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Created October 23, 2023 16:27
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Atlassian IT Transcript
hi hello everyone we'll sit down in a second i'm kind of impressed you voluntarily
came to a topic about it and i think the farthest room you had
to walk to um so i'm assuming that if you're here you really want to be here i'm jenna klein i'm going to moderate a
session i'm going to introduce my team and we're going to go through a few questions we have but we want this
to be interactive we're going to have a few questions for you all as well all right thank you for joining
okay first this is a session about managing a
modern i.t organization and the way that we run atlassianit we like to think of as modern because we
have a few different philosophies that we bake into our decisions and we've talked to a number of
customers over the last year about this concept of modern i.t and there's three that really resonate with a lot of
customers and we're going to get into those today but first let me introduce the panel because i do have experts on here that
are going to help us navigate some of these big topics okay first we have mo
who is our head of intelligent automations which includes automation as well as integrations and
he runs a it innovation team
and automation for us as it is probably for a lot of you as well has been a
important investment for us last year we hit our big hairy audacious goal of
automating out a hundred thousand hours of work in atlassian with moe's team
and we're going to talk about that a little bit more in some future um but most of the the work that we did was
based on low code and no code platforms so that's mo next up is sunny he's our head of i.t
strategy and business operations he looks after our investments our hiring
plans and a lot of his current work is really around managing our ever-growing
sas application we're mostly a cloud-based i.t team and the management of that falls under uh
sunny and his super capable team and then at the end here we have phil
and for anyone who's worked in it for more than a few days you know that just deploying technology does not make it
successful you need someone you need to make sure that it's the tech it's the people it's the process phil was our
first business architect that we hired at atlassianit to make sure we do just that he sits in between the tech and the
business helping translate business goals into it investments right there we go well let's get into it i
am going to bring up sorry i think this is hidden there it is the three three topics we thought we'd
get into today we have a lot of choice there's a lot of different things we could talk about about managing a modern
i.t organization the three that we chose today are around managing i.t versus shadow i.t
second is running i.t like a product organization and then the last is baking innovation
into our dna before i get into this i'm going to ask
quickly in the room by show of hands um how many of you are actually in nit
okay i wasn't expecting that so almost everybody is here is nit that's actually great we're going to have some nerdy i.t
jokes so i just wanted to make sure you all got them um i also because i t can really vary
company to company and the profile of the company can impact what it looks like i thought it'd be
good if we just went over a few fun facts about rit organization the first as i mentioned cloud native we
mostly buy cloud we don't have a cloud migration strategy for uh it because we
are cloud we've been that way for a number of years we have very few on-prem things so
we're managing a cloud portfolio and in that portfolio we have about 600 apps
for the whole company and we actively manage around 270 of those
so we do have a bit of shadow i.t and we're going to get into our thoughts on shadow i.t
we are global company and we're a global i.t team so the way we manage i.t is
around hubs or geographic hubs we have a distributed workforce as a company we
hire anybody anywhere but we consider it as having three dominant hubs where we like to co-locate
when we need to or make sure we have staff and that's in the u.s india and
australia we are a product-based operating model that means that everything that we deliver from it is
thought of as a product that we build or purchase or integrate or make available
to our business our corporate teams as needed it's a little different than i think some other uh operating models i t
that i've worked with in the past like service management models the product operating model is a transformation
we've been on and we're going to touch on that in a bit we are a best of breed i.t so we buy best of breed we don't
single source on a platform for example we want to make sure that we have what works for our business and we prioritize
the experience and the collaboration of our teams with the tooling that we purchase and then last i think it's obvious but
we have the awesome opportunity of being an i.t team in a software company that is growing
is global that is remote and has an awesome culture and set of values that we really love so that's
where we're coming from let's get into our questions let's talk about modernity guys all right yeah do
it smile it's a good topic come on the first one i got a poll for the audience another one for you
and this one is going to be around shadow i.t so in general how many of you think shadow i.t
is is evil you really try to clamp it down you're trying to get rid of shadow i.t it's starting to overwhelm your
company shadow i.t on the more negative side okay and then how many you think shadow it's
awesome three and one works for me okay so
um we actually do have a little bit of a philosophy on shadow i.t i we've touched on it on a couple of topics if you went
to the panel that i was on with my colleague molly hellermann that was moderated by a forester
uh analyst chris condo we talked a little bit about shadow i.t we do embrace shadow i.t but
