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Created September 27, 2012 08:20
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Save tobiasstrebitzer/3792859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Set up a local DNS server to catch all requests to a specific tld to your local machine (osx lion)
#! /bin/bash
# USAGE: sudo ./ tld
# Templates
namedconf='include "/etc/rndc.key";
controls {
inet port 54 allow {any;}
keys { "rndc-key"; };
options {
directory "/var/named";
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "";
zone "localhost" IN {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { none; };
zone "" IN {
type master;
file "named.local";
allow-update { none; };
zone "{TLD}" IN {
type master;
file "{TLD}.zone";
allow-update { none; };
logging {
category default {
channel _default_log {
file "/Library/Logs/named.log";
severity info;
print-time yes;
zoneconf='$TTL 60
@ 1D IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
45 ; serial (d. adams)
3H ; refresh
15M ; retry
1W ; expiry
1D ) ; minimum
1D IN NS localhost.
*.{TLD}. 60 IN A
# Script
echo "Creating configuration files for $1":
echo "$namedconf" |sed "s/{TLD}/$1/g" > /etc/named.conf
echo "$zoneconf" |sed "s/{TLD}/$1/g" > /var/named/$
rndc-confgen > /etc/rndc.conf
head -n5 /etc/rndc.conf |tail -n4 > /etc/rndc.key
echo "OK"
echo "Checking configuration:"
named-checkconf /etc/named.conf
named-checkzone $1 /var/named/$
echo "Setting up autostart:"
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist
echo "OK"
echo "Setup complete, now just add ''"
echo "as a DNS server to your network adapter."
echo "Have fun!"
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