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Last active February 12, 2016 12:41
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Monkeypatch for Django Suit to support separate SUIT_CONFIGs for multiple Admin Sites
def suit_multi_admin():
"""Monkeypatch Django Suit to support multiple Admin Sites
put this code for example in myapp/
Activate the monkeypatch in your
from monkey import suit_multi_admin
Put a separate configuration in your settings as:
where MYADMIN is the upper case name of your custom
import suit.config
from suit.templatetags import suit_menu
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest
def get_config(param=None, config_key='SUIT_CONFIG'):
Accept a custom config_key kwarg
if hasattr(settings, config_key):
config = getattr(settings, config_key, {})
config = suit.config.default_config()
if param:
value = config.get(param)
if value is None:
value = suit.config.default_config().get(param)
return value
return config
suit.config.get_config = get_config
def get_menu(context, request):
Pass admin_site_name go Menue via context
if not isinstance(request, WSGIRequest):
return None
# Try to get app list
admin_site = suit_menu.get_admin_site(context.current_app)
template_response = admin_site.index(request)
context['admin_site_name'] =
app_list = template_response.context_data['app_list']
except Exception:
return suit_menu.Menu(context, request, app_list).get_app_list()
suit_menu.get_menu = get_menu
def patched_init(self, context, request, app_list):
Get admin_site_name from context
self.request = request
self.app_list = app_list
self.admin_site_name = context.get('admin_site_name')
# Detect current app, if any
self.ctx_app = context['app_label'].lower()
except Exception:
self.ctx_app = None
# Get current model plural name, if any
self.ctx_model_plural = context['opts'].verbose_name_plural.lower()
except Exception:
self.ctx_model_plural = None
# Flatten all models from native apps
self.all_models = [model for app in app_list for model in app['models']]
# Init config variables
super(suit_menu.Menu, self).__init__()
suit_menu.Menu.__init__ = patched_init
def patched_init_config(self):
Set config_key based on admin_site_name.
if self.admin_site_name and self.admin_site_name != 'admin':
config_key = 'SUIT_CONFIG_{}'.format(self.admin_site_name.upper())
config_key = 'SUIT_CONFIG'
self.conf_exclude = get_config('MENU_EXCLUDE', config_key)
self.conf_open_first_child = get_config('MENU_OPEN_FIRST_CHILD', config_key)
self.conf_icons = get_config('MENU_ICONS', config_key)
self.conf_menu_order = get_config('MENU_ORDER', config_key)
self.conf_menu = get_config('MENU', config_key)
suit_menu.Menu.init_config = patched_init_config
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Thank you for sharing your solution. This is a great patch indeed.

I´ve been trying to make it work in my project but the context.current_app (line 49) always returned None to me instead of my custom AdminSite name. In the end, I changed line 49 to grab the AdminSite name from the request and everything worked like a charm:

admin_site_name = request.path.split('-')[0].split('/')[1]
admin_site = suit_menu.get_admin_site(admin_site_name)

Please, notice that admin_site_name = request.path.split('-')[0].split('/')[1] assumes that your custom admin url has the pattern 'mycustom-admin'. In this example, the AdminSite name would be 'mycustom'. This is what Django requires to properly work with more than one admin.

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