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Created July 22, 2021 15:03
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Run isitio on microshift

Install istio on mircoshift

You can find the installation instuctions in the link below.

Add metrics server components

kubectl apply -f

Add istio-system to cluster

oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:istio-system

Download istio

curl -L | sh -

cd into folder

cd istio-1.10.3

set path for cli

export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

run the istio install

istioctl install --set profile=openshift -y

add the istio label to namespace

kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

deploy bookinfo app

kubectl apply -f samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml

Verify Services Exist

kubectl get services -n default

Validate pods exists

kubectl get pods -n default

Determine external endpoint exists

kubectl exec "$(kubectl get pod -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')" -c ratings -- curl -sS productpage:9080/productpage | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"

Uninstall istio

istioctl manifest generate --set profile=demo | kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f -
kubectl delete namespace istio-system


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