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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Permutations with n replacements, which generalizes permutations with replacements (replace infinitely) and without premutations (every item is available only once)
// Inspired by Oderski's anagram and the idea that SICP count change algorithm can be used
// for anagram lookup and more efficiently than odersky wanted. Anagrams are however permu
// tated "changes" and, thus, we need an algorithm for permutation. There is none in stack
// overflow, at least I could not find out whether scala and other programmers provide per
// mutations with replacements or not whereas anagrams requre special kind of permutations
// It should be that "aab", "aba" and "baa" would be permutations. Note multiplicity 2 of
// 'a'. With replacements produces aaa since a is not exhausted by two repetitions wheras
// without repetitions cannot produce sequences longer than 2 since picked two items we a
// re out of items in the dictionary. If we put two a items in the dictionary, with/wo rep
// etitions will produce idential sequences, aab and aab can be produced two times.
// The generic algorithm produced enables emulating standard permutations with/without rep
// eititions. Take multiplicity = 1 for every item and you will generate permutations with
// out repetitions. Take multiplicity exceeding the generated seq length and result will
// match the permutations with repetitions.
object Permutations {
def printResult[A](msg: String, r: A): A = {println(msg + r) ; r}
//> printResult: [A](msg: String, r: A)A
def withReplacements(chars: String, n: Int) = {
def internal(path: String, acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (path.length == n) path :: acc else
chars.toList.flatMap {c => internal(path + c, acc)}
val res = internal("", Nil)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations with replacement for " + chars + " = ", res)
} //> withReplacements: (chars: String, n: Int)List[String]
//def indent[A](path: List[A]) = path map (_ => " ")
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
def noReplacements(chars: String, n: Int/* = chars.length*/) = { // unfortunately Scala cannot refer other args in the list
type Set = Queue[Char]
type Result = Queue[String]
// The idea is that recursions will scan the set with one element excluded.
// Queue was chosen to implement the dict to enable excluded element to bubble through it.
def internal(dict: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path)
dict.foldLeft(acc, dict.dequeue){case ((acc, (consumed_el, q)), e) =>
(internal(q, consumed_el + path, acc), q.enqueue(consumed_el).dequeue)
}. _1
val dict = Queue[Char](chars.toList: _*)
val res = internal(dict, "", Queue.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations without replacement for " + dict + " = ", res)
} //> noReplacements: (chars: String, n: Int)Result
withReplacements("abc", 2) //> there are 9 2-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aa, ab, ac, ba,
//| bb, bc, ca, cb, cc)
//| res0: List[String] = List(aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, ca, cb, cc)
noReplacements("abc", 2) //> there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(b
//| a, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
//| res1: Result = Queue(ba, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
def permute(xs:List[Int]):List[List[Int]] = xs match {
case Nil => List(List())
case head::tail => {
val tps = (0 until xs.length).map(xs.splitAt(_)).toList.filter(tp => !tp._1.contains(tp._2.head)) => permute(tp._1:::tp._2.tail).map(tp._2.head :: _)).flatten
} //> permute: (xs: List[Int])List[List[Int]]
// check function
def ===[A](a: Seq[A], b: Seq[A]) {
assert(a.toSet == b.toSet, a + " != " + b)
} //> === : [A](a: Seq[A], b: Seq[A])Unit
val ref = permute(List(0,1,2)) map (_ map (i => (i + 'a') . toChar) mkString "")
//> ref : List[String] = List(abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba)
===(ref, noReplacements("abc", 3)) //> there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(c
//| ba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
withReplacements("abc", 3) //> there are 27 3-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaa, aab, aac,
//| aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc,
//| caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc)
//| res2: List[String] = List(aaa, aab, aac, aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa,
//| bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc, caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca,
//| ccb, ccc)
withReplacements("abc", 4) //> there are 81 4-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaaa, aaab, aaa
//| c, aaba, aabb, aabc, aaca, aacb, aacc, abaa, abab, abac, abba, abbb, abbc,
//| abca, abcb, abcc, acaa, acab, acac, acba, acbb, acbc, acca, accb, accc, baa
//| a, baab, baac, baba, babb, babc, baca, bacb, bacc, bbaa, bbab, bbac, bbba,
//| bbbb, bbbc, bbca, bbcb, bbcc, bcaa, bcab, bcac, bcba, bcbb, bcbc, bcca, bcc
//| b, bccc, caaa, caab, caac, caba, cabb, cabc, caca, cacb, cacc, cbaa, cbab,
//| cbac, cbba, cbbb, cbbc, cbca, cbcb, cbcc, ccaa, ccab, ccac, ccba, ccbb, ccb
//| c, ccca, cccb, cccc)
//| res3: List[String] = List(aaaa, aaab, aaac, aaba, aabb, aabc, aaca, aacb, a
//| acc, abaa, abab, abac, abba, abbb, abbc, abca, abcb, abcc, acaa, acab, acac
//| , acba, acbb, acbc, acca, accb, accc, baaa, baab, baac, baba, babb, babc, b
//| aca, bacb, bacc, bbaa, bbab, bbac, bbba, bbbb, bbbc, bbca, bbcb, bbcc, bcaa
//| , bcab, bcac, bcba, bcbb, bcbc, bcca, bccb, bccc, caaa, caab, caac, caba, c
// Since replacements mean that we have infinite supply of denominations rather than concrete
// coins, they can generate forever, the sequences of infinite lengths. The maximum length of
// permutation without replacements on other hand is equal to the numebr of coins in the dictionary.
