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Last active November 1, 2023 13:38
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Python3 version of Unicode <=> KrutiDev converter
# KrutiDev to Unicode function
def KrutiDev_to_Unicode(krutidev_substring):
modified_substring = krutidev_substring
array_one = ["ñ","Q+Z","sas","aa",")Z","ZZ","‘","’","“","”",
"å", "ƒ", "„", "…", "†", "‡", "ˆ", "‰", "Š", "‹",
"¶+", "d+", "[+k","[+", "x+", "T+", "t+", "M+", "<+", "Q+", ";+", "j+", "u+",
"Ùk", "Ù", "Dr", "–", "—","é","™","=kk","f=k",
"à", "á", "â", "ã", "ºz", "º", "í", "{k", "{", "=", "«",
"Nî", "Vî", "Bî", "Mî", "<î", "|", "K", "}",
"J", "Vª", "Mª", "<ªª", "Nª", "Ø", "Ý", "nzZ", "æ", "ç", "Á", "xz", "#", ":",
"v‚","vks", "vkS", "vk", "v", "b±", "Ã", "bZ", "b", "m", "Å", ",s", ",", "_",
"ô", "d", "Dk", "D", "[k", "[", "x","Xk", "X", "Ä", "?k", "?", "³",
"pkS", "p", "Pk", "P", "N", "t", "Tk", "T", ">", "÷", "¥",
"ê", "ë", "V", "B", "ì", "ï", "M+", "<+", "M", "<", ".k", ".",
"r", "Rk", "R", "Fk", "F", ")", "n", "/k", "èk", "/", "Ë", "è", "u", "Uk", "U",
"i", "Ik", "I", "Q", "¶", "c", "Ck", "C", "Hk", "H", "e", "Ek", "E",
";", "¸", "j", "y", "Yk", "Y", "G", "o", "Ok", "O",
"'k", "'", "\"k", "\"", "l", "Lk", "L", "g",
"È", "z",
"Ì", "Í", "Î", "Ï", "Ñ", "Ò", "Ó", "Ô", "Ö", "Ø", "Ù","Ük", "Ü",
"‚", "ks", "kS", "k", "h", "q", "w", "`", "s", "S",
"a", "¡", "%", "W", "•", "·", "∙", "·", "~j", "~", "\\","+"," ः",
"^", "*", "Þ", "ß", "(", "¼", "½", "¿", "À", "¾", "A", "-", "&", "&", "Œ", "]","~ ","@"]
array_two = ["॰","QZ+","sa","a","र्द्ध","Z","\"","\"","'","'",
"०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९",
"फ़्", "क़", "ख़", "ख़्", "ग़", "ज़्", "ज़", "ड़", "ढ़", "फ़", "य़", "ऱ", "ऩ",
"त्त", "त्त्", "क्त", "दृ", "कृ","न्न","न्न्","=k","f=",
"ह्न", "ह्य", "हृ", "ह्म", "ह्र", "ह्", "द्द", "क्ष", "क्ष्", "त्र", "त्र्",
"छ्य", "ट्य", "ठ्य", "ड्य", "ढ्य", "द्य", "ज्ञ", "द्व",
"श्र", "ट्र", "ड्र", "ढ्र", "छ्र", "क्र", "फ्र", "र्द्र", "द्र", "प्र", "प्र", "ग्र", "रु", "रू",
"ऑ", "ओ", "औ", "आ", "अ", "ईं", "ई", "ई", "इ", "उ", "ऊ", "ऐ", "ए", "ऋ",
"क्क", "क", "क", "क्", "ख", "ख्", "ग", "ग", "ग्", "घ", "घ", "घ्", "ङ",
"चै", "च", "च", "च्", "छ", "ज", "ज", "ज्", "झ", "झ्", "ञ",
"ट्ट", "ट्ठ", "ट", "ठ", "ड्ड", "ड्ढ", "ड़", "ढ़", "ड", "ढ", "ण", "ण्",
"त", "त", "त्", "थ", "थ्", "द्ध", "द", "ध", "ध", "ध्", "ध्", "ध्", "न", "न", "न्",
"प", "प", "प्", "फ", "फ्", "ब", "ब", "ब्", "भ", "भ्", "म", "म", "म्",
"य", "य्", "र", "ल", "ल", "ल्", "ळ", "व", "व", "व्",
"श", "श्", "ष", "ष्", "स", "स", "स्", "ह",
"ीं", "्र",
"द्द", "ट्ट","ट्ठ","ड्ड","कृ","भ","्य","ड्ढ","झ्","क्र","त्त्","श","श्",
"ॉ", "ो", "ौ", "ा", "ी", "ु", "ू", "ृ", "े", "ै",
"ं", "ँ", "ः", "ॅ", "ऽ", "ऽ", "ऽ", "ऽ", "्र", "्", "?", "़",":",
"‘", "’", "“", "”", ";", "(", ")", "{", "}", "=", "।", ".", "-", "µ", "॰", ",","् ","/"]
array_one_length = len(array_one)
# Specialty characters
# Move "f" to correct position and replace
modified_substring = " " + modified_substring + " "
position_of_f = modified_substring.rfind("f")
while (position_of_f != -1):
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_f] + modified_substring[position_of_f+1] + modified_substring[position_of_f] + modified_substring[position_of_f+2:]
position_of_f = modified_substring.rfind("f",0, position_of_f - 1 ) # search for f ahead of the current position.
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace("f","ि")
modified_substring = modified_substring.strip()
# Move "half R" to correct position and replace
modified_substring = " " + modified_substring + " "
