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import defaultKy, { type KyInstance } from 'ky';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { getEnv } from '../../utils/helpers.js';
export namespace serper {
export const BASE_URL = '';
export const SearchParamsSchema = z.object({
q: z.string().describe('search query'),
autocorrect: z.boolean().default(true).optional(),
gl: z.string().default('us').optional(),
hl: z.string().default('en').optional(),
page: z.number().int().positive().default(1).optional(),
num: z.number().int().positive().default(10).optional(),
export type SearchParams = z.infer<typeof SearchParamsSchema>;
export interface SearchResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'search' };
organic: Organic[];
answerBox?: AnswerBox;
knowledgeGraph?: KnowledgeGraph;
topStories?: TopStory[];
peopleAlsoAsk?: PeopleAlsoAsk[];
relatedSearches?: RelatedSearch[];
export interface SearchImagesResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'images' };
images: Image[];
export interface SearchVideosResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'videos' };
videos: Video[];
export interface SearchPlacesResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'places' };
places: Place[];
export interface SearchNewsResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'news' };
news: News[];
export interface SearchShoppingResponse {
searchParameters: SearchParameters & { type: 'shopping' };
shopping: Shopping[];
export type Response =
| SearchResponse
| SearchImagesResponse
| SearchVideosResponse
| SearchPlacesResponse
| SearchNewsResponse
| SearchShoppingResponse;
export interface KnowledgeGraph {
title: string;
type: string;
website: string;
imageUrl: string;
description: string;
descriptionSource: string;
descriptionLink: string;
attributes: Record<string, string>;
export interface Organic {
title: string;
link: string;
snippet: string;
position: number;
imageUrl?: string;
sitelinks?: SiteLink[];
export interface AnswerBox {
snippet: string;
snippetHighlighted?: string[];
title: string;
link: string;
date?: string;
position?: number;
export interface SiteLink {
title: string;
link: string;
export interface PeopleAlsoAsk {
question: string;
snippet: string;
title: string;
link: string;
export interface RelatedSearch {
query: string;
export interface SearchParameters {
q: string;
gl: string;
hl: string;
num: number;
autocorrect: boolean;
page: number;
type: string;
engine: string;
export interface TopStory {
title: string;
link: string;
source: string;
date: string;
imageUrl: string;
export interface Image {
title: string;
imageUrl: string;
imageWidth: number;
imageHeight: number;
thumbnailUrl: string;
thumbnailWidth: number;
thumbnailHeight: number;
source: string;
domain: string;
link: string;
googleUrl: string;
position: number;
export interface Video {
title: string;
link: string;
snippet: string;
date: string;
imageUrl: string;
position: number;
export interface Place {
position: number;
title: string;
address: string;
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
category: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
website: string;
cid: string;
rating?: number;
ratingCount?: number;
export interface News {
title: string;
link: string;
snippet: string;
date: string;
source: string;
imageUrl: string;
position: number;
export interface Shopping {
title: string;
source: string;
link: string;
price: string;
imageUrl: string;
delivery?: Record<string, string>;
rating?: number;
ratingCount?: number;
offers?: string;
productId?: string;
position: number;
export interface ClientOptions extends Omit<Partial<SearchParams>, 'q'> {
apiKey?: string;
apiBaseUrl?: string;
ky?: KyInstance;
* Lightweight wrapper around Serper for Google search.
* @see
export class SerperClient {
protected api: KyInstance;
protected apiKey: string;
protected apiBaseUrl: string;
protected params: Omit<Partial<serper.SearchParams>, 'q'>;
apiKey = getEnv('SERPER_API_KEY'),
apiBaseUrl = serper.BASE_URL,
ky = defaultKy,
}: serper.ClientOptions = {}) {
if (!apiKey) {
throw new Error(
`SerperClient missing required "apiKey" (defaults to "SERPER_API_KEY" env var)`
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.apiBaseUrl = apiBaseUrl;
this.params = params;
this.api = ky.extend({
prefixUrl: this.apiBaseUrl,
headers: {
'X-API-KEY': this.apiKey,
async search(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchResponse>('search', queryOrOpts);
async searchImages(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchImagesResponse>('images', queryOrOpts);
async searchVideos(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchVideosResponse>('videos', queryOrOpts);
async searchPlaces(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchPlacesResponse>('places', queryOrOpts);
async searchNews(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchNewsResponse>('news', queryOrOpts);
async searchProducts(queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams) {
return this._fetch<serper.SearchShoppingResponse>('shopping', queryOrOpts);
protected async _fetch<T extends serper.Response>(
endpoint: string,
queryOrOpts: string | serper.SearchParams
) {
const params = {
...(typeof queryOrOpts === 'string' ? { q: queryOrOpts } : queryOrOpts),
return, { json: params }).json<T>();
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