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Created August 30, 2017 17:46
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require 'image'
require 'lfs'
require 'cunn'
require 'nngraph'
function segment(model, flow_mag_ang_file, minmax_file, output_file)
local file =
local minmaxes = {}
local ind = 1;
if file then
for line in file:lines() do
local mag_min, mag_max, ang_min, ang_max = unpack(line:split(" "))
minmaxes[ind] = {mag_min, mag_max, ang_min, ang_max}
ind = ind + 1
print('File not found!!!!!!!!')
-- README.txt:
-- When evaluating on other datasets the inputs have to be resize so that the smallest dimension equals to 232.
-- TODO: this fails when the video is in portrait orientation (!!)
local resized_width = 424
local resized_height = 232
local batch = torch.Tensor(1, 2, resized_height, resized_width);
-- Read out the frame number from string
-- NOTE: Lua indexing starts at 1, so this needs to be incremented by 1 (!!)
local frameNum = tonumber(flow_mag_ang_file:match('(%d+).jpg'))
-- min/max values
local mm = minmaxes[frameNum+1]
local f =, "r")
if f~=nil then
print("unable to read mag-angle file from disk")
return false
-- Load flow magnitude-angle image from disk
local flowMagAngle = image.load(flow_mag_ang_file)
flowMag = flowMagAngle[{{1}, {}, {}}]
flowAngle = flowMagAngle[{{2}, {}, {}}]
-- Some image information
local height, width = flowMag:size(2), flowMag:size(3)
local flowFrame =, flowMag, 1)
flowFrame = image.scale(flowFrame, resized_width, resized_height, 'simple');
print(mm[1], mm[2], mm[3], mm[4])
-- NOTE: flowFrame has FIRST angle then magnitude, so denormalization requires attention with indices!
flowFrame[{{1}, {}, {}}] = flowFrame[{{1}, {}, {}}] * (mm[4] - mm[3]) + mm[3]
flowFrame[{{2}, {}, {}}] = flowFrame[{{2}, {}, {}}] * (mm[2] - mm[1]) + mm[1]
--flowFrame[{{1}, {}, {}}]:cmul(flowFrame[{{2}, {}, {}}]:gt(1):double())
flowFrame[{{2}, {}, {}}]:div(math.sqrt(math.pow(854, 2) + math.pow(480, 2)) / 6)
batch[1] = flowFrame;
batch = batch:float():cuda()
local outputs = model:forward(batch)
local preds
preds = torch.Tensor(1, height, width)
local pred = outputs[1];
pred = nn.utils.recursiveType(pred, 'torch.DoubleTensor')
pred = image.scale(pred, width, height), pred), pred);
-- Apply objectivness score
local predRaw = pred
pred:clamp(0, 1)
preds[1] = pred
-- Save results
-- local resultPath = string.gsub(rgbPath, 'JPEGImages', 'Results/Segmentations');
-- local resultPath = string.gsub(resultPath, '480p', '480p/' .. setting);
-- local resultPath = string.gsub(resultPath, 'jpg', 'png');
-- local resultDir = string.gsub(resultPath, '%d+.png', '');
-- if not path.exists(resultDir) then
-- os.execute("mkdir " .. resultDir)
-- end
-- local resultPathRaw = string.gsub(resultPath, '(%d+).png', 'raw_%1.png');, predRaw);
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