that doesn't mean it's it's the wild wild west of shadow i.t so let's talk about what we actually think about it
and i'm going to start with phil how do we define shadow i.t
sure so you know our definition really isn't all that uncommon it's i.t assets that aren't owned by it right so real
big brain stuff here but you know when we look further into that we we kind of have a pretty simple
classification mechanism we use so to get the easy stuff out of the way first there's a big chunk of tech in atlassian it's owned by our product engineering
teams now these are technical competent folks that are very very clear in terms
of how they want to manage those assets we sort of let that go and let them do their thing with those that said attack
the other bucket a little bit a little bit harder to nail down is those apps that are owned by the business and you may be thinking like why would you want
to let the business run a piece of technology you know there's a lot of these niche sas applications that are
coming up and when we see you know an app that doesn't necessarily need to integrate with a whole bunch of stuff say you
don't need sso integration fruit for some reason or that the business team has you know
center of gravity of skills around that app they've got competent folks who know how to configure them we'll generally let them do that within a set of guard
rails there's a sort of a third class of shadow i.t this sort of new realm of shadows that's popping up that we're
starting to get a handle on looking at stuff like app plugins browser extensions things like that a
little bit harder to nail down we've got a few different mechanisms that we use to keep an eye on those but really our philosophy center is around visibility
making sure that we've got an awareness of all of those things that are out there there's a couple different ways that we do that first and foremost we partner
with a number of different teams across atlassian working with procurement i.t security risk and compliance and privacy
to make sure that anything new that comes through the door at least gets a look from all those teams right we don't want to invite new tech in that's not
secure you know some new tech that's not complying with gdpr so we make sure that those kind of non-negotiable those boxes
are checked before we let it through the doors in addition you know that affords i.t a great opportunity to make sure that you
know beyond just sort of those non-functional requirements we get a good look at making sure that functionally from a sort of a business
need a business value perspective that we're hitting the mark so if we see somebody that comes through with a tool that maybe we already have a
few of we can start to direct them toward those tools to avoid further proliferating the ecosystem
one other thing to call out if you missed the talk this morning my colleagues over here pete and leah did a great talk about how we employ sas
management as another discovery mechanism to make sure that whatever we already have we can sort of pick out and
find those apps and make sure we got a good handle on that so you know scanning our financial records making sure anything that folks are paying for we've
got a record for we kind of sniff that out we can make sure that you know it's compliance secure and meeting the needs
of our business yeah so if bring it out of the shadow into the light
i used to have a boss who would say sunlight's the best disinfectant which is kind of harsh uh all right so
um sunny i think one of the reasons a lot of it teams and
i know all of us have been on itunes in the past where shadow i.t is really something to contain because it can be
expensive right aren't we managing or aren't we worried about the cost how do we manage that
yeah you know from us we're fortunate from a strategy perspective we really look at this from a bit of a different
mindset while we do absolutely observe and manage the spend across our portfolio of sas applications cost isn't
necessarily the leading decision driver when it comes to purchasing sas applications we lead with enabling the
business with the needed capabilities while ensuring all security requirements are wet we do have a governance
framework in place to help ensure that our applications are indeed providing the expected business value from both a
capability and leverage perspective if we find that the applications aren't meeting the business value expectations
then we will evaluate options to potentially rationalize or even retire the applications um to share a bit of an
example when we first went into a fully remote work environment as a result of the kobit shutdown we wound up
implementing multiple solutions to enable virtual whiteboarding capabilities now all of the solutions
they provided similar capabilities but we just had teams across the company that preferred one over the other and
you know during that somewhat difficult time what we did not want to do was negatively impact experience or
productivity for our workforce so we went ahead and implemented all the solutions and as part of the upcoming
renewal we will evaluate and assess whether they're all providing the expected business value and if we find
that one or more are not then we'll assess and potentially retire some of those applications so to bring it home
our strategy is to focus on business value versus cost when it comes to managing our sas portfolio
um so mo it's one thing to say we have visibility and we are managing costs and
other things but is there actual goodness in shadow i.t we should definitely embrace shadow i.t
there's too many requests coming into it from the business to be able to service everything
industry analysts are telling us by 2025 70 percent of all the technology created in the enterprise is going to be
done by non-engineers and maybe someday you know they will have ai writing code but in the next
short term next few years it's going to be business technologists that