// Dictionary length is the natural length of permutation and
//noReplacements("abc", 4)} // throws "out of elements exception", as expected.
// You may have notice that duplicating some coin in the dictionary, produces duplicate permutations
(1 to 3) foreach (u => noReplacements("aab", u))
//> there are 3 1-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| , a, b)
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| a, ba, ba, aa, ab, ab)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(b
//| aa, aba, aba, baa, aab, aab)
// because different entries of a are considered as different elements. What we want in fact is to
// have coins of multiplicity n here, aka multisets
// We want coin 'a' present in two different places when we say that our dictionary is "aab".
// Using the latter algoringm, we will reduce coin availalbility, every time it is picked.
// PART II: Multiplicity
def multisets(chars: String, n: Int) = { // elaborating norep to account multipicity
type Set = Queue[Bubble]
case class Bubble (val char: Char, val avail: Int)
type Result = Queue[String]
def internal(dict: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path)
else {
dict.foldLeft(acc, dict.dequeue) {
case ((acc, (consumed_el, q)), e) => consumed_el match {
case Bubble(char, avail) => {
//children collect premutations in other positions
val chd = if (avail == 0) acc else internal(q.enqueue(new Bubble(char, avail-1)), path + char, acc)
// proceed collecting from siblings, which try different chars in the same position
(chd, q.enqueue(consumed_el).dequeue)
}. _1
val dict = Queue[Bubble]((chars.toList groupBy (c => c) map {case (k, v) => new Bubble(k, v.length)}).toList: _*)
val res = internal(dict, "", Queue.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " multiset " + n + "-permutations for " + dict + " = ", res)
} //> multisets: (chars: String, n: Int)Result
//take one element of each kind to emulate premutations without replacements
===(multisets("abc", 2), noReplacements("abc", 2))
//> there are 6 multiset 2-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,1), Bubble(a,1), Bub
//| ble(c,1)) = Queue(ba, bc, ac, ab, cb, ca)
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(b
//| a, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
===(multisets("abc", 3), noReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 6 multiset 3-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,1), Bubble(a,1), Bub
//| ble(c,1)) = Queue(bac, bca, acb, abc, cba, cab)
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(c
//| ba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
multisets("aab", 2) //> there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,1), Bubble(a,2)) = Q
//| ueue(ba, ab, aa)
//| res4: Result = Queue(ba, ab, aa)
multisets("aab", 3) //> there are 3 multiset 3-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,1), Bubble(a,2)) = Q
//| ueue(baa, aba, aab)
//| res5: Result = Queue(baa, aba, aab)
noReplacements("aab", 3) //> there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(b
//| aa, aba, aba, baa, aab, aab)
//| res6: Result = Queue(baa, aba, aba, baa, aab, aab)
//take far more letters than resulting permutation length to emulate withReplacements
===(multisets("aaaaabbbbbccccc", 3), withReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 27 multiset 3-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,5), Bubble(a,5), Bu
//| bble(c,5)) = Queue(bac, bab, baa, bcb, bca, bcc, bba, bbc, bbb, acb, aca, a
//| cc, aba, abc, abb, aac, aab, aaa, cba, cbc, cbb, cac, cab, caa, ccb, cca, c
//| cc)
//| there are 27 3-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaa, aab, aac,
//| aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc,
//| caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc)
// PART 3: For fun, foldLeft iteration over siblings is replaced by recursion
def recursiveNoRepl(chars: String, n: Int) = {
type Set = Queue[Char]
val set = Queue[Char](chars.toList: _*)
type Result = Queue[String]
def siblings(set: (Char, Set), offset: Int, path: String, acc: Result): Result = set match {case (bubble, queue) =>
val children = descend(queue, path + bubble, acc) // children that will produce combinations in other positions
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue(bubble).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children) // siblings will produce different chars at the same position, fetch next char for them
def descend(set: Set, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path) else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val res = descend(set, "", Queue.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations without replacement for " + set + " = ", res)
} //> recursiveNoRepl: (chars: String, n: Int)Result
def recursiveMultisets(chars: String, n: Int) = {
type MultiSet = Queue[Multiplicity]
type Multiplicity = (Char, Int)
type Result = Queue[String]
def siblings(set: (Multiplicity, MultiSet), offset: Int, path: String, acc: Result): Result = set match {case ((char, avail), queue) =>
val children = descend(if (avail - 1 == 0) queue else queue.enqueue(char -> {avail-1}), path + char, acc) // childern can reuse the symbol while if it is available
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue((char, avail)).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children)
