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Last active August 9, 2023 05:09
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LLM Prompts

Building your pitch deck:

I want you to assist me in the creation of my pitch deck. I want to raise a $2M seed round from VC investors and angels in the US. Can you ask me the common questions slide by slide that help to gather all the relevant content and then create the final content for the pitch deck out of it. Do not write all conversation at once. Start with giving me the full structure of slides for the deck.

Practice your pitch:

I want you to act as a Venture Capital Investor. I will be a startup founder pitching you my startup idea to get an investment from you. I want you to ask me questions about my business idea, team and plans for the future. I want you to only reply as the VC. Do not write all conversation at once. I want you to only to the discussion with me. Ask me the questions and wait for my answer. Do not write explanations. Ask me the questions one by one like a VC does and wait for my answers. You start with the first question “Give me the elevator pitch of your idea

Find investors:

Can you give me a list of VC Investors in Germany that invest in Seed rounds. Can you give it to me in a table format with information on the ticket size and industries they invest in?

Create a GPT prompt to request slides for a pitch deck.


  • name: The name of the company.
  • vision: A 1-sentence description of the company's purpose.
  • problem: A brief description of the current unsolved problem people face.
  • solution: A brief description of how the company will solve this problem.
  • advantage: The competitive advantage that the company has to solve this problem.
  • market: A brief description of the size / nature of the customer market.
  • team: A listing of the people behind the company.
My business, "{}", has the following vision: <| {} |>
Customers have a problem: <| {} |>
My business solves this problem by: <| {} |>
Our business has the following competitive advantages: <| {} |>
The following is known about the business market: <| {} |>
The team behind the business is: <| {} |>
Create a pitch deck for my business to be presented to investors.
The pitch deck should have slides for the: problem, solution, market, product, business model, competitive advantages, team, and business model.
Each slide should be in the following format:

Slide 1: Slide Title
- A relevant point.
- Additional points...
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