are not in it creating that technology so as i.t we need to enable that technology creation but also
provide security and compliance to minimize risk
who used to be a jira admin from like 10 years ago 10 plus years ago okay so you
might know what i'm talking about so back then you know to get jira set up you had to download a zip file unzip it
edit a bunch of config files get the database running get the web server running and then you could start using
jira we used to send people a t-shirt if they managed to get
through that right of passage the dragon slayer t-shirt if anyone remembers that from back then
um fast forward to today to get you spend more time using jira than
setting it up because you just fire up a web browser and you're ready to go so we want to take that analogy and apply it
to all of the internal tooling that we create and a recent example i can cite is based on the foundation org you may
have seen them in the expo they have a booth where you can make solar panels for
developing countries if you haven't seen it you can spend 30 minutes volunteering with them they coordinate a lot of our
volunteering and charitable efforts like donations for the for the company and they don't have
any engineers they don't have any part of it that's dedicated to support them
and they had this program called engage for good where they wanted non-profits
to offer volunteering opportunities for atlassians that had particular skill sets so coding design project management
etc but we're talking about hundreds of non-profits
matching with thousands of employees that are last seen globally so manually if manually doing that would have been
thousands of hours of effort but they managed to automate all of that by spinning up their own jira service
management instance creating the form for the non-profits to fill out and offer their opportunities and using some
no code integration to match that with alaskan skill sets and then notified them on the back end and they did this
with minimal help from it and if you want to read more about that particular example and others like that
that it's helped enable shadow i.t you can go to the connected cio microsite i
think there'll be a qr code later to visit that site so shadow it we want the light we want
visibility so it's get it out of the shadows make it visible make sure we're managing the cost as
needed but don't sacrifice the experience or or the value and then um
there can actually be goodness in some shadow i.t and enabling our business to do what they need to do i mean i i
think i mentioned if you went to the talk this morning with molly that one of the things that i've seen is that the
a lot of innovation happens outside um traditional tech or big platform
plays right some business teams have a very niche problem that need to be solved and they can find an app to do
that and so if we allow them with the guard rails that we need to bring that in quickly
to solve their problem if it gets to be a prolific use or something that we can structure with a better agreement we'll
do that but more importantly our business teams are really able to pick up some of those small uh tasks that they would are
waiting in line for it to solve um and they can do that quickly and at atlassian we are a software company and
we we have a pretty tech savvy workforce but a lot of these low code no code options that are becoming available are a great
opportunity to take on some shadow i.t without you know scaring people
at the company with by embracing it fully you don't need to tell them that atlassian told tell them to love
okay shadow i.t let's move on to no that one let's move on to
all right another poll how many of you have in your it teams a role called product manager
or product owner okay couple yeah interesting
um we have been on a journey for the last couple years well about 18 months i guess in atlassian i.t to move to a true
product-based operating model we've identified 50 products i think we have right now in
our portfolio we we group those and we manage those at 11 group levels and we've built a
a core team of roles for each product so we know what products we have what roles
we need in those products who staffs those um and we're moving into how to budget and invest those how to measure
that etc it's been a it's been a journey we were a bit more of a mixed bag of
service management and some other ad hoc styles we were always deploying agilely but we wanted to make sure that we were
focusing just like with our shadow i.t philosophy on making sure that we're delivering an awesome experience and
putting people in the role of a product manager helps build that mindset that that's what we're trying to achieve
so a question for sunny um
sunny sonny and i have actually been on a team we were in more of an itsm model very we were very strict itsm model uh
in a previous life from your role in bizops or business operations right now
since you've seen different models of running i.t what can you tell us it's different about running a product-based
operating model yeah sure so the differences are subtle but very important for us
as jenna mentioned we started the journey of implementing the product-based it operating model a little over a year ago
and one of the first decisions the i.t leadership team had to make was whether we were going to go forward with a
product a service-based model now both models do carry forward similarities such as organizing all aspects of i.t
around a common taxonomy and framework but given that atlassian is a craft-based company focused on building
amazing products we wanted to make sure as an i.t organization that we led with the product mindset when working with
and enabling teams around the company so for us the product mindset truly is the key differentiator between the service
and product models yeah yeah that mindset shift has really been
um a big one for us um mo when we were first kicking this off i
remember we were laying out the philosophy or guiding principles that we had for product operating model and
