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Created April 10, 2023 01:50
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* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package test.rules;
import static androidx.test.internal.util.Checks.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.test.internal.util.Checks.checkState;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.test.annotation.UiThreadTest;
import androidx.test.internal.runner.junit4.statement.UiThreadStatement;
import androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation;
import androidx.test.runner.intercepting.SingleActivityFactory;
import androidx.test.runner.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleCallback;
import androidx.test.runner.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry;
import androidx.test.runner.lifecycle.Stage;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
* This rule provides functional testing of a single {@link Activity}. When {@code launchActivity}
* is set to true in the constructor, the Activity under test will be launched before each test
* annotated with <a href=""><code>Test</code>
* </a> and before methods annotated with <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>, and it
* will be terminated after the test is completed and methods annotated with <a
* href=""><code>After
* </code></a> are finished.
* <p>The Activity can be manually launched with {@link #launchActivity(Intent)}, and manually
* finished with {@link #finishActivity()}. If the Activity is running at the end of the test, the
* test rule will finish it.
* <p>During the duration of the test you will be able to manipulate your Activity directly using
* the reference obtained from {@link #getActivity()}. If the Activity is finished and relaunched,
* the reference returned by {@link #getActivity()} will always point to the current instance of the
* Activity.
* <p>Based on `androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule` class;
* <p>We un-deprecated it because this offers simpler testing approach,
* but consider to use {@link}
* or {@link androidx.test.ext.junit.rules.ActivityScenarioRule} instead.
* They offer more complicated, but safer way of controlling Activity lifecycles.
* <p>Here are some tips to consider when converting to <code>ActivityScenario/Rule</code>:
* <ol>
* <li>For simple cases where you want to launch the Activity before each test and tear it
* down after each test (eg you are using {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class)}), convert
* directly to ActivityScenarioRule.
* <li>If you need control over when to launch the Activity (eg you are using {@link
* #ActivityTestRule(Class, false, false)}, use ActivityScenario.launch. Its recommended
* to wrap the launch in a try-block, so the Activity is closed automatically. <code>
* try (ActivityScenario.launch(activityClass)) {
* ...
* }
* </code>
* <li>If you need access to the Activity during the test (eg you are calling {@link
* ActivityTestRule#getActivity()} provide a Runnable callback to {@link
*} instead. The callback
* provided to onActivity will run on the application's main thread, thus ensuring a safer
* mechanism to access the Activity.
* </ol>
* </p>
* @param <T> The Activity class under test
public class ActivityTestRule<T extends Activity> implements TestRule {
private static final String TAG = "ActivityTestRule";
private static final int NO_FLAGS_SET = 0;
private static final String FIELD_RESULT_CODE = "mResultCode";
private static final String FIELD_RESULT_DATA = "mResultData";
private final Class<T> activityClass;
private final String targetPackage;
private final int launchFlags;
private final ActivityLifecycleCallback lifecycleCallback = new ActivityTestRule.LifecycleCallback();
private Instrumentation instrumentation;
private boolean initialTouchMode = false;
private boolean launchActivity = false;
private SingleActivityFactory<T> activityFactory;
@VisibleForTesting volatile WeakReference<T> activity = makeWeakReference(null);
private volatile ActivityResult activityResult;
* Similar to {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class, boolean)} but with "touch mode" disabled.
* @param activityClass The activity under test. This must be a class in the instrumentation
* targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml
* @see ActivityTestRule#ActivityTestRule(Class, boolean, boolean)
public ActivityTestRule(Class<T> activityClass) {
this(activityClass, false);
* Similar to {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class, boolean, boolean)} but defaults to launch the
* activity under test once per <a href="">
* <code>Test</code></a> method. It is launched before the first <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>
* method, and terminated after the last <a
* href=""><code>After</code></a> method.
