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Created December 27, 2023 21:00
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Field editor format output using comma instead of period, and vice versa
add_filter('field_editor_get_custom_field_listing_meta', 'format_job_price_for_germany', 10, 4);
function format_job_price_for_germany($field_value, $field_slug, $listing_id, $args) {
// Check if the field slug is 'job_price'
if ($field_slug == 'job_price') {
// Ensure the field value is not empty and is a numeric value
if (!empty($field_value) && is_numeric($field_value)) {
// Format the number to German standards: comma for decimal and period for thousands
$field_value = number_format((float)$field_value, 2, ',', '.');
return $field_value;
// Return the original value if conditions are not met
return $field_value;
add_filter('field_editor_get_custom_field_listing_meta', 'format_job_price_for_germany', 10, 4);
function format_job_price_for_germany($field_value, $field_slug, $listing_id, $args) {
// Check if the field slug is 'job_price'
if ($field_slug == 'job_price') {
// Ensure the field value is not empty and is a numeric value
if (!empty($field_value) && is_numeric($field_value)) {
// Create a number formatter for German locale
$formatter = new NumberFormatter('de_DE', NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
$field_value = $formatter->format($field_value);
return $field_value;
// Return the original value if conditions are not met
return $field_value;
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The functions2.php version uses NumberFormatter which may or may not be installed on your hosting providers system

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