> Int64|> Message.gauge upper95 ]
job {
let! metric = Metric.create reduce [] tick
do! metric |> Metric.consume (Stream.Src.tap timing.source)
return metric }
let time f =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
f(), (Float sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, Units.Seconds)
let timeAsync f =
async {
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let! result = f
return result, (Float sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds, Units.Seconds)
// usage sample
let sampleTiming = Timing.create() // this defines a timing stream source
let doSomething() =
printfn "Do something"
let logary =
withLogaryManager "SampleApp" (
withTargets [
Console.create (Console.empty) "console"
Graphite.create { Graphite.GraphiteConf.hostname = "graphite-server"; port = 2003us} "graphite"
>> withMetrics [
MetricConf.create (Duration.FromSeconds 10L) "test.logary.timing" (Timing.metric sampleTiming)
>> withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "console"
Rule.createForTarget "graphite"
) |> run
|> time
|> sampleTiming
|> run
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haf commented Sep 21, 2016

I've added this sample as a progressive enhancement to Logary's metrics here

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