one of the ones that it leadership had the strongest opinion about is they absolutely wanted to build out
autonomous teams as me as a someone who's been in i.t for
a while autonomous can sound scary uh to say these teams can go and operate
how they want to operate what's atlassianit's perspective on building autonomous teams yeah so the
autonomous teams they can make decisions very quickly adapt to change and hence
deliver value very quickly but the product managers act like the
glue between all these different autonomous teams so each of the it teams that own a product will have a product
manager paired with the engineering manager and sometimes also try out with a designer if there's a user experience
component if i take the example of the automation platform like we provide a platform for
all teams to automate their own work but there's still a need for a product manager to work out how teams want to
use it what features they want to see start filling up that jira backload for the engineering manager to burn down
but that doesn't mean the product manager decides everything that that engineering managers and the team is
going to do because the engineering team still needs to worry about a lot of the non-functional requirements so analytics monitoring
alerting all the ups and incident management and together that sort of that partnership
ensures that the automation platform is not only usable and provides a good user experience but
is also compliant secure scalable performance and reliable
uh which is all good but it does sound expensive sonny it's a mo is expensive in general but
like this philosophy also sounds expensive how how are we um thinking about managing our budgets and our
investments with this product operating model yeah i mean it's absolutely going to require a mindset shift across the
spectrum as part of our journey of implementing the product-based itr operating model one of the first things we're going to
do is begin tracking our financial insights based on the product taxonomy and we will also begin holding product
managers accountable for the financial performance of their products as a part of that we will also begin prioritizing
investments based on products versus projects and within each product we're going to categorize the spend into four
categories the first category is incubate which are investments towards innovation type of initiatives the
second category is transform which are investments towards the initial build in implementation of capabilities and
platforms usually within a single product area the third category scale which are investments towards scaling
those capabilities and platforms across multiple product areas so that we can leverage common capabilities across the
entire stack and the fourth category is bau or business as usual which includes
ktlo keep the lights on type of work which also includes addressing technical debt as well as small features and
enhancements type of work that aren't quite large enough to be grouped into initiatives or projects and you know i
mean we're pretty confident or at least i'm pretty confident that this framework will help ensure both accountability and
transparency of all of our investments across our portfolio products yeah and each year with those four
categories we we set some goals for our product managers to look at their
investment so a percentage of their portfolio should be going towards each and we try to keep
that business as usual that ktlo work lower that gives the product managers um
with that goal in mind they can then make more investments in what they need to do to introduce new capabilities for
their product and we'll talk about that as an it leadership team each year about what do we think the right mixes do we need to
push more on one thing or another that of course would change with business models acquisitions that we make investments
etc but the framework is simple enough where it helps team understand how to think about where they should put their
investments um and then we can roll that up across all our products at the i.t leadership level and be able to see how
we're making investments each quarter um so these investments that that were
um talking about in these autonomous teams were running phil that's on the i.t side
what does this mean for how you and our other teams are working with our business does this change the way we
engage with our business teams you know it it's changed a little bit but really in a positive way you know it's kind of
simplified our engagement model right we've got a consistent set of roles organized in a very consistent way
across product groups and individual products so it makes it much easier for our business ops teams our business
partners and more day-to-day engagement to know exactly who's accountable for what right they've got their product manager they've got that technical lead
so it's sort of streamlined that quite a bit especially if you know you come from more of a mixed model as jenna had mentioned where you know certain groups
organized in certain ways that consistency that simplicity has paid dividends already now when you're talking about more
transactional engagement right somebody wants to log a feature request or hey my laptop broke
one of the other things that we did was unify a whole host of different jira service desks that we'd been accumulating over the years and big
shout out to our workplace technology team this was was a bit of a bit of an effort
and what we found is by having that single front door for it it gives us a
totally clear pane of glass into which business customers are coming to us for what you know we can report very very
simply given that we've got that common instrumentation across all of our it teams now it's been in place for what about a year or so almost a year yeah
yeah we've started to see quarter over quarter improvements in terms of you know resolution times coming down you know improved csat from business
