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Created October 9, 2012 21:05
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Convert RTF/DOC files to Markdown via Textutil
Usage: rtftomarkdown.rb FILENAME.rtf
Uses textutil, available on Mac only (installed by default)
Outputs to STDOUT
Links are replaced with Markdown references (duplicate links combined).
This works fine on RTF files, but the markup that the Word/textutil
combination produces seems impossible to work with. Most links disappear
when converting from a DOC or DOCX file, and even Word's RTF export is
List levels converted by textutil can not be changed at a given depth.
If you start a second-level nested list as an ordered list, the next
second-level list will be ordered. It's a textutil/RTF thing.
write_file = false # for Services set to true to write out files with .md extension
if ARGV.length == 0
puts "#{__FILE__} expects an input file (RTF or DOC) as an argument"
def remove_empty(input)
input.gsub!(/(<(\w+)( class=".*?")?>\s*<\/\2>)/,'')
input = remove_empty(input) if input =~ /(<(\w+)( class=".*")?>\s*<\/\2>)/
return input.strip
ARGV.each do |infile|
file = infile.sub(/\/$/,'')
if File.exists?(File.expand_path(file))
ext = file.match(/\.(\w+)$/)[1]
input = %x{/usr/bin/textutil -convert html -stdout "#{file}"}.strip
# remove span/br tags, unneccessary
input.gsub!(/<\/?span( class=".*?")?>/,'')
# substitute headers
input.gsub!(/<p class="p1">(?:<b>)?(.+?)(?:<\/b>)?<\/p>/,'# \\1')
input.gsub!(/<p class="p2"><b>(.+?)<\/b><\/p>/,'## \\1')
input.gsub!(/<p class="p3"><b>(.+?)<\/b><\/p>/,'## \\1')
input.gsub!(/<p class="p4"><b>(.+?)<\/b><\/p>/,'### \\1')
input.gsub!(/<p class="p5"><b>(.+?)<\/b><\/p>/,'### \\1')
input = input.split("\n").map { |line|
# remove paragraph tags
input.gsub!(/<p class="p\d">(.*?)<\/p>/,'\\1')
# emphasis
# links
links = {}
footer = ''
input.gsub!(/<a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/) do |match|
if links.has_key? $1
marker = links[$1]
links[$1] = links.length + 1
footer += "\n[#{links[$1]}]: #{$1}"
input = input.split("\n").map { |line|
# handle lists
list_level = 0
list_type = []
input = input.split("\n").map { |line|
if line =~ /<([uo])l.*?>/
list_level += 1
list_type[list_level] = $1 =~ /u/ ? "*" : "1."
elsif line =~ /<\/[uo]l>/
list_level -= 1
indent = ""
(list_level -1).times do indent += " " end
line.gsub(/<li.*?>(.*?)<\/li>/,"#{indent}#{list_type[list_level]} \\1")
}.delete_if {|line|
line =~ /\*REMOVEME/
if write_file
open(file+".md", 'w+') { |f|
f.puts input
f.puts footer
puts input
puts footer
puts "File not found: #{file}"
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This is brilliant, and just acted as a nice Google Docs -> RTF export -> Markdown converter for me. Thanks!

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+1 would execute again

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Nice, thanks! For more complicated documents (e.g. with math) I've made this repo, hope this could be useful for some:

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Thanks for your nice sharing. But using code to deal with the related Word Doc converting projects is too complicated for me. As for myself, I prefer to do it with the help of some 3rd party Word Converters. It can make all the converting process much simpler and faster. You can also google it and select one to help you with the related Word Docs converting work. It will be better if it is totally manual and can be customized by users according to our own favors. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards,

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Okay, this is probably the best thing that I've found on the internet in a very long time. So very useful. Thank you!

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