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Created November 6, 2023 11:37
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arriaga sensitivity, an experiment
mx_to_lx <- function(mx){
mx[] <- 0
lx <- exp(-cumsum(mx))
lx <- c(1,lx)
lx_to_dx <- function(lx){
mx_to_Lx <- function(mx){
lx <- exp(-cumsum(mx))
lx <- c(1,lx)
(lx[-1] + lx[-length(lx)]) / 2
rcumsum <- function(x){
sen_arriaga <- function(mx1,mx2){
tibble(mx1,mx2) |>
mutate(lx1 = mx_to_lx(mx1),
lx2 = mx_to_lx(mx2),
Lx1 = mx_to_Lx(mx1),
Lx2 = mx_to_Lx(mx2),
Tx1 = rcumsum(Lx1),
Tx2 = rcumsum(Lx2),
# dx1 = lx_to_dx(lx1),
# dx2 = lx_to_dx(lx2),
direct = lx1 * (Lx2 / lx2 - Lx1 / lx1),
# direct2 = lx1 * ((lx2 - dx2 * .5)/ lx2 - (lx1 - dx1 * .5)/ lx1),
indirect = lead(Tx2) * (lx1 / lx2 - lead(lx1) / lead(lx2)),
indirect = ifelse(,0,indirect),
cc = direct + indirect,
delta = mx2 - mx1,
# watch out for 0s in delta denominator
sen = cc / delta) |>
sen_arriaga_instantaneous <- function(mx, perturb = 1e-6){
scale = 1 - perturb
(sen_arriaga(mx*scale,mx*1/scale) +
sen_arriaga(mx*1/scale,mx*scale) ) / 2
mx_to_ex <- function(mx){
lx <- mx_to_lx(mx)
Lx <- mx_to_Lx(mx)
Tx <- rcumsum(Lx)
ex <- Tx / lx
mx_to_e0 <- function(mx){
mx_to_ex(mx) %>% '['(1)
# Alternative sensitivity version, more in line with Caswell , eq 4.2
sen_e0_mx <- function(mx){
lx <- mx_to_lx(mx)
dx <- -diff(c(lx,0))
Lx <- mx_to_Lx(mx)
ex <- mx_to_ex(mx)
ex2 <- mean2(ex)
-Lx * ex2 #+ direct
# compare with numDeriv::grad()
mx <- c(0.004121, 0.000331, 0.000202, 0.000139, 0.000169, 0.000128,
0.000124, 0.000134, 0.000122, 8.6e-05, 0.000159, 5.9e-05, 0.000125,
0.000168, 0.000145, 0.000232, 0.000203, 0.00027, 0.000241, 0.000282,
0.000289, 0.000256, 0.000275, 0.000226, 0.000315, 0.000288, 0.000292,
0.000321, 0.000308, 0.000294, 0.000466, 0.000378, 0.000445, 0.000509,
0.000506, 0.000546, 0.000707, 0.000705, 0.000708, 0.00078, 0.001039,
0.000918, 0.001078, 0.001076, 0.001233, 0.001244, 0.001423, 0.001536,
0.001538, 0.001736, 0.00181, 0.00209, 0.002103, 0.002271, 0.002342,
0.002805, 0.002821, 0.002897, 0.003246, 0.003815, 0.003974, 0.004457,
0.004915, 0.005465, 0.005565, 0.006589, 0.007431, 0.008017, 0.009318,
0.010441, 0.011762, 0.013013, 0.014838, 0.01661, 0.01947, 0.022126,
0.025082, 0.028847, 0.03375, 0.038257, 0.044347, 0.050758, 0.05875,
0.068362, 0.076458, 0.086995, 0.098928, 0.111966, 0.129323, 0.144716,
0.165768, 0.184866, 0.204536, 0.228662, 0.251223, 0.271861, 0.300944,
0.310618, 0.319114, 0.34236, 0.378892, 0.413136, 0.414993, 0.506128,
0.532637, 0.485294, 0.5, 0.832117, 0.5, 1.230769, 0.774194)
# tiny residuals, and we don't know which is the less precise
plot(sen_arriaga_instantaneous(mx,1e-6) - numDeriv::grad(mx_to_e0, mx))
# residuals that have a shape qualitatively like a death distribution:
plot(sen_arriaga_instantaneous(mx,1e-6) - sen_e0_mx(mx))
# same
plot(numDeriv::grad(mx_to_e0, mx) - sen_e0_mx(mx))
# when using LTRE, both sen_arriaga_instantaneous() and numDeriv::grad() would
# give similar precision, whereas sen_e0_mx() would imply some error.
# The difference is not a clean map to a death distribution:
# 1. the mode is at a higher age,
# 2. the shape isn't quite the same,
# 3. the scale is unknown
# observe:
plot(sen_arriaga_instantaneous(mx,1e-6) - sen_e0_mx(mx))
lines((mx_to_lx(mx) |> lx_to_dx())/6) #
# I also compared with the "second life" age-at-death death distribution,
# also not the same. It's also not an arithmetic or logarythmic mean of the
# first and second death distributions.
# objective: we'd like a version of sen_e0_mx(), i.e. that directly gives the sensitivity
# for a discrete time lifetable and without this systematic error. What further calculation
# or transformation is necessary to achieve this?
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