* @param activityClass The activity under test. This must be a class in the instrumentation
* targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml
* @param initialTouchMode true if the Activity should be placed into "touch mode" when started
* @see ActivityTestRule#ActivityTestRule(Class, boolean, boolean)
public ActivityTestRule(Class<T> activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode) {
this(activityClass, initialTouchMode, true);
* Similar to {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class, String, int, boolean, boolean)} but defaults to
* launch the Activity with the default target package name {@link
* InstrumentationRegistry#getInstrumentation()#getTargetContext()#getPackageName} and {@link
* Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} launch flag.
* @param activityClass The activity under test. This must be a class in the instrumentation
* targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml
* @param initialTouchMode true if the Activity should be placed into "touch mode" when started
* @param launchActivity true if the Activity should be launched once per <a
* href=""><code>Test</code></a> method. It
* will be launched before the first <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>
* method, and terminated after the last <a
* href=""><code>After</code></a>
* method.
public ActivityTestRule(
Class<T> activityClass, boolean initialTouchMode, boolean launchActivity) {
* Creates an {@link ActivityTestRule} for the Activity under test.
* @param activityFactory factory to be used for creating Activity instance
* @param initialTouchMode true if the Activity should be placed into "touch mode" when started
* @param launchActivity true if the Activity should be launched once per <a
* href=""><code>Test</code></a> method. It
* will be launched before the first <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>
* method, and terminated after the last <a
* href=""><code>After</code></a>
* method.
public ActivityTestRule(
SingleActivityFactory<T> activityFactory, boolean initialTouchMode, boolean launchActivity) {
this(activityFactory.getActivityClassToIntercept(), initialTouchMode, launchActivity);
this.activityFactory = activityFactory;
* Creates an {@link ActivityTestRule} for the Activity under test.
* @param activityClass The activity under test. This must be a class in the instrumentation
* targetPackage specified in the AndroidManifest.xml
* @param initialTouchMode true if the Activity should be placed into "touch mode" when started
* @param launchActivity true if the Activity should be launched once per <a
* href=""><code>Test</code></a> method. It
* will be launched before the first <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>
* method, and terminated after the last <a
* href=""><code>After</code></a>
* method.
* @param targetPackage The name of the target package that the Activity is started under. This
* value is passed down to the start Intent using {@link
* Intent#setClassName(android.content.Context, String)}. Can not be null.
* @param launchFlags launch flags to start the Activity under test.
public ActivityTestRule(
Class<T> activityClass,
@NonNull String targetPackage,
int launchFlags,
boolean initialTouchMode,
boolean launchActivity) {
instrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation();
this.activityClass = activityClass;
this.targetPackage = checkNotNull(targetPackage, "targetPackage cannot be null!");
this.launchFlags = launchFlags;
this.initialTouchMode = initialTouchMode;
this.launchActivity = launchActivity;
* Override this method to set up a custom Intent as if supplied to {@link
* android.content.Context#startActivity}. Custom Intents provided by this method will take
* precedence over default Intents that where created in the constructor but be overridden by any
* Intents passed in through {@link #launchActivity(Intent)}.
* <p>The default Intent (if this method returns null or is not overwritten) is: action = {@link
* Intent#ACTION_MAIN} flags = {@link Intent#FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK} All other intent fields are
* null or empty.
* <p>If the custom Intent provided by this methods overrides any of the following fields:
* <ul>
* <li>componentName through {@link Intent#setClassName(String, String)}
* <li>launch flags through {@link Intent#setFlags(int)}
* </ul>
* <p>These custom values will be used to start the Activity. However, if some of these values are
* not set, the default values documented in {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class, String, int, boolean,
* boolean)} are supplemented.
* @return The Intent as if supplied to {@link android.content.Context#startActivity}.
protected Intent getActivityIntent() {
return null;
* Override this method to execute any code that should run before your {@link Activity} is
* created and launched. This method is called before each test method, including any method
* annotated with <a href=""><code>
* Before</code></a>.
protected void beforeActivityLaunched() {
// empty by default
* Override this method to execute any code that should run after your {@link Activity} is
* launched, but before any test code is run including any method annotated with <a
* href=""><code>Before</code></a>.
