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Created March 4, 2011 06:46
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Encode;
\my %option,
qw/po=s strings=s output=s/
my $po = $option{po};
my $strings = $option{strings};
pod2usage(-1) unless $po and $strings;
use Locale::Maketext::Extract;
package Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::ObjectiveC;
use base 'Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Base';
sub file_types { qw/m mm/ }
sub extract {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
my $line = 1;
while (/\G(.*?(?:L|NSLocalizedString(?:FromTable)?)\(\s*\@"((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)"\s*(.*?)\))/gs) {
my ($str, $vars) = ($2, $3);
$line += ( () = ($1 =~ /\n/g) ); # cryptocontext!
$self->add_entry($str, $line, $vars);
$INC{'Locale/Maketext/Extract/Plugin/'} = 1; # fake
use Locale::Maketext::Extract;
my $ext = Locale::Maketext::Extract->new(
plugins => { 'Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::ObjectiveC' => [] }
$ext->extract_file($_) for @ARGV;
my $out = q[];
for my $msgid ($ext->msgids) {
$out .= "\n";
(my $val = $ext->msg_variables($msgid)) =~ s!^#!//!;
$out .= $val;
(my $pos = $ext->msg_positions($msgid)) =~ s!^#!//!;
$out .= $pos;
(my $key = $msgid) =~ s/\\\\//g;
(my $value = $ext->msgstr($msgid)) =~ s/(?=[\\"])/\\/g;
$out .= sprintf qq["%s" = "%s";\n], $key, $value;
Encode::from_to($out, 'utf-8', 'utf-16');
open my $fh, '>', $option{strings} or die $!;
print $fh $out;
close $fh;
=head1 NAME - .po to .strings converter
=head1 SYNOPSIS --po=input.po --strings=output.strings src/*.m ...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
\my %option,
qw/output=s help/,
pod2usage(0) if $option{help};
pod2usage(-1) unless $option{output};
use Locale::Maketext::Extract;
package Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::ObjectiveC;
use base 'Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::Base';
sub file_types { qw/m mm/ }
sub extract {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
my $line = 1;
while (/\G(.*?(?:L|NSLocalizedString(?:FromTable)?)\(\s*\@"((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)"\s*(.*?)\))/gs) {
my ($str, $vars) = ($2, $3);
$line += ( () = ($1 =~ /\n/g) ); # cryptocontext!
$self->add_entry($str, $line, $vars);
$INC{'Locale/Maketext/Extract/Plugin/'} = 1; # fake
my $ext = Locale::Maketext::Extract->new(
plugins => {
'Locale::Maketext::Extract::Plugin::ObjectiveC' => ['*'],
$ext->extract_file($_) for @ARGV;
if (my $po = $option{output}) {
$ext->read_po($po) if -r $po and -s _;
=head1 NAME - pseudo for Objective-C NSLocalizedString
=head1 SYNOPSIS -o output.po src/*.m
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