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Created August 8, 2020 18:01
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How to Submit a Show HN

How to Submit a "Show HN"

If you're sharing your own work and there's a way to try it out, put "Show HN" in the title. Make sure you've read the Show HN guidelines:

Posts without URLs get penalized, so when you submit, put your site in the URL field and leave the text field blank.

Add a comment to the thread giving the backstory of how you came to work on this, and explaining what's different about it. That tends to seed discussion in a good direction.

Include a clear statement of what your project is or does. If you don't, the discussion will consist of "I can't tell what this is".

If there are previous HN submissions or discussions that your work relates to, readers always like to see links to those.

Drop any language that sounds like marketing or sales. On HN, that is an instant turnoff. Use factual, direct language. Personal stories and technical details are great.

For Show HN, the product/project needs to actually exist and there needs to be a way for people to try it out. It can't just be a landing page or market test or fundraiser or a blog post or a curated list or other reading material. Please respect this rule. If we allowed "Show HN" on all those things, nearly every post would be a Show HN.

Please make it easy for users to try your thing out, preferably without having to sign up, get a confirmation email, and other such barriers. You'll get more feedback that way, plus HN users get ornery if you make them jump through hoops.

If it's hardware or something that's not so easy to try out over the internet, find a different way to show how it actually works—a video, for example, or a detailed post with photos.

Don't have your username be that of your company or project. It creates a feeling of using the site for promotion and of not really participating as a person. You don't have to use your real name, just something to indicate that you're here as a human, not a brand. If you'd like to change your username, email

If you're comfortable doing so, put your email address in your profile so we can contact you if we notice anything, and also so we can send you a repost invite. We do that sometimes.

Make sure your friends and fans do not add booster comments in the thread. HN users are adept at picking up on those, they consider it spamming, and they will flame you for it. If a friend or a fan has something interesting to say, that's fine, but comments should not be promotional. Source: dang

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