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Last active November 7, 2015 21:16
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Save vadyua/b0963b117d0218fd3877 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true,HelpMessage="Provide a full path to files")]
# [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})]
$similar = @{
[char]'á' = "a"
[char]'à' = "a"
[char]'â' = "a"
[char]'ä' = "a"
[char]'å' = "a"
[char]'ã' = "a"
[char]'æ' = "ae"
[char]'ç' = "c"
[char]'é' = "e"
[char]'è' = "e"
[char]'ê' = "e"
[char]'ë' = "e"
[char]'í' = "i"
[char]'î' = "i"
[char]'ï' = "i"
[char]'ì' = "i"
[char]'ó' = "o"
[char]'ô' = "o"
[char]'ò' = "o"
[char]'ö' = "o"
[char]'ø' = "oe"
[char]'õ' = "o"
[char]'œ' = "oe"
[char]'ð' = "o"
[char]'ú' = "u"
[char]'ü' = "u"
[char]'ù' = "u"
[char]'û' = "u"
[char]'ý' = "y"
[char]'ÿ' = "y"
[char]'Á' = "A"
[char]'À' = "A"
[char]'Â' = "A"
[char]'Ä' = "A"
[char]'Å' = "A"
[char]'Ã' = "A"
[char]'Æ' = "AE"
[char]'É' = "E"
[char]'È' = "E"
[char]'Ê' = "E"
[char]'Ë' = "E"
[char]'Í' = "I"
[char]'Ì' = "I"
[char]'Î' = "I"
[char]'Ï' = "I"
[char]'Ó' = "O"
[char]'Ö' = "O"
[char]'Ô' = "O"
[char]'Ò' = "O"
[char]'Õ' = "O"
[char]'Ø' = "Oe"
[char]'Œ' = "Oe"
[char]'Ú' = "U"
[char]'Ù' = "U"
[char]'Û' = "U"
[char]'Ü' = "U"
[char]'Ý' = "Y"
[char]'Ÿ' = "Y"
[char]'Ð' = "D"
[char]'Ć' = "C"
[char]'ć' = "c"
[char]'Ǵ' = "G"
[char]'ǵ' = "ǵ"
[char]'Ḱ' = "K"
[char]'ḱ' = "k"
[char]'Ĺ' = "L"
[char]'Ḿ' = "M"
[char]'ḿ' = "m"
[char]'Ń' = "N"
[char]'ń' = "n"
[char]'Ñ' = "N"
[char]'ñ' = "n"
[char]'Ő' = "O"
[char]'ő' = "ő"
[char]'Ṕ' = "P"
[char]'ṕ' = "p"
[char]'Ŕ' = "R"
[char]'ŕ' = "r"
[char]'Ś' = "S"
[char]'ś' = "s"
[char]'Ű' = "U"
[char]'ű' = "u"
[char]'Ź' = "Z"
[char]'ź' = "z"
[char]'þ' = "p"
[char]'Þ' = "p"
[char]'ß' = "sz"
[char]'ẞ' = "SZ"
function Replace-Diacritics {
[string]$src = [String]::Empty
$out = "" # non-formal normalize
foreach ($c in $src.ToCharArray()) {
if ($similar[$c] -cne $Null) {
$out += $similar[$c]
} else {
$out += $c
[string]$formD = $out.Normalize(
$sb = new-object System.Text.StringBuilder
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $formD.Length; $i++){
$unicodeCategory = [System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo]::GetUnicodeCategory($formD[$i])
$nonSPacingMark = [System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory]::NonSpacingMark
if($unicodeCategory -ne $nonSPacingMark){
$sb.Append($formD[$i]) | Out-Null
$postnormalize = $sb.ToString().Normalize([System.text.NormalizationForm]::FormC)
# additional "Cyrillic" postnormalize
return [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([Text.Encoding]::GetEncoding(1251).GetBytes($postnormalize))
# Total counter
$total = 0
# Rename folders
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $path -Recurse -Force -EA 0 | ? {$_.psIsContainer -eq $true} | Sort @{expression = {$_.Fullname.length}} -descending | %{
if($_.Name -ne ($new = Replace-Diacritics $_.Name) -or $_.Name.Length -ne $new.Length) {
Write-Host "Rename folder:" $_.Fullname
Move-Item -Force -LiteralPath $_.Fullname -Destination (Join-Path ($_.Fullname | Split-Path -Parent) -Childpath $new)
# Rename files
gci -LiteralPath $path -Recurse -Force | Where {$_.psIsContainer -eq $false} | %{
if($_.Name -ne ($new = Replace-Diacritics $_.Name) -or $_.Name.Length -ne $new.Length) {
Write-Host "Rename file: " $_.Fullname
Move-Item -LiteralPath $_.Fullname -Destination (Join-Path ($_.Fullname | Split-Path -Parent) -Childpath $new)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "Total $total items renamed!"
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