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Forked from anonymous/gist:4286446
Created December 14, 2012 16:04
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One-click pip setup for windows
This gist is a one-click pip setup for windows:
1. installs distribute if needed
2. installs pip
3. (On windows) sets the path environment variable so "pip" is always runnable from cmd.
Tested on Windows 7 with python2.7
import subprocess
from urllib import urlopen
except ImportError:
# py3k
from urllib.request import urlopen
import os
import tarfile
import platform
import sys
distribute_url = ''
get_pip_url = ''
python = sys.executable
def download(url):
print('downloading %s' % url)
fname = os.path.basename(url)
with open(fname, 'wb') as f:
data = urlopen(url).read()
return fname
def run(line):
return subprocess.check_output(line, shell=True)
def add_path_env_windows(new_path):
# checks both user and system path
path_str = os.environ['path']
if new_path.lower() in path_str.lower():
print('Adding pip to user path')
# Add to user path
# The system path "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
# may not be writable using setx /m because of permissions.
output = run('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment" /v path')
output = output.decode(sys.stdout.encoding)
previous_path = output.split(' ')[3].strip(';\r\n')
total_path_str = previous_path + ';' + new_path
execline = 'setx path "%s"' % total_path_str
if hasattr(execline, 'decode'):
# python 2
# python 3
def main():
import setuptools
except ImportError:
# install distribute
fname = download(distribute_url)
with as tar:
dirname = tar.getnames()[0]
run(python + ' %s/ install' % dirname)
import pip
except ImportError:
pipf = download(get_pip_url)
run(python + ' %s' % pipf)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# add to environment path e.g. "C:\python27\Scripts" so you can run "pip"
# in the command line
add_path_env_windows(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'Scripts'))
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