* <p>Prefer <a href=""><code>Before
* </code></a> over this method. This method should usually not be overwritten directly in tests
* and only be used by subclasses of ActivityTestRule to get notified when the activity is created
* and visible but test runs.
protected void afterActivityLaunched() {
// empty by default
* Override this method to execute any code that should run after the currently launched {@link
* Activity} is finished. This method is called after each test method, including any method
* annotated with <a href=""><code>After
* </code></a>.
* <p>Prefer <a href=""><code>Before
* </code></a> over this method. This method should usually not be overwritten directly in tests
* and only be used by subclasses of ActivityTestRule to get notified when the activity is created
* and visible but test runs.
protected void afterActivityFinished() {
// empty by default
* Returns the reference to the activity under test.
* <p>The reference to the activity is assigned during the initial creation of the acivity and for
* every single {@link Activity#onResume()} lifecycle change.
* <p><b>Note:</b> Lifecycle changes happen on the UI thread (not the instrumentation thread where
* this test code usually executes). Thus, the return value may vary depending on timing.
* <p>For example, if the activity is finished and relaunched, the reference returned by this
* method will point to the new instance of the activity assuming {@link Activity#onResume()} was
* called prior to calling this method.
* <p>If the activity wasn't created yet or already finished, {@code null} will be returned.
* <p><b>Note:</b> The activity reference is stored in a weak reference which means if the
* activity under test is detroyed (ex. back button was pressed) then the system no longer holds a
* strong reference to the acitivty and this refernce may get garbage collected.
public T getActivity() {
T hardActivityRef = activity.get();
if (hardActivityRef == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Activity wasn't created yet or already stopped");
return hardActivityRef;
public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) {
return new ActivityTestRule.ActivityStatement(base);
* Launches the Activity under test.
* <p>Don't call this method directly, unless you explicitly requested not to lazily launch the
* Activity manually using the launchActivity flag in {@link #ActivityTestRule(Class, boolean,
* boolean)}.
* <p>Usage:
* <pre>
* &#064;Test
* public void customIntentToStartActivity() {
* Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
* activity = mActivityRule.launchActivity(intent);
* }
* </pre>
* Note: Custom start Intents provided through this method will take precedence over default
* Intents that where created in the constructor and any Intent returned from {@link
* #getActivityIntent()}. The same override rules documented in {@link #getActivityIntent()}
* apply.
* @param startIntent The Intent that will be used to start the Activity under test. If {@code
* startIntent} is null, the Intent returned by {@link ActivityTestRule#getActivityIntent()}
* is used.
* @return the Activity launched by this rule.
public T launchActivity(@Nullable Intent startIntent) {
// set initial touch mode
// inject custom intent, if provided
if (null == startIntent) {
startIntent = getActivityIntent();
if (null == startIntent) {
"getActivityIntent() returned null using default: " + "Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN)");
startIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
// Set target component if not set Intent
if (null == startIntent.getComponent()) {
startIntent.setClassName(targetPackage, activityClass.getName());
// Set launch flags where if not set Intent
if (NO_FLAGS_SET == startIntent.getFlags()) {
// The following cast is correct because the activity we're creating is of the same type as
// the one passed in
T hardActivityRef = activityClass.cast(instrumentation.startActivitySync(startIntent));
activity = makeWeakReference(hardActivityRef);
if (hardActivityRef != null) {
// Notify that Activity was successfully launched
} else {
// Log an error message to logcat/instrumentation, that the Activity failed to launch
String errorMessage =
String.format("Activity %s, failed to launch", startIntent.getComponent());
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT, TAG + " " + errorMessage);
instrumentation.sendStatus(0, bundle);
Log.e(TAG, errorMessage);
return hardActivityRef;
void setInstrumentation(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
this.instrumentation = checkNotNull(instrumentation, "instrumentation cannot be null!");
* Finishes the currently launched Activity.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Activity is not running or failed to finish it.
public void finishActivity() {
try {
if (activity.get() != null) {
} finally {
activity = makeWeakReference(null);
afterActivityFinished(); // TODO(b/72327935) move down to evaluate
void callFinishOnMainSync() {
try {
final T hardActivityRef = activity.get();
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
hardActivityRef != null,
"Activity was not launched. If you manually finished it, you must launch it"
+ " again before finishing it. ");
// If there is an activity result we save it
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
// Should never happen
String msg = "Failed to execute activity.finish() on the main thread";
Log.e(TAG, msg, throwable);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg, throwable);
* This method can be used to retrieve the {@link ActivityResult} of an Activity that has called
* {@link Activity#setResult}. Usually, the result is handled in {@link Activity#onActivityResult}
* of the parent Activity, that has called {@link Activity#startActivityForResult}.
