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Last active April 26, 2022 08:19
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abstract class FooBar {}
// 1. What is this?
// 2. How would you use this abstract class?
// 3. How can you inherit from it?
// 4. How can you get the actual instance, when the app is running?
// 5. Do you know other ways of sharing code?
class STMResult {}
class Database {}
class DataBaseHelper {}
class Logger {}
var logger = Logger();
// 1. Explain what this code is doing
// 2. Would you change something about it?
// 3. How would you test this method?
// 4. What could happen, when you run this with thousands of entries
Future<STMResult?> getSTMResult({required String patientId, required String id}) async {
try {
final Database database = await DatabaseHelper.instance.database;
logger.d('querying all stm results');
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> queryResult = await database.query(STMResult.table_name);
logger.d('received query result with ${queryResult.length} items');
return queryResult
.map((Map<String, dynamic> singleEntryMap) => STMResult.fromMap(singleEntryMap))
.firstWhere((element) => element.patientId == patientId && == id);
} catch (exception) {
logger.d('no stm result exists for patient-id: $patientId and id: $id');
return null;
// What is happening here?
Stream<Map<String, String>> startScanSensors([int? maxCount]) {
int counter = 0;
final StreamController<Map<String, String>> controller =
StreamController<Map<String, String>>(onListen: null, onPause: null, onResume: null, onCancel: null);
sensorFoundCallback = (Map<dynamic, dynamic>? values) {
final Map<String, String> result = Map<String, String>.from(values!);
if (counter == maxCount) {
unawaited(_channel.invokeMethod<Map<String, String>>('startScanSensors'));
// What is happening here?
Future<Map<String, BleResponseCode>> get stopLongTermMeasurement async {
_stopLongTermMeasurementCompleter = Completer<Map<String, BleResponseCode>>();
// ignore: unawaited_futures
_sensorWithResponseCode('stopLongTermMeasurement').then((Map<String, BleResponseCode> value) {
if (!_stopLongTermMeasurementCompleter.isCompleted) {
return _stopLongTermMeasurementCompleter.future;
// What is happening here?
Future<void> sensorsInitialized() async {
if (_isSensorInitialized) {
await _mutex.protect(() async {
logger.i('awaiting sensors to be initialized');
await databaseHelper.database;
final StudyParticipantInformation? studyParticipantInformation = await studyParticipantService
.firstWhere((StudyParticipantInformation? element) => element != null);
if (studyParticipantInformation == null) {
const String message = 'studyParticipantInformation cannot be null';
throw Exception(message);
await SensorInitializationService.instance(plugin: blePluginInstance)
.initializeSensorIfNecessary(studyParticipantInformation.studyParticipant, pluginLocalization());
logger.i('sensors are initialized');
_isSensorInitialized = true;
void main() {
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