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Last active August 7, 2019 10:53
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import java.util.*;
class Solution{
public int solution(String S) {
List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Integer[]> dot = getLocations(S, ".");
List<Integer[]> question = getLocations(S, "?");
List<Integer[]> exclaimation = getLocations(S, "!");
int startIdx = 0;
startIdx = constructSentences(dot, S, startIdx, sentences);
startIdx = constructSentences(question, S, startIdx, sentences);
startIdx = constructSentences(exclaimation, S, startIdx, sentences);
if(startIdx < S.length()) {
sentences.add(S.substring(startIdx, S2.length()));
int maxCount = 0;
for(String s: sentences) {
String[] split = s.trim().split("\\s");
maxCount = Math.max(maxCount, split.length);
return maxCount;
public List<Integer[]> getLocations(String str, String substring){
List<Integer[]> locations = new ArrayList<Integer[]>();
int startIdx = 0;
while(startIdx < str.length()) {
int nextIdx = str.indexOf(substring, startIdx);
if(nextIdx != -1 ) {
locations.add(new Integer[] {nextIdx, nextIdx+ substring.length()});
startIdx = nextIdx +1;
} else {
return locations;
public int constructSentences(List<Integer[]> locations, String string, int startIdx, List<String> sentences) {
for(Integer[] location: locations) {
sentences.add(string.substring(startIdx, location[0]));
startIdx = location[1];
return startIdx;
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