* <p>This method must <b>not</b> be called before {@code Activity.finish} was called or after the
* activity was already destroyed.
* <p>Note: This method assumes {@link Activity#setResult(int)} is called no later than in {@link
* Activity#onPause()}.
* @return the {@link ActivityResult} that was set most recently
* @throws IllegalStateException if the activity is not in finishing state.
public ActivityResult getActivityResult() {
if (null == activityResult) {
// This is required if users manually called .finish() on their activity instead of using
// this.finishActivity(). Since .finish() is async there could be a case that our callback
// wasn't called just yet.
T hardActivityRef = activity.get();
checkNotNull(hardActivityRef, "Activity wasn't created yet or already destroyed!");
try {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
checkState(hardActivityRef.isFinishing(), "Activity is not finishing!");
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
throw new IllegalStateException(throwable);
return activityResult;
private void setActivityResultForActivity(final T activity) {
checkState(Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper(), "Must be called on the main thread!");
checkNotNull(activity, "Activity wasn't created yet or already destroyed!");
try {
Field resultCodeField = Activity.class.getDeclaredField(FIELD_RESULT_CODE);
Field resultDataField = Activity.class.getDeclaredField(FIELD_RESULT_DATA);
activityResult =
new ActivityResult(
(int) resultCodeField.get(activity), (Intent) resultDataField.get(activity));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
String msg =
"Looks like the Android Activity class has changed its"
+ "private fields for mResultCode or mResultData. "
+ "Time to update the reflection code.";
Log.e(TAG, msg, e);
throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
String msg = "Field mResultCode or mResultData is not accessible";
Log.e(TAG, msg, e);
throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);
* Helper method for running part of a method on the UI thread, blocking until it is complete.
* <p>Note: In most cases it is simpler to annotate the test method with {@link UiThreadTest}.
* <p>Use this method if you need to switch in and out of the UI thread within your method.
* @param runnable runnable containing test code in the {@link Runnable#run()} method
* @see androidx.test.annotation.UiThreadTest
public void runOnUiThread(final Runnable runnable) throws Throwable {
* <a href=""><code>Statement
* </code></a> that finishes the activity after the test was executed
private class ActivityStatement extends Statement {
private final Statement base;
public ActivityStatement(Statement base) {
this.base = base;
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
MonitoringInstrumentation instrumentation =
ActivityTestRule.this.instrumentation instanceof MonitoringInstrumentation
? (MonitoringInstrumentation) ActivityTestRule.this.instrumentation
: null;
try {
if (activityFactory != null && instrumentation != null) {
if (launchActivity) {
} finally {
if (instrumentation != null) {
T hardActivityRef = activity.get();
if (hardActivityRef != null) {
activityResult = null;
WeakReference<T> makeWeakReference(T activity) {
return new WeakReference<T>(activity);
* Activity lifecycle callback which ensures to release a reference on the activity under test
* after lifecycle changes. This is done to ensure that we don't leak the original Activity under
* test and at the same time have a reference to the currently visible activity.
* <p>Note: this callback is run on the main thread!
private class LifecycleCallback implements ActivityLifecycleCallback {
public void onActivityLifecycleChanged(Activity activity, Stage stage) {
if (activityClass.isInstance(activity)) {
if (Stage.RESUMED == stage) {
ActivityTestRule.this.activity = makeWeakReference(activityClass.cast(activity));
} else if (Stage.PAUSED == stage) {
// If there is an activity result we save it
if (activity.isFinishing() && activityResult != null) {
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