position_of_r = modified_substring.find("Z")
set_of_matras = ["‚", "ks", "kS", "k", "h", "q", "w", "`", "s", "S", "a", "¡", "%", "W", "·", "~ ", "~"]
while (position_of_r != -1):
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace("Z","",1)
if modified_substring[position_of_r - 1] in set_of_matras:
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_r - 2] + "j~" + modified_substring[position_of_r - 2:]
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_r - 1] + "j~" + modified_substring[position_of_r - 1:]
position_of_r = modified_substring.find("Z")
modified_substring = modified_substring.strip()
# Replace ASCII with Unicode
for input_symbol_idx in range(0, array_one_length):
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace(array_one[input_symbol_idx ] , array_two[input_symbol_idx] )
return modified_substring
# Unicode to KrutiDev function
def Unicode_to_KrutiDev(unicode_substring):
modified_substring = unicode_substring
array_one = ["‘", "’", "“", "”", "(", ")", "{", "}", "=", "।", "?", "-", "µ", "॰", ",", ".", "् ",
"०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९", "x",
"फ़्", "क़", "ख़", "ग़", "ज़्", "ज़", "ड़", "ढ़", "फ़", "य़", "ऱ", "ऩ",
"त्त्", "त्त", "क्त", "दृ", "कृ",
"ह्न", "ह्य", "हृ", "ह्म", "ह्र", "ह्", "द्द", "क्ष्", "क्ष", "त्र्", "त्र","ज्ञ",
"छ्य", "ट्य", "ठ्य", "ड्य", "ढ्य", "द्य","द्व",
"श्र", "ट्र", "ड्र", "ढ्र", "छ्र", "क्र", "फ्र", "द्र", "प्र", "ग्र", "रु", "रू",
"ओ", "औ", "आ", "अ", "ई", "इ", "उ", "ऊ", "ऐ", "ए", "ऋ",
"क्", "क", "क्क", "ख्", "ख", "ग्", "ग", "घ्", "घ", "ङ",
"चै", "च्", "च", "छ", "ज्", "ज", "झ्", "झ", "ञ",
"ट्ट", "ट्ठ", "ट", "ठ", "ड्ड", "ड्ढ", "ड", "ढ", "ण्", "ण",
"त्", "त", "थ्", "थ", "द्ध", "द", "ध्", "ध", "न्", "न",
"प्", "प", "फ्", "फ", "ब्", "ब", "भ्", "भ", "म्", "म",
"य्", "य", "र", "ल्", "ल", "ळ", "व्", "व",
"श्", "श", "ष्", "ष", "स्", "स", "ह",
"ऑ", "ॉ", "ो", "ौ", "ा", "ी", "ु", "ू", "ृ", "े", "ै",
"ं", "ँ", "ः", "ॅ", "ऽ", "् ", "्" ]
array_two = ["^", "*", "Þ", "ß", "¼", "½", "¿", "À", "¾", "A", "\\", "&", "&", "Œ", "]","-","~ ",
"å", "ƒ", "„", "…", "†", "‡", "ˆ", "‰", "Š", "‹","Û",
"¶", "d", "[k", "x", "T", "t", "M+", "<+", "Q", ";", "j", "u",
"Ù", "Ùk", "Dr", "–", "—",
"à", "á", "â", "ã", "ºz", "º", "í", "{", "{k", "«", "=","K",
"Nî", "Vî", "Bî", "Mî", "<î", "|","}",
"J", "Vª", "Mª", "<ªª", "Nª", "Ø", "Ý", "æ", "ç", "xz", "#", ":",
"vks", "vkS", "vk", "v", "bZ", "b", "m", "Å", ",s", ",", "_",
"D", "d", "ô", "[", "[k", "X", "x", "?", "?k", "³",
"pkS", "P", "p", "N", "T", "t", "÷", ">", "¥",
"ê", "ë", "V", "B", "ì", "ï", "M", "<", ".", ".k",
"R", "r", "F", "Fk", ")", "n", "/", "/k", "U", "u",
"I", "i", "¶", "Q", "C", "c", "H", "Hk", "E", "e",
"¸", ";", "j", "Y", "y", "G", "O", "o",
"'", "'k", "\"", "\"k", "L", "l", "g",
"v‚", "‚", "ks", "kS", "k", "h", "q", "w", "`", "s", "S",
"a", "¡", "%", "W", "·", "~ ", "~"]
array_one_length = len(array_one)
# Specialty characters
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("क़", "क़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ख़‌", "ख़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ग़", "ग़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ज़", "ज़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ड़", "ड़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ढ़", "ढ़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ऩ", "ऩ")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("फ़", "फ़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("य़", "य़")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace ("ऱ", "ऱ")
