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Last active April 22, 2018 14:02
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vimish fold
;; :::::::::: parse buffer ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;; working code
(defun vf-parse-buffer-defun ()
"test buffer parsing"
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(message "loop start %s" (line-number-at-pos))
(if (thing-at-point 'defun)
(let*((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'defun))
(start (car bounds))
(end (cdr bounds))
(st (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
(message "thing bw %s and %s is {%s}" start end st)
;; handle exception
(vf-fold start end))
;; move out of defun
(goto-char (+ 1 end))))
(forward-line )))))))
;; ::::::::::folding ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;; working code
(defun vf-fold (beg end)
"Fold active region staring at BEG, ending at END.
Fold such that there is no overlapping"
(interactive "r")
(cl-destructuring-bind (beg . end) (vimish-fold--correct-region beg end)
(when (< (count-lines beg end) 2)
(error "Nothing to fold"))
(dolist (overlay (overlays-in beg end))
(when (vimish-fold--vimish-overlay-p overlay)
(let ((ol_beg (overlay-start overlay))
(ol_end (overlay-end overlay)))
(if (not
;; if the current overlay is surrounding old overlay
(and (>= ol_beg beg)
(<= ol_end end))
;; if the current overlay is enclosed in old overlay
(and (<= ol_beg beg)
(>= ol_end end)))
(and (/= ol_beg beg) (/= ol_end end) )))
;; if block
(goto-char (overlay-start overlay))
(error "Fold overlaps"))))))
;; when none of the folds overlaps
(vimish-fold--read-only t (max 1 (1- beg)) end)
(let ((overlay (make-overlay beg end nil t nil)))
(overlay-put overlay 'type 'vimish-fold--folded)
(overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t)
(overlay-put overlay 'keymap vimish-fold-folded-keymap)
(vimish-fold--apply-cosmetic overlay (vimish-fold--get-header beg end)))))))
(defun vimish-fold (beg end)
"Monkey patch vimish fold"
(vf-fold beg end)
;; :::::::::: unfold ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
(defun vf-folded-p (overlay)
"Returns true if overlay is a folded vimish fold overlay"
(eq (overlay-get overlay 'type) 'vimish-fold--folded))
(defun vf-unfold ()
"Unfolds the top most folded overlay at point"
;; (goto-line 219)
;; init ret_overlay to nil
(let* ((overlays (seq-filter 'vf-folded-p (overlays-at (point))))
(ret_overlay (car overlays)))
;;(overlays (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))
(dolist (ct_overlay (cdr overlays) ret_overlay)
;; select the top (largest) unfolded overlay
(let ((ctcstart (overlay-start ct_overlay) )
(ctend (overlay-end ct_overlay) )
(retstart (overlay-start ret_overlay) )
(retcend (overlay-end ret_overlay) ))
(when (and (<= ctstart retstart)
(>= ctend retend)
(and (/= ctstart retstart )
(/= ctend retend)))
(setq ret_overlay ct_overlay)))
(message "ret_overlay %s" ret_overlay)
(when ret_overlay
(vimish-fold--unfold ret_overlay))))
;; monkey patch vimish unfold
(defun vimish-fold-unfold ()
"Delete all `vimish-fold--folded' overlays at point."
;;(mapc #'vimish-fold--unfold (overlays-at (point)))
;;::::::::: test code :::::::::::::
((s (save-excursion
(goto-line 215)
(e (save-excursion
(goto-line 228)
(message "s: %s, e:%s, str:%s" s e (buffer-substring-no-properties s e))
(vf-fold s e)
;;(vimish-fold--folds-in s e)
(require 'color)
(defun gen-col-list (length s v &optional hval)
(cl-flet ( (random-float () (/ (random 10000000000) 10000000000.0))
(mod-float (f) (- f (ffloor f))) )
(unless hval
(setq hval (random-float)))
(let ((golden-ratio-conjugate (/ (- (sqrt 5) 1) 2))
(h hval)
(current length)
(ret-list '()))
(while (> current 0)
(setq ret-list
(append ret-list
(list (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-hsl-to-rgb h s v)))))
(setq h (mod-float (+ h golden-ratio-conjugate)))
(setq current (- current 1)))
(gen-col-list 1 0.85 0.65)
(defun my-color-preview ()
(let ((buffer-name "*font families*"))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name)
(dolist (hex-color (gen-col-list 5 0.17 0.93))
(insert (propertize hex-color 'face (list :background hex-color))
(goto-char (point-min)))
(pop-to-buffer-same-window buffer-name)))
(defun tst-overlay (@beg @end)
"test overlay"
(interactive "r")
(overlay-put (make-overlay @beg @end)
;;'face '(:background "green")))
;;'face 'secondary-selection))
'face (list :background (car(gen-col-list 1 0.5 0.65)))))
;;'face (list :background "green")))
(setq mark-active nil))
(message "%s" secondary-selection)
(defun rm-overlay (@beg @end)
"remove overlays"
(interactive "r")
(remove-overlays @beg @end))
;; :::::::::: refold ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;; pathed so that enclosed folds are refolded
(defun vimish-fold--refold (overlay)
"Refold fold found by its OVERLAY type `vimish-fold--unfolded'."
