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Last active December 22, 2015 15:39
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Async usage of multiple PhantomJS instances with NodeJS
var phantom = require('phantom');
var async = require('async');
var pagesToCall = [
['', 8000],
['', 8001],
['', 8002],
['', 8003],
['', 8004]
function callPage(pageToCall) {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ': Started page ' + pageToCall[0]);
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ': port:' + pageToCall[1]);
phantom.create({port: pageToCall[1]}, function(ph) {
ph.createPage(function(page) {[0], function(status) {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ': Opened page? %s', status);
page.set('viewportSize', {
width: 1280,
height: 800
page.set('settings.userAgent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/537.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/21.0.1180.89 Safari/537.1');
var filename = pageToCall[0].replace('http:\/\/', '') + '.png';
page.render('./screenshots/' + filename, function() {
console.log(new Date().getTime() + ': Wrote page ' + pageToCall[0]);
async.each(pagesToCall, callPage, function (e) {
if (e) console.log(e);
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wcccode commented Aug 16, 2014

Multiple PhantomJSw with node, Every phantomjs will send http request . Memory and bandwidth is a bottleneck, how do you optimize. What is the biggest numbers of child phantomjs process.

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