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace("ि","f")
# Replace Unicode with ASCII
for input_symbol_idx in range(0, array_one_length):
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace(array_one[input_symbol_idx ] , array_two[input_symbol_idx] )
# Move "f" to correct position
modified_substring = " " + modified_substring + " "
position_of_f = modified_substring.find("f")
while (position_of_f != -1):
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_f-1] + modified_substring[position_of_f] + modified_substring[position_of_f-1] + modified_substring[position_of_f+1:]
position_of_f = modified_substring.find("f", position_of_f +1 ) # search for f ahead of the current position.
modified_substring = modified_substring.strip()
# Move "half R" to correct position and replace
modified_substring = " " + modified_substring + " "
position_of_r = modified_substring.find("j~")
set_of_matras = ["‚", "ks", "kS", "k", "h", "q", "w", "`", "s", "S", "a", "¡", "%", "W", "·", "~ ", "~"]
while (position_of_r != -1):
modified_substring = modified_substring.replace("j~","",1)
if modified_substring[position_of_r + 1] in set_of_matras:
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_r + 2] + "Z" + modified_substring[position_of_r + 2:]
modified_substring = modified_substring[:position_of_r + 1] + "Z" + modified_substring[position_of_r + 1:]
position_of_r = modified_substring.find("j~")
modified_substring = modified_substring.strip()
return modified_substring
# def guess()
def main():
import sys
import logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(module)s:%(message)s')
# func = guess
func = Unicode_to_KrutiDev
offset = 1
files = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] in ('-d', '--decode'):
func = KrutiDev_to_Unicode
offset = 2
elif sys.argv[1] in ('-e', '--encode'):
func = Unicode_to_KrutiDev
offset = 2
elif sys.argv[1].startswith('-'):
logging.error('Unknown option %s', sys.argv[1])
'Syntax: %s [ --encode | --decode ] [ files ... ]',
files = sys.argv[offset:]
if not files:
files = ['-']
for filename in files:
if filename == '-':
for line in sys.stdin:
# print("#", line.rstrip())
with open(filename, 'r') as lines:
for line in lines:
# print("#", line.rstrip())
if __name__ == '__main__':
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This is amazing! Thanks alot!

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Python 3 version of with the Excel nonsense stripped out.

See also

Can u please help me for another hindi font b bharti kautilya to unicode conversion.Please requesting u.
If u need i have ttf file link attached

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I'm sorry, I have no domain knowledge about devanagari in general or legacy encodings for it in particular; just a general interest in text encodings. This gist is a completely mechanical adaptation of code written by somebody else -- I was never able to find authoritative documentation for the KrutiDev encoding scheme, but this code seemed to work for my test cases. @PrateekJain1993 if you have documentation for the encoding, I can take a look, but unfortunately, I don't want to visit Google Drive links for paranoid reasons.

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I dont have the encoding documentation, but I have mapped all the keys to the corresponding unicode characters.But I am getting error as they are not combining like - स्ांब्ााेधन should have been संबोधन. Please help how to combine them.

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