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Created January 7, 2023 12:48
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Windows CMD batch file frequent issues/tips

Writing Windows CMD Batch File Stuff

I hope I never have to write another Windows .BAT file again in my life, but if I don't jot this stuff down, I will forget it, and then I will.


  1. Use :somelabel to define a block of code.
  2. Use call :somelabel to jump to a defined label, run that block of code to the end, then return.
  3. Use goto :label to jump to that label.
  4. Put :eof at the end of your file.


if (some error) do (
echo nope, you messed up
goto :eof

for (whatever) do (
call :myprocess
goto :eof

echo do stuff here

Looping over an input file

for /f %%a in (a-file-with-one-thing-per-line.txt) do (
echo Here's the line: %%a

Get the filename out of a URL

"if not exist"

I used this to determine if a program was installed (I'm sure there's some better wiz-bang way to check the registry for it...)

:: Check if chrome is in the right place
if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" (
echo You don't have Chrome installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe".
goto :eof

Number of command-line arguments

There's not something like $# in bash, so there's a whole level of hell involving looping and/or a bunch of GOTOs.

I wanted to check if there were no arguments; you can do this:

if "%1"=="" (
echo You need to pass at least one parameter, sorry.
goto :eof

Slashes to dashes

rem change slashes to dashes in the first parameter passed
SET _test=%1
SET _result=%_result:/=-%

That second line is replacing one string with another, so you can do stuff like this, too:

SET _result=%_result:pepsi=coke%

For lots more of this


Make a timestamped file

I covered this over here:


I have no idea what I'm doing. I learned all of this by brute force. It worked for me, but it might not work for you, and it's probably not the best way of doing things.

Also I just realized I don't even have a machine to test these anymore, so caveat emptor.

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