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Created March 24, 2013 16:24
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  • Save tmatth/5232538 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tmatth/5232538 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Simple GNU/Linux OpenGL framework for implementing:
// Instructions:
// 1) Add the following to Timestep.cpp:
// #include "Linux.h"
// 2) Compile with:
// g++ -O2 -g -D__LINUX__ Timestep.cpp -o timestep -lglut -lGL -lGLU -lrt
#ifdef __LINUX__
#ifndef LINUX_GUARD_H_
#define LINUX_GUARD_H_
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
#include <ctime>
void keyPressed(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
if (key == 27)
int window;
bool openDisplay(const char title[], int width, int height)
// create window
// keep glut happy
static int argc = 1;
glutInit(&argc, NULL);
glutInitWindowSize(width, height);
window = glutCreateWindow(title);
// set the kpress callback, must be done
// AFTER the window has been created
return true;
void updateDisplay()
// process pending events
// Flush the OpenGL buffers to the window
void closeDisplay()
window = 0;
float time()
static timespec start = {0, 0};
if (start.tv_sec == 0 and start.tv_nsec == 0) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);
return 0.0f;
timespec counter = {0, 0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &counter);
return (counter.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) +
((counter.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec) / 1e9f);
#endif // LINUX_GUARD_H_
#endif // __LINUX__
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