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Last active October 21, 2015 04:25
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Messing with groovy traits
// Bad example of @ForceOverride... enjoy! (?)
import groovy.transform.*
class BasicIntQueue extends LinkedList<Integer> {
Integer get() {
void put( Integer x ) {
this.offer( x )
// Quick test
def queue = new BasicIntQueue()
queue.put( 10 )
queue.put( 20 )
assert queue.get() == 10
assert queue.get() == 20
// Then define a trait that forcibly overrides the class implemntation of put
trait Doubling implements Queue<Integer> {
void put( Integer x ) {
this.offer( x * 2 )
// Quick instance
class DoubleQueue extends BasicIntQueue implements Doubling {
// And a quick test
def queue2 = new DoubleQueue()
queue2.put( 10 )
assert queue2.get() == 20
import groovy.transform.*
trait QueuePut<T> implements Queue<T> {
T get() { poll() }
void put( T v ) { offer( v ) }
class BasicIntQueue extends LinkedList<Integer> implements QueuePut<Integer> {}
def queue = new BasicIntQueue()
queue.put( 10 )
queue.put( 20 )
assert queue.get() == 10
assert queue.get() == 20
// Then define a trait that forcibly overrides the class implemntation of put
trait Doubling implements Queue<Integer> {
void put( Integer x ) {
this.offer( x * 2 )
// Quick instance
class DoubleQueue extends BasicIntQueue implements Doubling {}
// And a quick test
def queue2 = new DoubleQueue()
queue2.put( 10 )
queue2.put( 20 )
assert queue2.get() == 20
assert queue2.get() == 40
import org.slf4j.*
import groovy.transform.*
trait Loggable {
@Memoized getLog() {
LoggerFactory.getLogger( this.getClass() )
class Test implements Loggable {
def foo() {
log.debug( 'Woo. In foo' )
class Test2 implements Loggable {
def bar() { 'Ha. In bar' )
new Test().foo()
new Test2().bar()
import groovy.transform.*
trait IgnoredRemovable {
void remove() {}
trait Endless {
boolean hasNext() { true }
trait EndlessIterator<T> implements IgnoredRemovable, Endless, Iterator<T> {
T value
T next() { value }
class LoadsOfOnes implements EndlessIterator<Integer> {
LoadsOfOnes() {
value = 1
assert new LoadsOfOnes().take( 5 ).collect() == [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
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