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Last active June 24, 2020 16:15
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* returns a new function which calls the input function and "races" the result against a promise that throws an error on timeout.
* the result is:
* - if your async fn takes longer than timeout ms, then an error will be thrown
* - if your async fn executes faster than timeout ms, you'll get the normal response of the fn
* ### usage
* ```ts
* const result = await withTimeout(() => doSomethingAsync(...args), 3000);
* ```
* or
* ```ts
* const result = await withTimeout(doSomethingAsync, 3000)(...args);
* ```
* or even
* ```ts
* const doSomethingAsyncWithTimeout = withTimeout(doSomethingAsync, 3000);
* const result = await doSomethingAsyncWithTimeout(...args);
* ```
const withTimeout = <R, P extends any, T extends (...args: P[]) => Promise<R>>(logic: T, ms: number) => {
return (...args: Parameters<T>) => {
// create a promise that rejects in <ms> milliseconds;
const timeout = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const id = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error(`promise was timed out in ${ms} ms, by withTimeout`));
}, ms); // tslint:disable-line align
// returns a "race" between our timeout and the function executed with the input params
return Promise.race([
logic(...args), // the wrapped fn, executed w/ the input params
timeout, // the timeout
]) as Promise<R>;
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