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Created August 11, 2017 12:36
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PBS SpaceTime Feynman Diagram Challenge
Compute all possible Feynman diagrams with 1 el + 1 pos input,
1 el + 1 pos output, 4 nodes, and no self-energetic transitions.
open Core.Std
type particle = Electron | Positron | Photon [@@deriving compare, sexp]
let inverse = function
| Photon -> Photon
| Electron -> Positron
| Positron -> Electron
type node = int [@@deriving compare, sexp]
type target = Input | Output | Node of node [@@deriving compare, sexp]
(* a Feynman diagram is a map (node * particle -> target) *)
module Feynman = struct
module K = struct
module T = struct
type t = node * particle [@@deriving compare, sexp]
include T
include Comparable.Make (T)
module T = struct
type t = target K.Map.t [@@deriving compare, sexp]
include K.Map
include Comparable.Make (T)
(* utility Set of (node * node) *)
module Node2 = struct
module T = struct
type t = node * node [@@deriving compare, sexp]
include T
include Comparable.Make (T)
let n_nodes = 4
(* check a Feynman diagram that is being built (by adding edges) and return:
`Ok if it this is a valid Feynman diagram
`Not_yet if it's incomplete, but adding the right edges may make it right
`Stop if it's not consistent: adding more edges will never make it right
let check graph =
let count ~f = Map.counti graph ~f:(fun ~key:(_, p) ~data:t -> f t p) in
let node2set ~f = Map.fold graph ~init:Node2.Set.empty
~f:(fun ~key:(n, p) ~data:t set ->
match t with
| Node n' when f p -> Set.add set (n, n')
| _ -> set
) in
let i_ph = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Input && p = Photon ) in
let i_el = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Input && p = Electron) in
let i_po = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Input && p = Positron) in
let o_ph = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Output && p = Photon ) in
let o_el = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Output && p = Electron) in
let o_po = count ~f:(fun t p -> t = Output && p = Positron) in
let ph = node2set ~f:(fun p -> p = Photon) in
let el_po = node2set ~f:(fun p -> p <> Photon)
if i_ph > 0 || i_el > 1 || i_po > 1 || o_ph > 0 || o_el > 1 || o_po > 1
|| not (Node2.Set.is_empty (Node2.Set.inter el_po ph))
then `Stop
else if i_el < 1 || i_po < 1 || o_el < 1 || o_po < 1
then `Not_yet
else `Ok
(* Poor Man's textual representation of a Feynman diagram *)
let graph_to_string graph =
Map.to_alist graph
|> List.filter ~f:(fun ((n, _), t) ->
match t with
| Node n' -> n < n'
| _ -> true
|> ~f:(fun ((n, p), t) ->
let p_lab = match p with
| Photon -> "~"
| Electron -> ">"
| Positron -> "<"
in let t_lab = match t with
| Input -> "I"
| Output -> "O"
| Node n -> string_of_int n
string_of_int n ^ p_lab ^ t_lab
|> String.concat ~sep:", "
(* given a Feynman diagram and a permutation of the numbers 1..4, return the
same graph with the node numbers changed according to the permutation *)
let graph_perm graph perm =
Map.fold graph ~init:Feynman.empty ~f:(fun ~key:(n, p) ~data:t new_graph ->
let n' = List.nth_exn perm (n - 1) in
let t' = match t with
| Node n -> Node (List.nth_exn perm (n - 1))
| c -> c
Map.add new_graph ~key:(n', p) ~data:t'
(* call ~f on all possible graphs that satisfy the rules, including both
implicit rules and those implemented in check *)
let iter_all_graphs ~f =
(* start with the given graph and try every possible connection starting from
the given node and particle, using only subsequent nodes (or input/output)
as targets, but not previous nodes *)
let rec walk node particle graph =
let key = (node, particle) in
let next = match particle with
| Photon -> walk node Electron
| Electron -> walk node Positron
| Positron -> if node < n_nodes
then walk (node + 1) Photon
else fun graph -> if check graph = `Ok then f graph
if check graph = `Stop then ()
else if Map.mem graph key then
next graph
else begin
Map.add graph ~key ~data:Input |> next;
Map.add graph ~key ~data:Output |> next;
for n = node + 1 to n_nodes do
let inv_key = (n, inverse particle)
if not (Map.mem graph inv_key) then
Map.add graph ~key ~data:(Node n)
|> Map.add ~key:inv_key ~data:(Node node)
|> next
walk 1 Photon Feynman.empty
(* Heap's algorithm: generate a list of all permutations of a list of items *)
let permutations lst =
let out = ref [] in
let a = Array.of_list lst in
let rec generate n =
if n = 1 then
out := Array.to_list a :: !out
else begin
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
generate (n - 1);
if n % 2 = 0
then Array.swap a i (n-1)
else Array.swap a 0 (n-1)
generate (n - 1)
generate (Array.length a);
let all_perm = permutations [1;2;3;4]
let () =
let seen = ref Feynman.Set.empty
iter_all_graphs ~f:(fun graph ->
if not (Set.mem !seen graph)
then begin
seen := Feynman.Set.union !seen ( all_perm ~f:(graph_perm graph)
|> Feynman.Set.of_list
printf "%s\n" (graph_to_string graph)
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tobia commented Aug 11, 2017

Here is a quick program I wrote to enumerate all Feynman diagrams within the rules set by this PBS SpaceTime episode, to the best of my understanding of those rules.

You will need an up to date OCaml compiler with the Core library to run it. You can find instructions here if you're new to the language. (It's one of the best computer languages. If you are interested in learning it, you will find an entire online book at that address.)

This program was used to list all diagrams in the picture below except the first two, after which I used JaxoDraw to actually draw them. The ones in the bottom left corner were not included in the official answer, maybe because they are considered self-energetic interactions?


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