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Created April 15, 2016 06:13
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CS 465 code
-- AES encryption in Haskell using Simple AES (
-- Example encryption and decryption:
import Codec.Crypto.SimpleAES
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import Data.Hex
key = B.pack "Thisismykey....."
iv = B.pack "Thisismyiv......"
main = do
-- Encrpyt using CBC and ECB
let cbc = encryptMsg' CBC key iv msg
ecb = encryptMsg' ECB key iv msg
-- Print ciphertext
putStrLn $ hex (BL.unpack cbc)
putStrLn $ hex (BL.unpack ecb)
-- Decrpyt CBC and ECB ciphertext
let m = decryptMsg CBC key cbc
m' = decryptMsg ECB key ecb
-- Print decrypted messages
putStrLn $ BL.unpack m
putStrLn $ BL.unpack m'
-- CBC mode output
-- 5468697369736D7969762E2E2E2E2E2E00000000000000512596118FB3E8456843ECF018CEFF9231
-- 1B7C62461589985FD17F07E7CD538E00CB9C7EBB00C210C062553E58DE80E890F64D400790C6A41B
-- DB48CD4FA1C2F50BF83C4278B5A2DD18C703998CF355C8370D763E81394651243640A4F0B28FC6FE
-- ECB mode output
-- 5468697369736D7969762E2E2E2E2E2E0000000000000051B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1
-- B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1B2FC545513D62A39
-- 3F524B6714B6FFA179072EED75C17B034EAAED887AFC556D7F0851F58EE2882CFFE193F579E60D04
-- Lessons learned
-- Padding must be addressed carefully. Somehow, the length of the plaintext must
-- be encoded so the right amount of padding can be stripped after decryption.
-- AES encryption in Haskell using Simple AES (
-- Example encryption and decryption:
import Crypto.Cipher
import Crypto.Cipher.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Hex
Right key = makeKey (B.pack "Thisismykey.....")
cipher :: AES128
cipher = cipherInit key
just iv = makeIV (B.pack "Thisismyiv......")
main = do
-- Encrpyt using CBC and ECB
let cbc = cbcEncrypt cipher iv msg
ecb = ecbEncrypt cipher msg
-- Print ciphertext
--putStrLn $ hex (BL.unpack cbc)
putStrLn $ hex (B.unpack ecb)
-- Decrpyt CBC and ECB ciphertext
--let m = decryptMsg CBC key cbc
--m' = decryptMsg ECB key ecb
-- Print decrypted messages
--putStrLn $ BL.unpack m
--putStrLn $ BL.unpack m'
-- CBC mode output
-- 5468697369736D7969762E2E2E2E2E2E00000000000000512596118FB3E8456843ECF018CEFF9231
-- 1B7C62461589985FD17F07E7CD538E00CB9C7EBB00C210C062553E58DE80E890F64D400790C6A41B
-- DB48CD4FA1C2F50BF83C4278B5A2DD18C703998CF355C8370D763E81394651243640A4F0B28FC6FE
-- ECB mode output
-- 5468697369736D7969762E2E2E2E2E2E0000000000000051B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1
-- B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1B2FC545513D62A393F524B6714B6FFA1B2FC545513D62A39
-- 3F524B6714B6FFA179072EED75C17B034EAAED887AFC556D7F0851F58EE2882CFFE193F579E60D04
-- Lessons learned
-- Padding must be addressed carefully. Somehow, the length of the plaintext must
-- be encoded so the right amount of padding can be stripped after decryption.
import Data.Bits
import System.Random
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Testing
modExp :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modExp b 0 m = 1
modExp b e m = t * modExp ((b * b) `mod` m) (shiftR e 1) m `mod` m
where t = if testBit e 0 then b `mod` m else 1
rndPrime :: Int -> IO Integer
rndPrime bits = do
x <- fmap (.|. 1) $ randomRIO (2^(bits - 1), 2^bits - 1)
if isPrime x then return x else rndPrime bits
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- rndPrime 500
s <- rndPrime 500
putStrLn "p:"
putStrLn $ show p
putStrLn "g^s%p:"
putStrLn $ show $ modExp 5 s p
putStrLn "g^t&p:"
gtp <- getLine
putStrLn "(g^t%p)^s%p:"
putStrLn $ show $ modExp (read gtp :: Integer) s p
import Data.Bits
import System.Random
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Testing
modExp :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modExp b 0 m = 1
modExp b e m = t * modExp ((b * b) `mod` m) (shiftR e 1) m `mod` m
where t = if testBit e 0 then b `mod` m else 1
extendedGCD :: Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
extendedGCD a 0 = (1, 0)
extendedGCD a b = (t, s - q * t)
where (q, r) = quotRem a b
(s, t) = extendedGCD b r
modInv :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
modInv a b = let i = fst (extendedGCD a b)
in if i < 0 then (b+i) else i
gcd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
gcd a b = a*x + b*y
where (x, y) = extendedGCD a b
rndPrime :: Int -> IO Integer
rndPrime bits = do
x <- fmap (.|. 1) $ randomRIO (2^(bits - 1), 2^bits - 1)
if isPrime x then return x else rndPrime bits
rsaPrimes :: IO (Integer, Integer)
rsaPrimes = do
p <- rndPrime 512
q <- rndPrime 512
if Main.gcd ((p-1) * (q-1)) 65537 == 1 then return (p, q) else rsaPrimes
main :: IO ()
main = do
(p, q) <- rsaPrimes
let n = p * q
phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
e = 65537
d = modInv e phi
putStrLn "p:"
putStrLn (show p)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "q:"
putStrLn (show q)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "n:"
putStrLn (show n)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "d:"
putStrLn (show d)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Enter message:"
m <- getLine
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Encrypted:"
putStrLn $ show (modExp (read m :: Integer) e n)
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Enter encrypted message:"
c <- getLine
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Decrypted:"
putStrLn $ show (modExp (read c :: Integer) d n)
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