def descend(set: MultiSet, path: String, acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) acc.enqueue(path) else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val multiset = Queue[Multiplicity]((chars.toList groupBy (c => c) map {case (k, v) => (k, v.length)}).toList: _*)
val res = descend(multiset, "", Queue.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " multiset " + n + "-permutations for " + multiset + " = ", res)
} //> recursiveMultisets: (chars: String, n: Int)Result
// PART 4: Genericized versions
def noreplGeneric[A](chars: List[A], n: Int) = {
type Set = Queue[A]
val set = Queue[A](chars.toList: _*)
type Result = List[List[A]]
def siblings(set: (A, Set), offset: Int, path: List[A], acc: Result): Result = set match {case (bubble, queue) =>
val children = descend(queue, bubble :: path, acc) // bubble was used, it is not available for children that will produce combinations in other positions
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue(bubble).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children) // siblings will produce different chars at the same position, fetch next char for them
def descend(set: Set, path: List[A], acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) path :: acc else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val res = descend(set, List.empty, List.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " " + n + "-permutations without replacement for " + set + " = ", res)
} //> noreplGeneric: [A](chars: List[A], n: Int)Result
===(noreplGeneric("aab".toList, 2).map(_ mkString ""), noReplacements("aab", 2))
//> there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = List(Li
//| st(a, b), List(a, b), List(a, a), List(b, a), List(b, a), List(a, a))
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, a, b) = Queue(a
//| a, ba, ba, aa, ab, ab)
// generic multisets
def genericPermutation[A](chars: List[A], n: Int) = {
type Multiset = Queue[Multiplicity]
type Multiplicity = (A, Int)
type Result = List[List[A]]
def siblings(set: (Multiplicity, Multiset), offset: Int, path: List[A], acc: Result): Result = set match {case ((char, avail), queue) =>
val children = descend(if (avail - 1 == 0) queue else queue.enqueue(char -> {avail-1}), char :: path, acc) // childern can reuse the symbol while if it is available
if (offset == 0) children else siblings(queue.enqueue((char, avail)).dequeue, offset - 1, path, children)
def descend(set: Multiset, path: List[A], acc: Result): Result = {
if (path.length == n) path :: acc else siblings(set.dequeue, set.size-1, path, acc)
val multiset = Queue[Multiplicity]((chars.toList groupBy (c => c) map {case (k, v) => (k, v.length)}).toList: _*)
val res = descend(multiset, List.empty, List.empty)
printResult("there are " + res.length + " multiset " + n + "-permutations for " + multiset + " = ", res)
} //> genericPermutation: [A](chars: List[A], n: Int)Result
def sgp(dict: String, len: Int) = genericPermutation(dict.toList, len) map (_ mkString "")
//> sgp: (dict: String, len: Int)List[String]
=== (sgp("aaab", 2), multisets("aaab", 2))//> there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,3)) = List(List(a,
//| a), List(b, a), List(a, b))
//| there are 3 multiset 2-permutations for Queue(Bubble(b,1), Bubble(a,3)) =
//| Queue(ba, ab, aa)
//take one letter of each to emulate withoutReplacements
===(sgp("aaaaabbbbbccccc", 2), withReplacements("abc", 2))
//> there are 9 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,5), (a,5), (c,5)) = List(
//| List(c, c), List(a, c), List(b, c), List(a, a), List(b, a), List(c, a), Li
//| st(b, b), List(c, b), List(a, b))
//| there are 9 2-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aa, ab, ac, ba,
//| bb, bc, ca, cb, cc)
===(sgp("aaaaabbbbbccccc", 3), withReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 27 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,5), (a,5), (c,5)) = List
//| (List(c, c, c), List(a, c, c), List(b, c, c), List(a, a, c), List(b, a, c)
//| , List(c, a, c), List(b, b, c), List(c, b, c), List(a, b, c), List(a, a, a
//| ), List(b, a, a), List(c, a, a), List(b, b, a), List(c, b, a), List(a, b,
//| a), List(c, c, a), List(a, c, a), List(b, c, a), List(b, b, b), List(c, b,
//| b), List(a, b, b), List(c, c, b), List(a, c, b), List(b, c, b), List(a, a
//| , b), List(b, a, b), List(c, a, b))
//| there are 27 3-permutations with replacement for abc = List(aaa, aab, aac,
//| aba, abb, abc, aca, acb, acc, baa, bab, bac, bba, bbb, bbc, bca, bcb, bcc
//| , caa, cab, cac, cba, cbb, cbc, cca, ccb, ccc)
===(sgp("abc", 2), noReplacements("abc", 2))
//> there are 6 multiset 2-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,1), (c,1)) = List(
//| List(a, c), List(b, c), List(b, a), List(c, a), List(c, b), List(a, b))
//| there are 6 2-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(
//| ba, ca, cb, ab, ac, bc)
===(sgp("abc", 3), noReplacements("abc", 3))
//> there are 6 multiset 3-permutations for Queue((b,1), (a,1), (c,1)) = List(
//| List(b, a, c), List(a, b, c), List(c, b, a), List(b, c, a), List(a, c, b),
//| List(c, a, b))
//| there are 6 3-permutations without replacement for Queue(a, b, c) = Queue(
//| cba, bca, acb, cab, bac, abc)
// Published at
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