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Last active August 9, 2016 09:46
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How to create a fast-booting windows guest for Vagrant


  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant
  • Windows 8.1/Server 2008/Server 2012 ISO
  1. Create VM in VirtualBox manually and install OS
  2. Create vagrant user with password vagrant
  3. Turn off firewall
  4. Disable 'Windows Search' Service (only if u don't need it, i don't need it)
  5. Disable 'Windows Update' Service (only if u don't need it, i don't need it)
  6. Turn off UAC
  7. Turn off Windows Defender
  8. Install Guest Additions
  9. Install any other software you want.

##Run the following in Powershell in Administator mode:

  1. Make all networks "private"
$nlm = [Activator]::CreateInstance([Type]::GetTypeFromCLSID([Guid]"{DCB00C01-570F-4A9B-8D69-199FDBA5723B}"))
$connections = $nlm.getnetworkconnections()
$connections |foreach {
  if ($_.getnetwork().getcategory() -eq 0)
  1. Enable WinRm
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
  1. Configure WinRM
get-service winrm
Enable-PSRemoting -force
winrm qc -q  
winrm set winrm/config/client '@{TrustedHosts="*"}'
winrm set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxMemoryPerShellMB="2048"}'
winrm set winrm/config/winrs '@{MaxConcurrentUsers="100"}'
winrm set winrm/config/winrs '@{AllowRemoteShellAccess="True"}'
winrm set winrm/config '@{MaxTimeoutms="604800000"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
  1. Set Windows Remoting service to start Automatic and not Automation (delayed)

Now all you have to do is package the box up.

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