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Created July 14, 2018 09:50
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FuseBox RactiveComponentPlugin (WIP)
const path = require('path')
const fb = {
FuseBox, CopyPlugin, QuantumPlugin,
LESSPlugin, CSSPlugin,
} = require('fuse-box')
const RactiveComponentPlugin = require('./RactiveComponentPlugin')
const fuse = FuseBox.init({
homeDir: 'app',
output: 'public/$name.js',
target : 'browser@es5',
useTypescriptCompiler: false,
plugins: [
new RactivePlugin(),
paths: [
path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules')
}), CSSPlugin({
outFile: file => `public/${file}`,
minify: true
bakeApiIntoBundle: 'app',
treeshake : true,
uglify : true
.instructions('> main.js **/*.html')
const Ractive = require('ractive')
const rcu = require('rcu')
const typescript = require('typescript')
class RactivePlugin {
constructor(options) {
this.test = /\.html$/
this.dependencies = ['ractive/runtime']
init(context) {
transform(file) {
if (!file.analysis.ast) {
const { imports, script, css, template } = rcu.parse(file.contents)
file.contents = `
const Ractive = require('ractive/runtime')
const component = { exports: {} }
component.exports.components = {
${', ')}
component.exports.template = ${JSON.stringify(template)}
component.exports.css = '${this.minify(css)}'
export default Ractive.extend(component.exports)
file.contents = typescript.transpileModule(
file.contents, file.context.tsConfig.getConfig()
// TODO: sourcemap
// TODO: support plugin chain similar to Vue Plugin
importDeclaration({ name, href }) {
return `import ${name} from '${href}'`
componentDeclaration({ name, href }) {
return name
minify(css) {
return css.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').replace(/\t|\r|\n/g, '').trim()
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