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Last active October 8, 2023 23:04
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Multi-level arg parse

Multi-level arg parse

Shows how to structure a python app using arg parse that goes down many levels.

The "trick" is to

  • add a subparsers S1[]
  • add parsers P1[] to your subparser S1[x]
  • add a new set of subparsers S2[] to one of those parsers P1[x]

You can keep going from there.

Some other tips:

  • use lots of if statements
  • group parsers and add common arguments in loops
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
"""Multi-level argparse example
# 2 commands down
python do thing
python do thing -f
# All levels get help text
python -h
python do -h
python do thing -h
def do(options):
if options.method == "thing":
if options.force:
print("Doing it")
print("Not doing it")
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="So deep!.")
action_sp = p.add_subparsers(help='commands', dest='action')
# Top level
do_action_p = action_sp.add_parser('do', help='Do something')
# Do parsers
do_action_sp = do_action_p.add_subparsers(help='Method to perform', dest='action')
do_action_thing_p = do_action_sp.add_parser('thing', help='Do the thing.')
do_force_parsers = [do_action_thing_p]
for p in do_force_parsers:
p.add_argument('-f', '--force',
help="Do with abandon."
# End argparse setup. Parse and start doing actions.
options = p.parse_args()
if options.action == 'do':
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Because there is only 1 command on each level argparse compressed the help message a bit so calling help even on the top level shows this

$ python -h
usage: do thing [-h] [-f]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -f, --force  Do with abandon.

If you add more commands on each level that changes.

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