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Created June 8, 2012 19:41
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first attempt
* Intergrates Flex Book web pages
function flex_book_node_view($node) {
if($node->type == 'flex_book'){
$load_js = $node->field_load_js;//calls the field and makes it load.js
foreach($load_js['und'] as $js_file) { // gets the und from laod.js
drupal_add_js($js_file['value']);// loads the JS to the page
$load_css = $node->field_load_css;//calls the field and makes it load.css
foreach($load_css['und'] as $css_file) { // gets the und from laod.css
drupal_add_css($css_file['value']);// loads the CSS to the page
* Intergrates Flex Book web pages
function flex_book_node_view($node, $view_mode ) {
if($node->type == 'flex_book'){
$load_js = $node->field_load_js;
* Intergrates Flex Book web pages
function flex_book_node_view($node, $view_mode ) {
if($node->type == 'flex_book'){
$load_js = $node->field_load_js;
foreach($load_js['und'] as $js_file) { var_dump($js_file); }
* Intergrates Flex Book web pages
function flex_book_node_view($node) {
if($node->type == 'flex_book'){
$load_js = $node->field_load_js;//calls the field and makes it load.js
foreach($load_js['und'] as $js_file) // gets the und from laod.js
{ drupal_add_js($js_file['value']); }// loads the JS to the page
$load_css = $node->field_load_css;//calls the field and makes it load.css
foreach($load_css['und'] as $css_file) // gets the und from laod.css
{ drupal_add_css($css_file['value']); }// loads the CSS to the page
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