customers who are getting that support getting answers to those questions much more quickly so we've seen a definite move of the
needle there and if i could be selfish for a minute just talking as a business architect where you know we generally get plugged
into you know larger cross-functional problems that are going to require a whole host of different product teams by having that kind of predictability
across our it model it affords us a strong accelerant in terms of assembling the right groups of products to to
tackle whatever that business challenge might be so so definitely a big fan here yeah and the service desk one is
interesting when we were starting down this journey of product operating model i just wanted to look at basic ticket data um and health and things across i.t
about two years ago and that's when i learned we had 17 service desks in i.t and we put the we put the burden on the
end user to go figure out which service desk they were supposed to go to to get their ticket help and then each service desk was using
their own issue types and we had 42 different issue types in i.t and we thought well we probably should clean that up right so we got 17 actually 14
and we eliminated few we got those 14 down to one and then um as part of that that service
desk is a product itself like that they should be thinking of these things how do we make that experience better for
the company not just um you know for a few people who might be managing tickets for example and uh one of the things we
did is not only combine the service desks but we gave a single entry for everyone in atlassian to go get help
from it like we'll take the burden of knowing of of routing those and where they need to go so they have one place
to go we have one portal that we're managing and then product managers get all the
information that they need on on what requests and other things will be coming in that's that's been a big big change
for it yeah that was a journey lots of happy business users lots of happiness users
lots of questions for my t people okay um let's let's move into the third
tenet here and that is innovation that's a hot topic um
atlassian of course loves innovation um it's something that we fully embrace uh
and even in i.t so but that's not always the case and i'd like to get a spectrum here of
if you believe your i.t team at your company is paving the way for innovation
at your company okay some tents demands like okay
you thought of a few examples in your head they were like i was kind of innovative yeah um
this is a tough one i mean our people want to work on innovation right the innovation is the interesting work they want to innovate they generally work in
tech because they really like tech so they want to be in that space but i.t is busy i get it like there's
more work than we have time or capacity for it often takes an investment
so we've we've tried to navigate that ourselves at atlassian i.t to make sure that we're we're providing um
innovation opportunities and really trying to bake that into our dna at it so let me i'll start with mo because you
actually lead an it innovation team and i'm guessing this is where all the
innovation happens right right in your little team so i think we can all agree that innovation's a good thing right we're
coming up with new ideas inventing new ways of working employees are more satisfied because
they get to work on things that you know they thought of but the problem we all have is finding the time to do
that innovation and at atlassian there's a number of innovation programs the most popular
being ship it which is a quarterly hackathon and that gives you 24 hours
as a whole company to work with whoever else you want on whatever you want
and that new products ideas have come out of those hackathons but it's only four times a year once a
quarter and other teams run innovation weeks which is a bit more you know gives a bit
more time to make something a meaty innovation at the end of it but again they usually run four times a year
but what we found in it the best way to get more innovation going is build it into your it your team's operating
rhythm so just do innovation all the time and how do we
do that um i mean first we have to encourage the teams to keep across all of the trends
the hype cycles the disruptive tech for their particular domain and
my team tracks that on confluence using a tech radar type format on a template
and as you're watching those trends some ideas will come out on potential use cases within the company we capture
those ideas in regular ideation rituals biweekly and capture them on trello
when it gets closer to prioritizing those ideas and you actually want to start evaluating technology or doing a
proof of concept that's when we start thinking about how do we get the capacity the spring capacity to actually
do that work and you know sunny was talking before about how we carve up all the different uh
buckets of budget so if your current sprint capacity is 80 new project work and 20
business as usual you know try doing 70 percent project work and carve out that 10 percent for innovation
and put into your sprint backlog like any other work but these innovation projects the best ones
show value quickly or they fail quickly and failing is not a
bad outcome for innovation project um because there'll be some learnings there like technology was not ready
maybe the company wasn't ready so it's good to do a retrospective harvest all of those learnings
um what went well what didn't go well and park it off to the side and maybe
another team in the future will come and take it you know that next next iterative step and get it closer to reality and we used
to have like jenna mentioned i run an incubation team innovation team so that team used to spend all of their budget
on incubation but over the years they started to work on bigger projects so they're doing a bit more transformational work now and all