(when (eq (overlay-get overlay 'type) 'vimish-fold--unfolded)
(let* ((beg (overlay-start overlay))
(end (overlay-end overlay)))
(delete-overlay overlay)
(vf-fold beg end))))
(defun vf-unfolded-p (overlay)
"Returns true if overlay is a folded vimish fold overlay"
(eq (overlay-get overlay 'type) 'vimish-fold--unfolded))
(defun vf-refold ()
"refolds the smallest unfolded overlay at point"
;; (goto-line 219)
;; init ret_overlay to nil
(let* ((overlays (seq-filter 'vf-unfolded-p (overlays-at (point))))
(ret_overlay (car overlays)))
(message "refold: overlays %s" overlays)
(dolist (ct_overlay (cdr overlays) ret_overlay)
;; select the smallest unfolded overlay
(let ((ctstart (overlay-start ct_overlay) )
(ctend (overlay-end ct_overlay) )
(retstart (overlay-start ret_overlay) )
(retend (overlay-end ret_overlay) ))
(when (and (>= ctstart retstart)
(<= ctend retend)
(and (/= ctstart retstart )
(/= ctend retend)))
(setq ret_overlay ct_overlay))))
(message "refold:ret_overlay %s" ret_overlay)
(when ret_overlay
(vimish-fold--refold ret_overlay))))
(defun vimish-fold-refold ()
"Monkeypatch unfolded fold at point."
;;(mapc #'vimish-fold--refold (overlays-at (point))))
;; :::::::::: unfolded fringe color ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
(require 'color)
(defun gen-col-list (length s v &optional hval)
(cl-flet ( (random-float () (/ (random 10000000000) 10000000000.0))
(mod-float (f) (- f (ffloor f))) )
(unless hval
(setq hval (random-float)))
(let ((golden-ratio-conjugate (/ (- (sqrt 5) 1) 2))
(h hval)
(current length)
(ret-list '()))
(while (> current 0)
(setq ret-list
(append ret-list
(list (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (color-hsl-to-rgb h s v)))))
(setq h (mod-float (+ h golden-ratio-conjugate)))
(setq current (- current 1)))
(defun vimish-fold--setup-fringe (overlay &optional prefix)
"Setup fringe for OVERLAY according to user settings.
If PREFIX is not NIL, setup fringe for every line."
(when vimish-fold-indication-mode
(unless (memq vimish-fold-indication-mode
'(left-fringe right-fringe))
(error "Invalid fringe side: %S"
(overlay-put overlay 'face (list :background (car(gen-col-list 1 0.17 0.93))))
(overlay-put overlay (if prefix 'line-prefix 'before-string)
(propertize "…"
(list vimish-fold-indication-mode
;; :::::::::: delete ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;; follow same logic as vf-refold
;; get the smallest possible unfolded fold and delete
;; for deleting a closed fold recursively delete all fold inside it, don't attempt this
(defun vf-delete ()
"Delete inner most fold at point."
(goto-line 167)
;; init ret_overlay to nil
(let ( (ret_overlay 'nil)
(overlays (seq-filter
(overlays-at (point))))
;;(overlays (overlays-in (point-min) (point-max))))
(dolist (overlay overlays ret_overlay)
(message "%s" overlay)
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