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Created September 25, 2018 14:45
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Quick test to see if loading Feather files into Dask was any better or worse than Parquet files in Dask. They seem to be comparable in performance and not much extra code for the Feather files.
import os
import feather
from tqdm import tqdm
import dask
import datetime
from dask import delayed
from dask import visualize
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
Example code to show how to load lots of binary files into Dask
Loading custom file types like Feather files is a little more boiler plate
but it seems to condense down to the same dask dataframe object so no
real loss by using feathers or other custom data types
lazy_dataframes = []
dir = "/media/mcamp/HDD1/Datasets/bci_data/train/feather"
dirp = "/media/mcamp/HDD1/Datasets/bci_data/train/parquet"
t1 =
filepaths = os.listdir(dir)
pfilepaths = os.listdir(dirp)
print("Starting the Feather files")
for file in filepaths:
df = delayed(feather.read_dataframe)(os.path.join(dir, file))
df = delayed(pd.DataFrame.assign)(df, file=file.replace(".feather", ""))
df = dd.from_delayed(lazy_dataframes, meta=lazy_dataframes[0].compute())
t2 =
_std = df.Fp1.std()
_mean = df.Fp1.mean()
t3 =
_std1, _mean1 = dask.compute(_std, _mean)
t4 =
print(_std1, _mean1)
print("T2:", t2-t1)
print("T3:", t3-t1)
print("T4:", t4-t1)
del df
print("Starting the Parquet files")
t1 =
df = dd.read_parquet(os.path.join(dirp, '*.gzip'))
t2 =
_std = df.Fp1.std()
_mean = df.Fp1.mean()
t3 =
_std1, _mean1 = dask.compute(_std, _mean)
t4 =
print(_std1, _mean1)
print("T2:", t2-t1)
print("T3:", t3-t1)
print("T4:", t4-t1)
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