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Last active August 9, 2021 21:28
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Symbolically searching for a counter-example to the Collatz Conjecture. A more efficient version of, written in vlang, evaluates 1e6 paths per second. Note you must edit vlang to make fractions expose their n and d, see
// The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve
// I'm looking for loops by checking every positive integer (1, 2, 3...)
// and I'm using the binary representation (0b0, 0b10, 0b11, 0b100, ...)
// as an up and down path of a collatz loop where '1' means (3x+1)/2 and
// '0' means x/2 . `frac_follow_path` calculates what should be the starting
// value based on that collatz loop path, and if that's an integer -
// we found a loop.
// Problems so far:
// 1. At 2B, vlang int (i32) gets stuck
// 2. 357913941 => found_x is 1. But that was just a 1010... I hit because I resumed
// right after I allowed found_x.n to be 1 as a solution for testing.
// 3. At 36,191,195,499 - I gave up. Wikipedia says the loop is at least 1.7e7 steps long.
// I only got up to ~35 steps.
import math.fractions
import time
fn frac_follow_path(path i64) (fractions.Fraction) {
// When closing a loop, x = Ax + B
// We follow the path by updating the coefficients A and B.
// In the end we calculate what should be the starting value: x = B / (1 - A)
one := fractions.fraction(1, 1)
two := fractions.fraction(2, 1)
three := fractions.fraction(3, 1)
// Start with just `x` => A = 1, B = 0
mut ax := fractions.fraction(1, 1)
mut b := fractions.fraction(0, 1)
mut step := path
for ;; {
op_index := step % 2
// println('${op_index} ax: ${ax} b: ${b}')
step = step >> 1
if step == 0 {
// The leftmost bit is always `1`, to allow us
// to use `>>` from the right digit to left.
// Because apparently getting the leftmost digit is complicated.
// Also - if we went right to left, how else would we know how many
// trailing (left) zeroes are there?
if op_index == 0 {
ax = ax / two
b = b / two
} else {
// Every 3x+1 must be followed by a x/2.
// So just do that and then we don't need to verify the binary sequence
// is legal (e.g. with no repeat 1s in it)
ax = ax * three / two
b = (b * three + one) / two
found_x := b / (one - ax)
return found_x
fn find_loops() {
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch()
// Start evaluating at path `2` to test this function.
// Or continue wherever the execution left off.
mut path := i64(357913941)
for ;; {
since := sw.elapsed().seconds()
if since > 5 {
// Report status every 5 seconds
println('still looking, path: ${path}')
found_x := frac_follow_path(path)
// found_x.n == 1, 2, or 4 for any sequence of 10, 1010, 101010, ...
if found_x.n > 4 && found_x.d == 1 {
println('Is this it? found_x: ${found_x.n}, path: ${path}')
println('Starting collatz loop search')
// The path is from right to left, with a leftmost `1` terminator.
// path 5 = 0b101 => [0, 1] => ⬇️⬇️⬆️ => found_x = 1
// path 6 = 0b110 => [1, 0] => ⬇️⬆️⬇️ => found_x = 2
// found_x = 4 is invalid since I made "1" always do (3x+1)/2 instead of just 3x+1 => ⬇️⬆️⬆️
// In practice this is ok, because the left most 1 is a rotation of a previously evaluated case.
assert frac_follow_path(5) == fractions.fraction(1, 1)
assert frac_follow_path(6) == fractions.fraction(2, 1)
assert frac_follow_path(7) == fractions.fraction(-1, 1)
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