the other teams are now spending more of their budget on incubation yeah yeah and the failure i think is an
important point like it's it's it's not necessarily failure in that people failed it's failure that okay maybe this
innovation wasn't exactly what we needed to be but the the learning is super important i think bob and scott talked
about this at the keynote this morning it's we don't want to rake anybody over the coals for failing it was you tried and
we learned and now let's try something again is a great way to look at it however it
it can smell expensive sonny so again what are we doing at the
investment level in our portfolio to balance our innovation costs yeah and i mean when you hear about the
breadth and scale of innovation as mo described it it can feel and sound a bit expensive um for us we take a blended
approach when it comes to investing in innovation as i previously mentioned we categorized as spend into four
categories incubate transform scale and bau and mo alluded to this too a bit as
well but one of the levers we use to invest in innovation is by reducing the
amount of our investment in spend in bau type of activities now you might be wondering well how can it sounds easy to
do that but how can you actually do that um you know two ways that we've been able to more consistently do that within
it is one through the automation of work and two is by
scaling single capabilities or platforms across multiple product areas so that we can
leverage those shared capabilities across um outside of that you know innovation is a big focus for us so we will
prioritize net new investment as needed to fund innovation i mean you know i think we have a really good example of
this moe's automation program is mo said it started out as a very small incubation program and now it's
gone all the way through that model and now we're kind of at scale even starting to carve out some bau in some areas um
any learnings or inside smell you'd like to share about that um i mean one thing like from the outside in it looks like
that automation platform popped up overnight but like when i go back and look at all the
different tech evals and pocs we ran there was probably 30 different iterations of failing before we got to
the right right mix of different products and solutions we needed to provide automation across the whole
company yeah i remember when we had the conversation at um our it leadership it was hey
we should probably look at rpa okay do we have any money yeah we'll put some money and who should we give it to we'll give it to mo
and that was uh that was our investment that year for uh innovation it was for rpa at the time
and it took off it really did but we had to make that investment and make sure we told somebody your capacity is
going towards experimenting with this with this tech uh okay so we do a lot of innovation in
i.t obviously phil but we work with the business too how are we making sure that we expand
innovation things that we're looking at anything that it thinks might be promising for the business how are we
expanding it across the company you know absolutely and it's both across our business partners as well as with our
product organization as well so starting with the business partners you know we've got as mo mentioned sort of
this fail fast mentality uh one of the new things that we've spun up in our atlassian on atlassian team or customer
one is something we affectionately call simcity which is a simulation of rit environments so
think of it as you know you've got yeah we'll just say a playground to fail when
you're talking about exploring new technologies you know exploring new integrations connecting different technologies so just to give you an
example you know we use workday as our hris you know it's a small platform some people some people may have heard of it
and we'll just say our talent acquisition team is looking to upgrade you know how we're doing our hiring they they want to explore a couple different
hiring tools and really quickly understand those that actually are up to snuff and and actually meet that sales
pitch you know doesn't integrate well is the data you know exchanged in the appropriate ways you know is a
delightful user experience so rather than going through you know a super lengthy rfp process and you know finally
getting the right tool in the house and then plugging it in and then figuring out you've got a couple things that aren't quite right
we can quickly spike on multiple tools and sort of get to that point of okay it is working or it's not
and then sort of make that larger you know financial and contracting decision and bring in the right tool and feel better about that but it exposes those
failures in a really really fast way so if you've heard of the concept of a digital twin it's kind of similar to
that so a very very cool thing that we're working on there in terms of you know supporting our business partners as they
continue to have this insatiable appetite for new tools and technologies uh and in terms of how we're working
with our product teams that same team inside atlassian has a second offering called our mock rfp
so we're big fans of our own tools shocker so often we'll you know do our best to
employ those tools where the use cases make sense and one of the services that that teams offers is actually providing a very
discreet output to our product teams to say hey you know we're looking at using say jira service management for this use
case we're gonna actually stack that up against our competitors and pretend like we're running an rfp against it
sometimes the outcome is pretty positive right you say okay cool our tool is absolutely going to work for that uh other times it is not
but when it's not we've got that product feedback loop to sort of share all those results with our product leadership our
product teams so they can start to close those gaps and make our products even more competitive in the market yeah
yeah we had to share we did it started with the premise this this company on company program it started
