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Forked from will-hart/
Last active March 20, 2024 16:53
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Stitch together tilemaps into a single image


This is a simple Python / PIL utility for taking a series of images in a tile map set and stitching them together into a single image. This is forked from the original Python2 implmentation here:


  1. Organize your output tiles. See the description at the top of the Python file for how to do this.
  2. Create an instance and call process():
    from ImageDeTiler import ImageDeTiler
    tiler = ImageDeTiler("path/to/my/tiles")
  3. You'll get a stitched file output output.extension to your parent directory by default, sharing the extension of the input files; see the docs on process() for changing the output file name or directory.
  4. If you want to clean up, getFileSet() will provide you the list of ingested files to create the stitch

The class will verify your directory structure at instance time and raise an exception for a bad structure. Your images don't have to be rectangular, but they are all assumed to have the same dimensions. Currently, no holes are allowed in the tiling -- an exception will be raised.

A simple script which converts all the images in
the folder it is run from into a single image.
Images should be in a directory <searchDir>, with
the tiles binned into folders based on their
Y-axis identity, named as their X-axis identity.
In other words, they should be folders of rows
containing column-items for that row of images.
| tmp/
| 15/
| 132.jpg
| 133.jpg
| 134.jpg
| 16/
| 132.jpg
| 133.jpg
| 134.jpg
| 17/
| 132.jpg
| 133.jpg
| 134.jpg
If run as a script, it will just execute in the
current directory.
License: MIT
Original URL:
@author Philip Kahn
import os
from glob import glob
from typing import Tuple, Iterable, Optional
from typing_extensions import Literal
from PIL import Image
class ImageDeTiler():
Create a composite image from WMTS tiles
searchDir:str (default= ".")
Directory to search in
fileType:str (default= "jpg")
File type to expect, and to output
def __init__(self, searchDir:str= ".", fileType:str= "jpg"):
self._dir = None
self._tileDimensions = None
self._yRange = None
self._xRange = None
self._folders = None
fileType = fileType.replace(".","")
if fileType.lower() not in ImageDeTiler._getAllowedImageTypes():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid image type `{fileType.lower()}`, must be one of {ImageDeTiler._getAllowedImageTypes()}")
self.fileType = fileType.lower()
self.workingDir = searchDir
self.finalWidth, self.finalHeight = self.getOutputResolution()
def workingDir(self) -> str:
Get the working directory of the instance
return self._dir
def workingDir(self, newDir:str):
if not os.path.isdir(newDir):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"`{newDir}` is not a directory")
self._dir = os.path.normpath(newDir)
self.folders = frozenset([int(x) for x in os.listdir(self._dir) if not x.startswith(".")])
xCols = None
for yDir in self.folders:
xCheckDir = os.path.join(self._dir, str(yDir))
if xCols is None:
xCols = frozenset([int(os.path.basename(x).replace(f".{self.fileType}", "")) for x in glob(os.path.join(xCheckDir, f"*.{self.fileType}"))])
self._xRange = (min(xCols), max(xCols))
if frozenset([x for x in range(self._xRange[0], self._xRange[1] + 1)]) != xCols:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The smallest X tile is {self._xRange[0]} and the largest {self._xRange[1]}; every value in-between must be supplied.")
matchCols = frozenset([int(os.path.basename(x).replace(f".{self.fileType}", "")) for x in glob(os.path.join(xCheckDir, f"*.{self.fileType}"))])
if not matchCols == xCols:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Invalid directory structure: all child directories should have identical filenames in the format <xColumnNumber>.{self.fileType}")
with, str(self.getYTileRange()[0]), f"{self.getXTileRange()[0]}.{self.fileType}")) as image:
self._tileDimensions = image.size
def folders(self) -> tuple:
Get the collection of child folders being used by this
instance. If you want the full path, use getFoldersPaths().
return tuple(self._folders)
def folders(self, yColumns:Iterable):
yCols = frozenset([int(x) for x in yColumns])
self._yRange = (min(yCols), max(yCols))
