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Created January 17, 2012 21:24
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Save tinychaos42/1628965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The clustering algorithm
// no argument, process demo json
$file = file_get_contents('data.json');
$file = file_get_contents($argv[1]);
$data = json_decode($file);
$functionWords = array('always', 'user', 'service', 'clear', 'very', 'body', 'common', 'really', 'havent', 'return','but', 'on', 'with', 'as', 'for', 'in', 'up', 'just', 'few', 'a','all','an','another','any','both','each','either','every', 'she', 'he', 'him', 'was', 'of', 'who', 'and', 'to', 'it', 'or', 'out', 'not', 'is', 'one', 'be', 'has', 'if', 'you', 'her','his','its','my','neither','no','other','our','per','some','that','the','their','these','this','those','whatever','whichever','your', '-', '0', '1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');
$documentStore = array();
$wordFrequencyInDs = array();
$documentTitles = array();
// create word bags
echo "Creating word bags...\n";
foreach ($data->articles as $k=>$document)
$documentWordbagEntry['words'] = createDocumentWordBag($document);
// filter stop-words
$documentWordbagEntry['words'] = array_diff($documentWordbagEntry['words'], $functionWords);
$documentStore[] = $documentWordbagEntry;
$documentTitles[$k] = stripslashes($document->title);
// calculate the relevant index numbers
echo "Calculating index numbers...\n";
foreach ($documentStore as $k=>$document)
$termData = array();
foreach ($document['words'] as $term)
// don't re-do for the same word again
if (!array_key_exists($term, $termData))
// tf-idf
$termData[$term] = termCount($term, $document['words']) * idfCount($term, $documentStore, $wordFrequencyInDs);
$documentStore[$k]['indexes'] = $termData;
// get the top x in each document
echo "Checking top keywords in each document...\n";
foreach ($documentStore as $k=>$document)
$documentStore[$k]['top'] = getTopXTerms($documentStore[$k]['indexes'], 15);
// check if there are correlations
echo "Checking correlations...\n";
foreach ($documentStore as $k=>$document)
$documentStore[$k]['related'] = array();
foreach ($document['top'] as $word)
foreach ($documentStore as $j=>$document2)
foreach ($document2['top'] as $word2)
if (strstr($word, $word2) && !in_array($j,$documentStore[$k]['related']) && $k!=$j)
$documentStore[$k]['related'][] = $j;
// create the clusters based on the correlations
echo "Creating clusters based on the correlations...\n";
$clusters = array();
foreach ($documentStore as $k=>$document)
$inCluster = documentInCluster($k, $clusters);
if ($inCluster===false)
$clusterEntry = array($k);
$clusters[] = $clusterEntry;
foreach ($document['related'] as $j=>$related)
$relatedInCluster = documentInCluster($related, $clusters);
if ($relatedInCluster===false)
$clusters[sizeof($clusters)-1][] = $related;
$clusters[$inCluster][] = $related;
// Swapping document id-s with titles for readability
echo "Swapping document id-s with titles for readability...\n";
foreach ($clusters as $cid=>$cluster)
foreach ($cluster as $id=>$did)
$clusters[$cid][$id] = $documentTitles[$did];
// Output the results
foreach ($clusters as $cid=>$cluster)
echo "Cluster ".($cid+1)." contents:\n";
foreach ($cluster as $id=>$title)
echo "\t".$title."\n";
* Check if the document is already in the current cluster set
* @param $id
* @param $clusters
* @return bool|int
function documentInCluster($id, $clusters)
foreach ($clusters as $cid=>$cluster)
if (in_array($id, $cluster))
return $cid;
return false;
* Puts document's title and content field's words into a flat array
* @param $document
* @return array
function createDocumentWordBag($document)
$result = array_merge( createAttributeWordBag(stripcslashes($document->content)), createAttributeWordBag(stripslashes($document->title)));
return $result;
* Removes punctuation and puts words into flat array
* @param $attribute
* @return array
function createAttributeWordBag($attribute)
$punctuationPattern = array("+",",",".","-","\"","&","!","?",":",";","#","~","=","/","$","£","^","(",")","_","<",">","\r", "\r\n", "\n", "*", "'");
$text = str_replace($punctuationPattern, ' ', strtolower($attribute));
$result = explode(' ',$text);
foreach ($result as $k=>$res)
if($res === '' || strlen($res)<4)
return $result;
* Calculate occurrences of a term in array
* @param $term
* @param $textArray
* @return array
function termCount($term, $textArray)
$occurrences = array_count_values($textArray);
if (isset($occurrences[$term]))
// calculate relative frequency (long documents are likely contain proportionally more keywords)
return $occurrences[$term]/sizeof($textArray);
return 0;
* Calculate the idf score for a term using termInDocumentStore
* @param $term
* @param $documentStore
* @param &$wordFrequencyInDs
* @return float
function idfCount($term, $documentStore, &$wordFrequencyInDs)
if (!array_key_exists($term, $wordFrequencyInDs))
$count = termInDocumentStore($term, $documentStore);
$wordFrequencyInDs[$term] = $count;
$count = $wordFrequencyInDs[$term];
return log(abs(sizeof($documentStore)/abs($count)));
* Check if the term is in the document store - for the idf calculation
* @param $term
* @param $ds
* @return int
function termInDocumentStore($term, $ds)
$count = 0;
foreach ($ds as $d)
if (in_array($term, $d['words']))
return $count;
* Get the top x terms after the tf-idf has been calculated
* @param $wordList
* @param $x
* @return array
function getTopXTerms($wordList, $x)
$size = sizeof($wordList);
$sliced = array_slice($wordList, $size-$x);
foreach ($sliced as $term=>$value)
$ret[] = $term;
return $ret;
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gaffling commented Jul 6, 2018

Dear tinychaos42, very nice script - could you please provide an example "data.json" File? Thank you very much! Best Regards

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