with the premise of if we weren't at lassie and i.t would we still choose atlassian products
and we developed a number of tools we wanted to look at a tool just agnostically like we would look at any
other vendor when we were making an assessment and we have a couple of tools the ways we do that the mock rfp is one of those
we use our our rfp our request for a proposal framework that we use for other vendors we use that against our own
tools sometimes we look at our tools and we decide we wouldn't actually use them
and then you have to go in front of the executive team and explain that but they you don't sleep the night before but
it's actually great data right we we're operating under the premise that if it doesn't work for an enterprise it like
us it's probably not working for enterprise i.t like you all and we want to make sure that our
products allow everyone to have an it team that runs awesome and so we're
making sure that we do that with our own products sometimes in use cases that
the product wasn't built for right and getting that feedback and then getting that feedback back to the product teams
in a structured way that they understand which is another thing that really helps the product our product operating model
allows us to have the same language as the product teams so when we're working with them we're talking to them and
using the tools and techniques that they use to build products for the company that we're using to
build inside corporate atlassian but we can get our requirements back into them quickly
so it's been a great opportunity for us to innovate in i.t and atlassians are passionate about their products and they
want us to be able to expand and so we can take those use cases to our teams across the company as well
okay awesome i just noticed the time and we want to leave some time for questions right we hit all of ours all
right if anybody has any questions for anybody here mostly these guys
i'm happy to have them answer you okay we have one here yeah we're getting a mic to you
thank you um i just have a question about uh product managers is uh could a single product manager in your guys's
environment manage multiple products or are they just assigned to a single product that they're managing
it's so i think the question you're asking is do we is it one product manager to one product exactly or is it
one product manager to multiple products exactly it can it depends on the product so we have some uh very complex
platforms that we're running that's going to take uh layers of product managers so we probably have a group product manager overseeing that senior
product managers that are overseeing a significant portion of that portfolio and then product managers that might run
a feature set um it's smaller whereas other products might be a lot simpler the portfolio might be simpler and they
can especially if it's just sas and they're mostly navigating with companies that they would have one product manager
to one product thank you
so in your product-based model how do you handle those services or products that are purely
service such as i.t support or hardware yeah that it's a great question
in fact this was a heated debate when we were going down this path in it
leadership it's amazing the stuff you can like spend hours talking about is what's a service versus a product
uh we even toyed with this really confusing concept of uh product services product of the services
product as a service um that really that failed to talk about failing fast that one didn't go very far
thank god so we do we did in the end decide um that we we do have a few what
we call shared services um but in general it's it's a few it's
an exception to the rule our business operations team would be one example sonny's team does provide a service um
on how he manages things they have a tool and portfolios to do that but it is a service that's provided to everyone
but mostly we are products even in the it
support that is a product right like someone's looking should we go from 14 service desks down
to one should we also build a single point of entry how is the knowledge base tying into these and we use confluence
for our knowledge base so who's thinking of the experience of the knowledge base and working with the confluence team on a roadmap where we might want to take
advantage of new features that are coming or influence the product through our company on company program it's really once you say
your service is a product you own a product a service is waiting
for someone to come and ask for something or give direction a product is someone who's motivated to get more
customers using their product and so it really helps we want to be more product based than where we are but we're not
going to force fit everything if it doesn't make total sense
hi um i was one of those few people that raised their hand when you asked her do you loathe it or love
it i said i looked oh nice shadow id that is so um a two-part question
um i raised my hand because the fact that shadow i.t means there's
not enough oversight or visibility from the i.t side so part one of my question is um are there
any recommendations as to as ita walls and more and more
systems are decentralized and people start managing things on their own is there any run book that you guys are
using that has helped you to ensure there is still that accountability and ownership with respect to security data
protection there are so many other areas that uh centralized iit and security teams do a little bit better in my
opinion today at least in in companies like splunk i'm from splunk by the way so um versus how
others do it that have been successful with it i hope this question is clear yeah so i think your question is i mean tools
there's proliferation of tools so how are we making sure that the tools that we do have visibility into those tools
are we using platforms are we using any detection and how are we managing those yeah more on the governance side as well
