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Last active May 1, 2018 08:17
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  • Save timabell/56254968905f9066ef88c1ae774a53d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save timabell/56254968905f9066ef88c1ae774a53d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my powershell customisations
# customized per-user profile
# don't forget to start a new powershell after editing this
# useful things:
# install
# regedit /s solarized-light.reg
# install
# Install-Module posh-git # requires PSGet
Set-PSReadlineOption -EditMode Emacs
# don't do this, it breaks install-package -pre in vs pm console.
#$env:Path += ";C:\repos\Emvs European Hub\BuildProcess\NuGet"
# fix invisible chars for solarized-light
Set-PSReadlineOption -TokenKind Member -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Set-PSReadlineOption -TokenKind Type -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Set-PSReadlineOption -TokenKind Number -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
# Get-PSReadlineOption for more
function Out-Colors(){
Write-Host "PSReadline"
Write-Host "----------" -NoNewLine
Write-Host '$Host.PrivateData'
Write-Host "-----------------"
$colors = [enum]::GetValues([System.ConsoleColor])
Foreach ($bgcolor in $colors){
Foreach ($fgcolor in $colors) { Write-Host "$fgcolor|" -ForegroundColor $fgcolor -BackgroundColor $bgcolor -NoNewLine }
Write-Host " on $bgcolor"
function rst(){
# install this
# $Host.PrivateData # show the current list
$Host.PrivateData.ErrorForegroundColor = "DarkRed"
$Host.PrivateData.ErrorBackgroundColor = "Gray"
# Load posh-git profile if available. Copy from Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\posh-git\profile.example.ps1
$poshGitProfile= [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments") + "\WindowsPowershell\poshprofile.ps1"
if (Test-Path $poshGitProfile)
. $poshGitProfile
# Run a block and then output how long it took
# time {
# echo "mork mork"
# sleep 5
# }
function time($block) {
$sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
write-host "Elapsed:" $sw.Elapsed.Hours "hours" $sw.Elapsed.Minutes "mins" $sw.Elapsed.Seconds "secs"
function rename-many($find, $replacement, [switch]$WhatIf){
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Include "*$find*" | foreach {
$newname = $_.Name.replace($find, $replacement)
write-host "$_ => $newname"
if (! $WhatIf){
Rename-Item $_ -NewName $newname
function grep() {write-host "use the findstr luke, this is not the grep you're looking for. Or you could 'ls | sls'"}
$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{
"ls:force" = {$true} # include hidden files
New-Alias -Name ll -Value ls
New-Alias -Name gk -Value gitk
function gka(){
gitk --all
if ((join-path $pwd '') -eq (join-path $env:userprofile '')){
cd "c:\repos\"
# service fabric
function restartNode(){
Restart-ServiceFabricNode "_Node_0"
echo "Customised powershell profile loaded."
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Registry file that maps the solarized palette to the 16 avaliable colors
; in a Windows command prompt. Note, hex values in the table are RGB but byte
; ordering of a DWORD is BGR, e.g. "ColorTable<##>"=dword:00<B><G><R>
; Solarized color table from
; sorted by solarized pallete order
; gray tone version
; NR cmd.exe PowerShell SOLARIZED HEX DWORD
; -- ------- ----------- --------- ------- --------
; light background tones
; 15 BrightWhite White base3 #fdf6e3 00e3f6fd
; 07 White Gray base2 #eee8d5 00d5e8ee
; content tones
; 03 Aqua DarkCyan base1 #93a1a1 00a1a193
; 01 Blue DarkBlue base0 #839496 00969483
; 06 Yellow DarkYellow base00 #657b83 00837b65
; 02 Green DarkGreen base01 #586e75 00756e58
; dark background tones
; 08 Gray DarkGray base02 #073642 00423607
; 00 Black Black base03 #002b36 00362b00
; accent colors
; 14 LightYellow Yellow yellow #b58900 000089b5
; 04 Red DarkRed orange #cb4b16 00164bcb
; 12 LightRed Red red #dc322f 002f32dc
; 13 LightPurple Magenta magenta #d33682 008236d3
; 05 Purple DarkMagenta violet #6c71c4 00c4716c
; 09 LightBlue Blue blue #268bd2 00d28b26
; 11 LightAqua Cyan cyan #2aa198 0098a12a
; 10 LightGreen Green green #859900 00009985
; all-colour tone version
; NR cmd.exe PowerShell SOLARIZED HEX DWORD
; -- ------- ----------- --------- ------- --------
; light background tones
; 15 BrightWhite White base3 #fdf6e3 00e3f6fd
; 07 White Gray base2 #eee8d5 00d5e8ee
; content tones
; dark background tones
; 08 Gray DarkGray base02 #073642 00423607
; 00 Black Black base03 #002b36 00362b00
; accent colors
; 14 LightYellow Yellow yellow #b58900 000089b5
; 06 Yellow DarkYellow yellow #b58900 000089b5
; 04 Red DarkRed orange #cb4b16 00164bcb
; 12 LightRed Red red #dc322f 002f32dc
; 13 LightPurple Magenta magenta #d33682 008236d3
; 05 Purple DarkMagenta violet #6c71c4 00c4716c
; 09 LightBlue Blue blue #268bd2 00d28b26
; 01 Blue DarkBlue blue #268bd2 00d28b26
; 11 LightAqua Cyan cyan #2aa198 0098a12a
; 03 Aqua DarkCyan cyan #2aa198 0098a12a
; 10 LightGreen Green green #859900 00009985
; 02 Green DarkGreen green #859900 00009985
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timabell commented Feb 15, 2017

ps colours
after (all-colours version)
ps colours solarized

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