if frozenset([x for x in range(self._yRange[0], self._yRange[1] + 1)]) != yCols:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"The smallest Y tile is {self._yRange[0]} and the largest {self._yRange[1]}; every value in-between must be supplied.")
self._folders = [str(x) for x in sorted(yCols)]
def getFoldersPaths(self) -> tuple:
Get the path to each folder to be read by the instance
return tuple([os.path.join(self.workingDir, x) for x in self.folders])
def getFileSet(self) -> frozenset:
Get a set of all the files to be processed by this tiler.
Helpful if you want to clean up the files once the composite
has been created.
builder = list()
for yDir in self.getFoldersPaths():
builder += list(glob(os.path.join(yDir, f"*.{self.fileType}")))
return frozenset(builder)
def getYTileRange(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Get the min and max value for the tiles in the Y direction
return self._yRange
def getXTileRange(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Get the min and max value for the tiles in the X direction
return self._xRange
def getXResolution(self) -> int:
Get the native X resolution of a tile
return self._tileDimensions[0]
def getYResolution(self) -> int:
Get the native Y resolution of a tile
return self._tileDimensions[1]
def getOutputResolution(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Get the final output resolution of the stitched image
xTiles = self.getXTileRange()
xTiles = max(xTiles) - min(xTiles) + 1
yTiles = self.getYTileRange()
yTiles = max(yTiles) - min(yTiles) + 1
return (xTiles * self.getXResolution(), yTiles * self.getYResolution())
def _getAllowedImageTypes():
Get the allowed input image types of a tile
return frozenset([
def _getImageTypesWithAlphaChannel():
Get available image types with alpha channel
return frozenset([
def _getOutputFileColorspace(self) -> Literal["RGBA", "RGB"]:
Get the output file colorspace for the instanced file type
# cSpell:words RGBA
return "RGBA" if self.fileType in ImageDeTiler._getImageTypesWithAlphaChannel() else "RGB"
def process(self, outputName:str= "output", overrideOutputDir:Optional[str]= None, debug:bool= False) -> str:
Automatically traverses the directory the script is run from
and tiles all the images together into a massive super image
outputName:str (default= "output)
The file name of the stitched output
overrideOutputDir:str (default= None)
When specified, place the output file in this directory.
If it is not specified or does not exist, the working
directory when instanced `workingDir` is the output directory.
Returns: output path of the stitched image
if outputName.endswith(self.fileType):
outputName = outputName[:-(len(self.fileType) + 1)]
if overrideOutputDir is not None and os.path.isdir(overrideOutputDir):
outputDir = overrideOutputDir
outputDir = self.workingDir
outputPath = os.path.join(outputDir, f"{outputName}.{self.fileType}")
if debug:
print(f"Preparing output image `{outputPath}` at resolution {self.finalWidth}x{self.finalHeight}")
builder =, (self.finalWidth, self.finalHeight))
# Iterate over each row folder and create a row tile
for i, rowPath in enumerate(self.getFoldersPaths()):
if debug:
print(f"Processing row #{i + 1}")
row = self.getCompositedXTiles(rowPath)
# Paste this row into the building image
builder.paste(row, (0, i * self.getYResolution()))
if debug:
return outputPath
def getCompositedXTiles(self, path:str, debug:bool= False) -> Image.Image:
Takes a path and returns an image which contains
all the tiled images, tiled along the X direction
A path to a folder containing all the tiled images.
Each image should be named for its integer X-tile,
eg, "127.jpg", and there should be an image for each
integer in the closed range provided by `getXTileRange()`.
(Note this is unlike the `range()` method, which is half-open
at the end)
Returns: PIL.Image.Image object
result =, (self.finalWidth, self.getYResolution()))
for i, colNumber in enumerate(range(self.getXTileRange()[0], self.getXTileRange()[1] + 1)):
readFile = os.path.join(path, f"{colNumber}.{self.fileType}")
with as img:
x, y= img.size
if debug:
print(f"\t{readFile}: {img.mode}, {x}x{y}")
result.paste(img, (i * self.getXResolution(), 0))
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
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