basically so if you don't run those systems at the same level of scrutiny that ite would usually do a matured id
organization would do how do you ensure that decentralized teams can still manage their systems with
enough oversight and governance is there a handbook or has a has there been some
good best practices that i've worked for at last seen in their data there has been some good but i'll answer a few and
then i think these guys probably have an opinion on this too also i will say that um
earlier today my team had a whole topic on this called peeling the sass onion that will be available as a recording if
you want to hear more they're the experts on it okay there's a lot more into this topic but it's a great question in that the tooling keeps come
up how do we get visibility how do we govern um things so we have a philosophy that if
you need it go buy it and but once you buy it doesn't mean we don't want visibility into it and so
when the purchases are made we do have a very lightweight governance that looks at the purchase and makes sure we have
some basic things in place and then once it's in-house we're mapping that application that we purchase to our
capability model and that's the product managers then can have visibility into everything that maps up to them
the tooling behind this and how we're trying to automate that so it's not a big owner it's governance process with a
lot of spreadsheets it's something that we're maturing right now and we have a number of tools in place to allow us to
do this but as you can imagine i mean 600 apps all the data fields and all the
information that can quickly get out of date so our goal is to using our own tools eventually get this automated so
it goes from purchase to understanding that it aligns to this portfolio for the product manager
i will add anecdotally again back to the product operating model my question as an i.t leader if i'm seeing
some it product manager's portfolio growing with apps that the business is purchasing is why
aren't you need to have a closer relationship with your business that you identify the gaps before they identify the gaps and
go buy something because that's the real problem that's going on there the it team isn't in front of the business
problem and helping work and identify the value before the business just gets frustrated and goes off and buys their
own thing anyway that's the culture side of it did anyone have anything else yeah i mean i'll just say there's not one solution or process that
fixes this entire problem it's an ecosystem of solutions and an ecosystem of processes that we employ and as jenna
mentioned we're still maturing our own practices around this yeah and
uh one specific area where we're actually putting a little bit more accountability on our it teams is through our solution architects
so i don't want you guys to think that just because it doesn't own it we don't care the solution architects do have
accountability over the entire portfolio of tools that align to that product some of which that may not be actually owned
by it because those products are still performing a function that that business needs so the solution architect needs to be
aware of that in terms of sort of stitching that broader context of say a marketing product or a sales i.t product
together to get that full picture and just oh actually let's take another question
i was going to just say there's the build component too right so if they're going to build it versus buy
it like everyone's talking about buying it but if you're going to build it provide the standard automation or whatever tooling that they
can use to create that technology and build the governance into the platform so then when that build gets deployed
it's automatically registered in compass the security scanning happens on all of the libraries you have a trust score and
everything gets automated and it's been done in the background real quick part b question um with
respect to innovation and keeping the lights on um oftentimes i've struggled with teams trying to do both and
not able to focus enough time on innovation i mean i love the idea of you know if you're spending 80 20 you know take 10 out of it and then focus on
innovation and automation right sounds good but in reality uh just switching hats to be able to support different
systems with the proliferation of the number of tools any it companies or any id organization has to support these
days it just has become more and more harder with same group of people trying to quickly be able to keep the lights on
and also do innovation do you have any recommendations on whether there's going to be separate dedicated teams that
would benefit from being able to innovate more quickly or so we had the separate team
but there are so many different domains and specialties in it now
so that team is very good at looking at you know the bigger trends and they look at you know things that are
down the second or third horizon like virtual reality and blockchain and potential use cases within atlassian but
there's still a lot of innovation to be had in say hr tech and sales tech and finance
technology and because they're doing it day in day out they will be able to come up with better
ways of working and better ideas for their particular domains and that's why we need to encourage that
decentralization of innovation thank you yeah um i think we're gonna get kicked out of
the room if i don't stop taking questions um but here is the qr code if you want to take a picture of that to our microsite where
we keep we've been publishing content it's a new microsite i think it's just been up for a few months but we're going to have more content coming out of there
as well as um hopefully some links to some of the presentations that were here this week for it but thank you so much
appreciate your time and great questions hope you have a great rest your day [Applause]
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